Gibt Flags an, die die Bindung und das Verfahren steuern, mit dem die Suche nach Membern und Typen mithilfe von Reflektion durchgeführt wird.
Diese Enumeration verfügt über ein FlagsAttribute -Attribut, das die bitweise Kombination der Memberwerte zulässt.
Namespace: System.Reflection
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)
<SerializableAttribute> _
<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration BindingFlags
Dim instance As BindingFlags
public enum BindingFlags
public enum class BindingFlags
/** @attribute SerializableAttribute() */
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */
/** @attribute FlagsAttribute() */
public enum BindingFlags
public enum BindingFlags
Membername | Beschreibung | |
CreateInstance | Gibt an, dass eine Instanz des angegebenen Typs durch Reflektion erstellt werden soll. Ruft den Konstruktor auf, der den angegebenen Argumenten entspricht. Der angegebene Membername wird nicht berücksichtigt. Wenn die Art der Suche nicht angegeben ist, gilt (Instance | Public). Es ist nicht möglich, eine Typeninitialisierung aufzurufen. | |
DeclaredOnly | Gibt an, dass nur Member berücksichtigt werden sollen, die auf der Hierarchieebene des angegebenen Typs deklariert wurden. Vererbte Member werden nicht berücksichtigt. | |
Default | Gibt kein Bindungsflag an. | |
ExactBinding | Gibt an, dass die Typen der angegebenen Argumente mit den Typen der entsprechenden formalen Parameter genau übereinstimmen müssen. Bei der Reflektion wird eine Ausnahme ausgelöst, wenn der Aufrufer ein Binder-Objekt bereitstellt, das nicht NULL ist, denn dies setzt voraus, dass der Aufrufer BindToXXX-Implementierungen angibt, mit denen die entsprechende Methode ausgewählt wird.
Die Reflektion bestimmt die Zugriffsregeln des allgemeinen Typsystems. Wenn sich der Aufrufer z. B. in derselben Assembly befindet, sind keine gesonderten Berechtigungen für interne Member erforderlich. Andernfalls benötigt der Aufrufer ReflectionPermission. Dies entspricht der Suche nach Membern, die geschützt, privat usw. sind. Im Allgemeinen gilt, dass ChangeType nur Erweiterungsumwandlungen durchführen sollte, da bei diesen niemals Daten verloren gehen. Ein Beispiel für eine Erweiterungsumwandlung ist eine Umwandlung einer 32-Bit-Ganzzahl mit Vorzeichen in eine 64-Bit-Ganzzahl mit Vorzeichen. Im Gegensatz dazu können bei einer Eingrenzungsumwandlung Datenverluste auftreten. Ein Beispiel für eine Eingrenzungsumwandlung ist die Umwandlung einer 64-Bit-Ganzzahl mit Vorzeichen in eine 32-Bit-Ganzzahl mit Vorzeichen. Der Standardbinder ignoriert dieses Flag, während benutzerdefinierte Binder die Semantik dieses Flags implementieren können. |
FlattenHierarchy | Gibt an, dass öffentliche und geschützte statische Member, die sich in der Hierarchie höher befinden, zurückgegeben werden sollen. Private statische Member in geerbten Klassen werden nicht zurückgegeben. Statische Member sind u. a. Felder, Methoden, Ereignisse und Eigenschaften. Geschachtelte Typen werden nicht zurückgegeben. | |
GetField | Gibt an, dass der Wert des angegebenen Felds zurückgegeben werden soll. | |
GetProperty | Gibt an, dass der Wert der angegebenen Eigenschaft zurückgegeben werden soll. | |
IgnoreCase | Gibt an, dass bei der Bindung die Groß- und Kleinschreibung des Membernamens nicht berücksichtigt werden soll. | |
IgnoreReturn | Wird in COM-Interop verwendet, um anzugeben, dass der Rückgabewert des Members ignoriert werden kann. | |
Instance | Gibt an, dass Instanzmember in die Suche einzubeziehen sind. | |
InvokeMethod | Gibt an, dass eine Methode aufgerufen werden soll. Hierbei darf es sich weder um einen Konstruktor noch um eine Typeninitialisierung handeln. | |
NonPublic | Gibt an, dass nicht öffentliche Member in die Suche einzubeziehen sind. | |
OptionalParamBinding | Gibt die Gruppe von Membern zurück, deren Parameteranzahl mit der Anzahl bereitgestellter Argumente übereinstimmt. Dieses Bindungsflag wird für Methoden mit Parametern, die Standardwerte besitzen, verwendet wie auch für Methoden mit variablen Argumenten (varargs). Verwenden Sie dieses Flag nur mit Type.InvokeMember.
