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Data Factory Connector Certification


This article describes the requirements and process to submit a Data Factory connector for certification. Read the entire article closely before starting the certification process.

Data source owners who develop a custom connector for their data source might want to distribute their custom connector more broadly to Data Factory users. Once a custom connector is created, used, and validated by end users, the data source owner can submit it for Microsoft certification.

Certifying a Data Factory connector makes the connector available publicly, out-of-box, Microsoft Fabric Data Factory and Microsoft Power BI in the following experiences:

  • Microsoft Fabric Dataflow Gen2
  • Microsoft Power BI Dataflow Gen1
  • Microsoft Power BI Datamart
  • Microsoft Power BI semantic model (in the Power BI Service)
  • Microsoft Power BI Desktop
  • On-premises data gateway for Microsoft Fabric and Microsoft Power BI

Certified connectors are:

  • Maintained by the partner developer

  • Supported by the partner developer

  • Certified by Microsoft

  • Distributed by Microsoft

We work with partners to try to make sure that they have support in maintenance, but customer issues with the connector itself are directed to the partner developer.


Today you can leverage the Power Query SDK to create a connector that can be certified through the Data Factory connector certification program. Head over to the Power Query SDK overview to learn more about this tool.

Certification Overview


To ensure the best experience for our customers, we only consider connectors that meet a set of prerequisites for certification:

  • The connector must be for a public product.

  • The connector must be considered code-complete for an initial release version. The program allows for frequent iterations and updates. Microsoft doesn't offer technical assistance or custom connector development consulting. We recommend using public resources such as our SDK documentation and samples repository. If you require further assistance, we can share a list of known 3rd-party industry custom connector development consultants that you might want to engage directly, separate from any Microsoft program or partnership. Microsoft isn't affiliated with any of these consultants and isn't responsible for your use of their services. Microsoft provides the list for your convenience and without any assurances, recommendations, or guarantees. To learn more, reach out to your Microsoft certification contact.

  • The developer must provide an estimate for current and future usage.

  • The connector must be already made available to customers directly to fulfill a user need or business scenario. This criteria can be fulfilled using a Private Preview program by distributing the completed connector directly to end users and organizations. We suggest that developers of connectors to use a self-distribution mechanism and run internal testing of their own connectors to iterate over their connectors under a controlled group. Each user or organization should be able to provide feedback and validation that there's a business need for the connector and that the connector is working successfully to fulfill their business requirements.

  • The connector must be working successfully at an anticipated level of usage by customers.

  • There must be a thread in the Fabric Ideas forum driven by customers to indicate demand to make the connector publicly available in Data Factory and / or Power BI. There's no set threshold of engagement. However the more engagement, the stronger the evidenced demand for the connector.

These prerequisites exist to ensure that connectors undergoing certification have significant customer and business need to be used to and supported post-certification.

Process and Timelines

Certified connectors are released with monthly Power BI Desktop releases, so the deadlines for each release work back from each Power BI Desktop release date. The expected duration of the certification process from registration to release varies depending on the quality and complexity of the connector submission. Microsoft doesn't provide any specific timeline guarantees regarding any connector review and approval. The hard deadlines for each connector review are outlined in the following steps, but Microsoft doesn't guarantee adherence to these timelines.

  • Registration: notification of intent to certify your custom connector. This registration must occur by the 15th of the month, two months before the targeted Power BI desktop release.

    • For example, for the April Power BI Desktop release, the deadline would be February 15.
  • Submission: submission of connector files for Microsoft review. This submission must occur by the first of the month before the targeted Power BI desktop release.

    • For example, for the April Power BI Desktop release, the deadline would be March 1.
  • Technical Review: finalization of the connector files, passing Microsoft review and certification. This review must occur by the 15th of the month before the targeted Power BI Desktop release.

    • For example, for the April Power BI Desktop release, the deadline would be March 15.

Due to the complexity of the technical reviews and potential delays, rearchitecture, and testing issues, we highly recommend submitting early with a long lead time for the initial release and certification.

Certification Requirements

We have a certain set of requirements for certification. We recognize that not every developer can meet these requirements, and we're hoping to introduce a feature set that will handle developer needs in short order.

