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Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022

This topic lists the Windows PowerShell modules included with Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11. The Windows PowerShell modules in the list support automating the features of those versions of the Windows operating system and provide links to the cmdlet references for each module. These modules enable you to use Windows PowerShell to administer, maintain, configure, and develop new features for Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11.

The table below also shows the latest published version of the Help for each module. The Help is available through the links below, or as Updatable Help files. Updatable Help was introduced with Windows PowerShell 3.0 and enables you to have the latest Help topics available locally on your computer. For more information, see about_Updatable_Help.

Module name Title and link to Web version
ActiveDirectory Active Directory Domain Services Administration
ADCSAdministration Active Directory Certificate Services Administration
ADCSDeployment Active Directory Certificate Services Deployment
ADDSDeployment Active Directory Domain Services Deployment
ADFS Active Directory Federation Services
ADRMSAdmin Active Directory Rights Management Services Administration
ADRMS Active Directory Rights Management Services Deployment
AppBackgroundTask App Background Task
AppLocker AppLocker
AppvClient App-V Client
AppvSequencer App-V Sequencer
Appx Appx
AssignedAccess Assigned Access
BestPractices Best Practices Analyser
BitLocker BitLocker
BitsTransfer Background Intelligent Transfer Service
BootEventCollector Boot Event Collector
BranchCache Branch Cache
ClusterAwareUpdating Cluster Aware Updating
ConfigCI Code Integrity
DcbQos Data Center Bridging Quality of Service
Deduplication Data Deduplication
Defender Windows Defender
DeviceHealthAttestion Device Health Attestation
Dfsn Distributed File System (DFS) Namespaces
Dfsr DFS Replication
DHCPServer DHCP Server
DirectAccessClientComponent Direct Access client
DNSClient DNS client
DNSServer DNS Server
EventTracingManagement EventTracingManagement
FailoverClusters Failover clusters
FileServerResourceManager File Server Resource Manager
GroupPolicy Group Policy
HardwareCertification Hardware Certification
HgsAttestation Host Guardian Service Attestation
HgsClient Host Guardian Service Client
HgsDiagnostics Host Guardian Service Diagnostics
HgsKeyProtection Host Guardian Service Key Protection
HgsServer Host Guardian Service Server
HostComputeService Containers
HNVDiagnostics HNV Diagnostics
Hyper-V Hyper-V
IISAdministration IIS Administration
International International
IpamServer IP Address Management Server
Iscsi iSCSI
IscsiTarget iSCSI Target
KDS Key Distribution Server
MMAgent Memory Management Agent
MSDTC Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Multipoint MultiPoint Services
MultiPointVdi Multipoint VDI
NanoServerImageGenerator Nano Server Image Generator
NetLldpAgent NetLldpAgent
NetAdapter Network Adapter
NetConnection Network connection
NetEventPacketCapture Network Event Packet Capture
NetLbfo NIC Teaming
NetNat Network Address Translation
NetQoS Quality of Service
NetSecurity Network security
NetWNV Network Virtualization
NetworkConnectivityStatus Network connectivity status
NetworkController Network Controller
NetworkControllerDiagnostics Network Controller diagnostics
NetworkLoadBalancingClusters Network Load Balancing Clusters
NetworkSwitchManager Network Switch Manager
NetSwitchTeam Network Switch Team
NetworkTransition Network Transition
NFS Network File System
NPS Network Policy Server
PCSVDevice Physical Computer System View device
PKIClient Public Key Infrastructure
PlatformIdentifier Platform Identifier
PnpDevice Plug and Play
PrintManagement Print management
ProcessMitigations Process Mitigations
RemoteAccess Remote access
RemoteDesktop Remote Desktop
RemoteDesktopServices Remote Desktop Services
ScheduledTasks Scheduled Tasks
SecureBoot Secure Boot
ServerCore Server Core
ServerManager Server Manager
ServerManagerTasks Server Manager tasks
ShieldedVMDataFile Shielded Virtual Machine data file
ShieldedVMProvisioning Shielded Virtual Machine provisioning
ShieldedVMTemplate Shielded Virtual Machine template
SmbShare SmbShare share
SmbWitness SMB Witness
SMISConfig SMIS Config
SoftwareInventoryLogging Software Inventory Logging
StartLayout Start Layout
Storage Storage
StorageQoS Storage QoS
StorageReplica Storage Replica
SyncShare Sync Share
TroubleshootingPack Troubleshooting Pack
TrustedPlatformModule Trusted Platform Module
UpdateServices Windows Server Update Services
UserAccessLogging User Access Logging
UEV User Experience Virtualization
VAMT Volume Activation Management Tool
VpnClient VPN client
WDAC Windows Data Access Components
WebAdministration Web Administration
WebApplicationProxy Web Application Proxy
WDS Windows Deployment Services
WHEA Windows Hardware Error Architecture
WindowsDevLic Windows Developer License
WindowsErrorReporting Windows Error Reporting
WindowsSearch Windows Search
WindowsServerBackup Windows Server Backup
WindowsUpdate Windows Update

You can also find these modules by searching the PowerShell Module Browser.