Parameter mit Standardwerten werden nur bei Aufrufen verwendet, bei denen nachgestellte Argumente ausgelassen werden. Dies müssen die letzten Argumente sein. |
Public | Gibt an, dass öffentliche Member in die Suche einzubeziehen sind. | |
PutDispProperty | Gibt an, dass der PROPPUT-Member für ein COM-Objekt aufgerufen werden soll. PROPPUT gibt eine Funktion an, die Eigenschaften festlegt und einen Wert verwendet. Verwenden Sie PutDispProperty, wenn eine Eigenschaft sowohl über PROPPUT als auch über PROPPUTREF verfügt und Sie unterscheiden müssen, welches dieser beiden aufgerufen wird. | |
PutRefDispProperty | Gibt an, dass der PROPPUTREF-Member für ein COM-Objekt aufgerufen werden soll. PROPPUTREF gibt eine Funktion an, die Eigenschaften festlegt und einen Verweis statt eines Werts verwendet. Verwenden Sie PutRefDispProperty, wenn eine Eigenschaft sowohl über PROPPUT als auch über PROPPUTREF verfügt und Sie unterscheiden müssen, welches dieser beiden aufgerufen wird. | |
SetField | Gibt an, dass der Wert des angegebenen Felds festgelegt werden muss. | |
SetProperty | Gibt an, dass der Wert der angegebenen Eigenschaft festgelegt werden muss. Bei COM-Eigenschaften entspricht die Angabe dieses Bindungsflags der Angabe von PutDispProperty und PutRefDispProperty. | |
Static | Gibt an, dass statische Member in die Suche einzubeziehen sind. | |
SuppressChangeType | Nicht implementiert. |
Diese BindingFlags steuern das Binden einer großen Anzahl von Klassen im System-Namespace, System.Reflection-Namespace und System.Runtime-Namespace, mit denen Member und Typen aufgerufen, erstellt, festgelegt und gesucht werden.
BindingFlags werden in den folgenden Type-Methoden und in anderen Bereichen, z. B. bei MethodBase.Invoke, verwendet:
InvokeMember und GetMethod sind besonders wichtig.
Die Bindungsflags können danach unterschieden werden, wie sie einen Typmember angeben, wie in der folgenden Tabelle dargestellt.
Nach Zugriff |
Nach Bindungsargument |
Nach Vorgang |
Sie müssen Instance oder Static zusammen mit Public oder NonPublic angeben. Andernfalls werden keine Member zurückgegeben.
In der folgenden Tabelle werden die von der Standard-Binder.ChangeType durchgeführten Umwandlungen aufgelistet. Diese Tabelle gilt insbesondere für das ExactBinding-Bindungsflag.
Quelltyp |
Zieltyp |
Beliebiger Typ |
Der entsprechende Basistyp. |
Beliebiger Typ |
Die implementierte Schnittstelle. |
Char |
UInt16, UInt32, Int32, UInt64, Int64, Single, Double |
Byte |
Char, UInt16, Int16, UInt32, Int32, UInt64, Int64, Single, Double |
SByte |
Int16, Int32, Int64, Single, Double |
UInt16 |
UInt32, Int32, UInt64, Int64, Single, Double |
Int16 |
Int32, Int64, Single, Double |
UInt32 |
UInt64, Int64, Single, Double |
Int32 |
Int64, Single, Double |
UInt64 |
Single, Double |
Int64 |
Single, Double |
Single |
Double |
Ohne Verweis |
Als Verweis. |
Das folgende Beispiel veranschaulicht die einzelnen Bindungsflags.
Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.IO
Class EntryPoint
Overloads Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
End Sub 'Main
End Class 'EntryPoint
Class Invoke
Public Shared Sub Go()
' BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
' Call a static method.
Dim t As Type = GetType(TestClass)
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a static method.")
t.InvokeMember("SayHello", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, Nothing, New Object() {})
' BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
' Call an instance method.
Dim c As New TestClass()
Console.WriteLine("Invoking an instance method.")
c.GetType().InvokeMember("AddUp", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, c, New Object() {})
c.GetType().InvokeMember("AddUp", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, c, New Object() {})
' BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
' Call a method with parameters.
Dim args() As Object = {100.09, 184.45}
Dim result As Object
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a method with parameters.")
result = t.InvokeMember("ComputeSum", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, Nothing, args)
Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", args(0), args(1), result)
' BindingFlags.GetField, SetField
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a field (getting and setting.)")
' Get a field value.
result = t.InvokeMember("Name", BindingFlags.GetField, Nothing, c, New Object() {})
Console.WriteLine("Name == {0}", result)
' Set a field.
t.InvokeMember("Name", BindingFlags.SetField, Nothing, c, New Object() {"NewName"})
result = t.InvokeMember("Name", BindingFlags.GetField, Nothing, c, New Object() {})
Console.WriteLine("Name == {0}", result)
Console.WriteLine("Invoking an indexed property (getting and setting.)")
' BindingFlags.GetProperty
' Get an indexed property value.
Dim index As Integer = 3
result = t.InvokeMember("Item", BindingFlags.GetProperty, Nothing, c, New Object() {index})
Console.WriteLine("Item[{0}] == {1}", index, result)
' BindingFlags.SetProperty
' Set an indexed property value.
index = 3
t.InvokeMember("Item", BindingFlags.SetProperty, Nothing, c, New Object() {index, "NewValue"})
result = t.InvokeMember("Item", BindingFlags.GetProperty, Nothing, c, New Object() {index})
Console.WriteLine("Item[{0}] == {1}", index, result)
Console.WriteLine("Getting a field or property.")
' BindingFlags.GetField
' Get a field or property.
result = t.InvokeMember("Name", BindingFlags.GetField Or BindingFlags.GetProperty, Nothing, c, New Object() {})
Console.WriteLine("Name == {0}", result)
' BindingFlags.GetProperty
result = t.InvokeMember("Value", BindingFlags.GetField Or BindingFlags.GetProperty, Nothing, c, New Object() {})
Console.WriteLine("Value == {0}", result)
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a method with named parameters.")
' BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
' Call a method using named parameters.
Dim argValues() As Object = {"Mouse", "Micky"}
Dim argNames() As [String] = {"lastName", "firstName"}
t.InvokeMember("PrintName", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, Nothing, argValues, Nothing, Nothing, argNames)
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a default member of a type.")
' BindingFlags.Default
' Call the default member of a type.
Dim t3 As Type = GetType(TestClass2)
t3.InvokeMember("", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod Or BindingFlags.Default, Nothing, New TestClass2(), New Object() {})
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a method by reference.")
' BindingFlags.Static, NonPublic, and Public
' Invoking a member by reference.
Dim m As MethodInfo = t.GetMethod("Swap")
args = New Object(1) {}
args(0) = 1
args(1) = 2
m.Invoke(New TestClass(), args)
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", args(0), args(1))
' The string is case-sensitive.
Dim type As Type = type.GetType("System.String")
' Check to see if the value is valid. If the object is null, the type does not exist.
If type Is Nothing Then
Console.WriteLine("Please ensure that you specify only valid types in the type field.")
Console.WriteLine("The type name is case-sensitive.")
End If
' Declare and populate the arrays to hold the information.
' You must declare either NonPublic or Public with Static or the search will not work.
Dim fi As FieldInfo() = type.GetFields((BindingFlags.Static Or BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Public))
' BindingFlags.NonPublic
Dim miNonPublic As MethodInfo() = type.GetMethods((BindingFlags.Static Or BindingFlags.NonPublic))
' BindingFlags.Public
Dim miPublic As MethodInfo() = type.GetMethods((BindingFlags.Static Or BindingFlags.Public))
' Iterate through all the nonpublic methods.