Submission Files (Artifacts)

Ensure the following connector files are included in your submission:

  • Connector (.mez) file

    • The .mez file should follow style standards and be named similarly to the product or service name. It shouldn't include words like "Fabric", "Power BI", "Connector", or "API".
    • Name the .mez file: ProductName.mez
  • Power BI Desktop (.pbix) file for testing

    • We require a sample Power BI report (.pbix) to test your connector with.
    • The report should include at least one query to test each item in your navigation table.
    • If there's no set schema (for example, databases), the report needs to include a query for each "type" of table that the connector might handle.
  • Test account to your data source

    • We use the test account to test and troubleshoot your connector.
    • Provide a test account that is persistent, so we can use the same account to certify any future updates.
  • Testing instructions

    • Provide any documentation on how to use the connector and test its functionality.
  • Links to external dependencies (for example, ODBC drivers)

Features and Style

The connector must follow a set of feature and style rules to meet a usability standard consistent with other certified connectors.

  • The connector MUST:

    • Use Section document format.
    • Contain a version header/adornment above the section document.
    • Provide function documentation metadata.
    • Have TestConnection handler.
    • Follow naming conventions (for example, DataSourceKind.FunctionName). It shouldn't include words like "Fabric", "Power BI", "Connector", or "API".
    • Return data in tabular format, organized into tables with columns, as for a relational data source. Multidimensional formats based on cubes, dimensions, and measures aren't supported.
    • Behave the same in Import and DirectQuery mode, returning identical results.
    • Have the Beta flag set to True on initial release.
  • The FunctionName should make sense for the domain (for example "Contents", "Tables", "Document", "Databases", and so on).

  • The connector SHOULD:

    • Have icons.
    • Provide a navigation table.
    • Place strings in a resources.resx file. URLs and values should be hardcoded in the connector code and not be placed in the resources.resx file.


There are specific security considerations that your connector must handle.

  • If Extension.CurrentCredentials() is used:

    • Is the usage required? If so, where do the credentials get sent to?
    • Are the requests guaranteed to be made through HTTPS?
    • If the credentials are sent using Web.Contents() via GET:
      • Can it be turned into a POST?
      • If GET is required, the connector MUST use the CredentialQueryString record in the Web.Contents() options record to pass in sensitive credentials.
  • If Diagnostics.* functions are used:

    • Validate what is being traced; data must not contain PII or large amounts of unnecessary data.
    • If you implemented significant tracing in development, you should implement a variable or feature flag that determines if tracing should be on. This tracing must be turned off prior to submitting for certification.
  • If Expression.Evaluate() is used:

    • Validate where the expression is coming from and what it is (that is, can dynamically construct calls to Extension.CurrentCredentials(), and so on).
    • The Expression shouldn't be user provided nor take user input.
    • The Expression shouldn't be dynamic (that is, retrieved from a web call).

Registering for Certification

If you're interested in pursuing certification of your custom connector, ensure that your scenario and connector meet the prerequisites and requirements outlined in this article. Failure to do so will cause delays in certification as our team requires you to fix any issues or inconsistencies prior to moving forward with certification.

Ensure that your connector is code complete and has been tested in both authoring in Power BI Desktop, and refreshing and consumption in Power BI service. Ensure you have tested full end-to-end refresh in Power BI Service by using an on-premises data gateway.

To get started, complete our registration form, and a Microsoft contact will reach out to begin the process.

After Certification

After your connector is certified and released through Microsoft Fabric and Microsoft Power BI experiences, there are a few things that you should do to ensure you can correctly use the production-deployed publicly available certified connector.

  • You and end users should use the certified connector version included in environments prior to certification (such as Power BI Desktop and the Data Gateway) and remove any existing .mez or .pqx files (custom connectors) used prior to certification. Failure to do so might result in your testing custom connector being used by Power Query inadvertently instead of the newly certified connector.
  • Custom connectors should only be used to test new versions of the connector.
  • When working with end users and customers, ensure that they understand the custom connector version used in testing prior to certification should be removed after testing is complete and the new certified connector version is available.