Dieser Abschnitt enthält die Hilfethemen für die Cmdlets "Service Provider Foundation". Hosteradministratoren können diese Cmdlets verwenden, um Mandanten, ihre Ressourcen und ihre anspruchsbasierte Authentifizierung zu erstellen und zu verwalten.
Informationen zum Programm der Service Provider Foundation finden Sie im Service Provider Foundation SDK.
Get-SCSPFConnectionString |
Gets the connection string for the database used by the Service Provider Foundation service. |
Get-SCSPFEventRegistration |
Gets the event used to automate runbooks. |
Get-SCSPFExtensibleEventHandler |
Gets the configuration of a runbook in Orchestrator. |
Get-SCSPFServer |
Gets a server object. |
Get-SCSPFSetting |
Gets a setting for a database connection or for a portal endpoint. |
Get-SCSPFStamp |
Gets one or more stamp objects. |
Get-SCSPFTenant |
Gets one or more tenant objects. |
Get-SCSPFTenantUserRole |
Gets one or more tenant user roles. |
Get-SCSPFTrustedIssuer |
Gets one or more trusted issuer objects. |
Get-SCSPFVMRoleGalleryItem |
Gets a gallery item. |
Get-SCSPFVMRoleGalleryItemIcon |
Gets the icon associated with a gallery item. |
Get-SCSPFVMRoleGalleryItemPackage |
Gets the package that created an item in the gallery. |
Import-SCSpfVMRoleGalleryItem |
Imports a gallery item for use by applications hosted on the Azure portal. |
Adds a new event for ETW logging. Internal use only. |
New-SCSPFServer |
Adds a server to the Service Provider Foundation database. |
New-SCSPFSetting |
Creates a new setting for a database connection or a portal endpoint. |
New-SCSPFStamp |
Creates a stamp for a server or an instance of a System Center component. |
New-SCSPFTenant |
Creates a new tenant for a hoster. |
New-SCSPFTenantUserRole |
Creates an association between a tenant and one or more self-service user roles. |
New-SCSPFTrustedIssuer |
Creates a trusted issuer for claims-based authentication. |
Remove-SCSPFServer |
Removes one or more server objects. |
Remove-SCSPFSetting |
Removes a setting from a database or a portal endpoint. |
Remove-SCSPFStamp |
Removes one or more stamps. |
Remove-SCSPFTenant |
Removes one or more tenant objects. |
Remove-SCSPFTenantUserRole |
Removes one or more tenant user roles. |
Remove-SCSPFTrustedIssuer |
Removes one or more trusted issuer objects. |
Remove-SCSPFVMRoleGalleryItem |
Removes an item from the gallery. |
Set-SCSPFConnectionString |
Sets the connection string to the database used by the Service Provider Foundation service. |
Set-SCSPFEventRegistration |
Sets a Service Management Automation event to automate a runbook. |
Set-SCSPFExtensibleEventHandler |
Sets an extensible event handler in Service Provider Foundation. |
Set-SCSPFServer |
Associates a server with one or more stamps. |
Set-SCSPFStamp |
Associates a stamp with offers, servers, and tenants. |
Set-SCSpfTelemetry |
Sets telemetry. |
Set-SCSPFTenant |
Sets resources and data for a tenant. |
Set-SCSPFVMRoleGalleryItem |
Sets the publishing status of an item in the gallery. |
Start-SCOrchestratorRunbook |
Starts a runbook in Service Provider Foundation. |