Dim method As MethodInfo
For Each method In miNonPublic
Next method
' Iterate through all the public methods.
For Each method In miPublic
Next method
' Iterate through all the fields.
Dim f As FieldInfo
For Each f In fi
Next f
' Call an instance method.
Dim tc As New TestClass()
Console.WriteLine("Invoking an Instance method.")
tc.GetType().InvokeMember("AddUp", BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.CreateInstance, Nothing, tc, New Object() {})
' BindingFlags.CreateInstance
' Calling and creating an instance method.
Console.WriteLine("Invoking and creating an instance method.")
tc.GetType().InvokeMember("AddUp", BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.CreateInstance, Nothing, tc, New Object() {})
' BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly
Dim tc2 As New TestClass()
Console.WriteLine("DeclaredOnly members")
Dim memInfo As System.Reflection.MemberInfo() = tc2.GetType().GetMembers(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To memInfo.Length - 1
Next i
' BindingFlags.SuppressChangeType
Dim obj As New TestClass()
Console.WriteLine("Invoking static method - PrintName")
Dim methInfo As System.Reflection.MethodInfo = obj.GetType().GetMethod("PrintName")
methInfo.Invoke(obj, BindingFlags.SuppressChangeType Or BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, New Object() {"Brad", "Smith"}, Nothing)
' BindingFlags.IgnoreCase
Console.WriteLine("Using IgnoreCase and invoking the PrintName method.")
methInfo = obj.GetType().GetMethod("PrintName")
methInfo.Invoke(obj, BindingFlags.IgnoreCase Or BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, New Object() {"brad", "smith"}, Nothing)
' BindingFlags.IgnoreReturn
Console.WriteLine("Using IgnoreReturn and invoking the PrintName method.")
methInfo = obj.GetType().GetMethod("PrintName")
methInfo.Invoke(obj, BindingFlags.IgnoreReturn Or BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, New Object() {"Brad", "Smith"}, Nothing)
' BindingFlags.OptionalParamBinding
Console.WriteLine("Using OptionalParamBinding and invoking the PrintName method.")
methInfo = obj.GetType().GetMethod("PrintName")
methInfo.Invoke(obj, BindingFlags.OptionalParamBinding Or BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, New Object() {"Brad", "Smith"}, Nothing)
' BindingFlags.ExactBinding
Console.WriteLine("Using ExactBinding and invoking the PrintName method.")
methInfo = obj.GetType().GetMethod("PrintName")
methInfo.Invoke(obj, BindingFlags.ExactBinding Or BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, New Object() {"Brad", "Smith"}, Nothing)
' BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy
Console.WriteLine("Using FlattenHierarchy and invoking the PrintName method.")
methInfo = obj.GetType().GetMethod("PrintName")
methInfo.Invoke(obj, BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy Or BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Nothing, New Object() {"Brad", "Smith"}, Nothing)
End Sub 'Go
End Class 'Invoke
Public Class TestClass
Public Name As [String]
Private values() As [Object] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
Default Public Property Item(ByVal index As Integer) As [Object]
Return values(index)
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As [Object])
values(index) = Value
End Set
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Value() As [Object]
Return "the value"
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New()
Name = "initialName"
End Sub 'New
Private methodCalled As Integer = 0
Public Shared Sub SayHello()
End Sub 'SayHello
Public Sub AddUp()
methodCalled += 1
Console.WriteLine("AddUp Called {0} times", methodCalled)
End Sub 'AddUp
Public Shared Function ComputeSum(ByVal d1 As Double, ByVal d2 As Double) As Double
Return d1 + d2
End Function 'ComputeSum
Public Shared Sub PrintName(ByVal firstName As [String], ByVal lastName As [String])
Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", lastName, firstName)
End Sub 'PrintName
Public Sub PrintTime()
End Sub 'PrintTime
Public Sub Swap(ByRef a As Integer, ByRef b As Integer)
Dim x As Integer = a
a = b
b = x
End Sub 'Swap
End Class 'TestClass
<DefaultMemberAttribute("PrintTime")> _
Public Class TestClass2
Public Sub PrintTime()
End Sub 'PrintTime
End Class 'TestClass2
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.IO;
namespace BindingFlagsSnippet
class EntryPoint
static void Main(string[] args)
class Invoke
public static void Go()
// BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
// Call a static method.
