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Enumeration Description
XblTitleStorageBlobType Defines values used to indicate title storage blob type.
XblTitleStorageETagMatchCondition Defines values used to indicate the ETag match condition used when downloading, uploading or deleting title storage data.
XblTitleStorageType Defines values used to indicate title storage type.


Function Description
XblTitleStorageBlobMetadataResultCloseHandle Closes the XblTitleStorageBlobMetadataResultHandle.
XblTitleStorageBlobMetadataResultDuplicateHandle Duplicates a XblTitleStorageBlobMetadataResultHandle.
XblTitleStorageBlobMetadataResultGetItems Get a list of XblTitleStorageBlobMetadata objects.
XblTitleStorageBlobMetadataResultGetNextAsync Retrieves the next page of XblTitleStorageBlobMetadata objects.
XblTitleStorageBlobMetadataResultGetNextResult Get the result for a completed XblTitleStorageBlobMetadataResultGetNextAsync operation.
XblTitleStorageBlobMetadataResultHasNext Checks if there are more pages of XblTitleStorageBlobMetadata to retrieve from the service.
XblTitleStorageDeleteBlobAsync Deletes a blob from title storage.
XblTitleStorageDownloadBlobAsync Downloads blob data from title storage.
XblTitleStorageDownloadBlobResult Get the result for a completed XblTitleStorageDownloadBlobAsync operation.
XblTitleStorageGetBlobMetadataAsync Gets a list of blob metadata objects under a given path for the specified service configuration, storage type and storage ID.
XblTitleStorageGetBlobMetadataResult Get the result for a completed XblTitleStorageGetBlobMetadataAsync operation.
XblTitleStorageGetQuotaAsync Gets title storage quota information for the specified service configuration and storage type.
XblTitleStorageGetQuotaResult Get the result for a completed XblTitleStorageGetQuotaAsync operation.
XblTitleStorageUploadBlobAsync Uploads blob data to title storage.
XblTitleStorageUploadBlobResult Get the result for a completed XblTitleStorageUploadBlobAsync operation.


Handle Description
XblTitleStorageBlobMetadataResultHandle A handle that represents metadata about blob data returned from the cloud.


Structure Description
XblTitleStorageBlobMetadata Metadata about a blob.