Type t = typeof (TestClass);
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a static method.");
t.InvokeMember ("SayHello", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, new object [] {});
// BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
// Call an instance method.
TestClass c = new TestClass ();
Console.WriteLine("Invoking an instance method.");
c.GetType().InvokeMember ("AddUp", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, c, new object [] {});
c.GetType().InvokeMember ("AddUp", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, c, new object [] {});
// BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
// Call a method with parameters.
object [] args = new object [] {100.09, 184.45};
object result;
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a method with parameters.");
result = t.InvokeMember ("ComputeSum", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, args);
Console.WriteLine ("{0} + {1} = {2}", args[0], args[1], result);
// BindingFlags.GetField, SetField
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a field (getting and setting.)");
// Get a field value.
result = t.InvokeMember ("Name", BindingFlags.GetField, null, c, new object [] {});
Console.WriteLine ("Name == {0}", result);
// Set a field.
t.InvokeMember ("Name", BindingFlags.SetField, null, c, new object [] {"NewName"});
result = t.InvokeMember ("Name", BindingFlags.GetField, null, c, new object [] {});
Console.WriteLine ("Name == {0}", result);
Console.WriteLine("Invoking an indexed property (getting and setting.)");
// BindingFlags.GetProperty
// Get an indexed property value.
int index = 3;
result = t.InvokeMember ("Item", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, c, new object [] {index});
Console.WriteLine ("Item[{0}] == {1}", index, result);
// BindingFlags.SetProperty
// Set an indexed property value.
index = 3;
t.InvokeMember ("Item", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, c, new object [] {index, "NewValue"});
result = t.InvokeMember ("Item", BindingFlags.GetProperty , null, c, new object [] {index});
Console.WriteLine ("Item[{0}] == {1}", index, result);
Console.WriteLine("Getting a field or property.");
// BindingFlags.GetField
// Get a field or property.
result = t.InvokeMember ("Name", BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, c, new object [] {});
Console.WriteLine ("Name == {0}", result);
// BindingFlags.GetProperty
result = t.InvokeMember ("Value", BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, c, new object [] {});
Console.WriteLine ("Value == {0}", result);
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a method with named parameters.");
// BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
// Call a method using named parameters.
object[] argValues = new object [] {"Mouse", "Micky"};
String [] argNames = new String [] {"lastName", "firstName"};
t.InvokeMember ("PrintName", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, argValues, null, null, argNames);
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a default member of a type.");
// BindingFlags.Default
// Call the default member of a type.
Type t3 = typeof (TestClass2);
t3.InvokeMember ("", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Default, null, new TestClass2(), new object [] {});
// BindingFlags.Static, NonPublic, and Public
// Invoking a member by reference.
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a method by reference.");
MethodInfo m = t.GetMethod("Swap");
args = new object[2];
args[0] = 1;
args[1] = 2;
m.Invoke(new TestClass(),args);
Console.WriteLine ("{0}, {1}", args[0], args[1]);
// The string is case-sensitive.
Type type = Type.GetType("System.String");
// Check to see if the value is valid. If the object is null, the type does not exist.
if (type == null)
Console.WriteLine("Please ensure that you specify only valid types in the type field.");
Console.WriteLine("The type name is case-sensitive.");
// Declare and populate the arrays to hold the information.
// You must declare either NonPublic or Public with Static or the search will not work.
FieldInfo [] fi = type.GetFields (BindingFlags.Static |
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);
// BindingFlags.NonPublic
MethodInfo [] miNonPublic = type.GetMethods (BindingFlags.Static |
// BindingFlags.Public
MethodInfo [] miPublic = type.GetMethods (BindingFlags.Static |
// Iterate through all the nonpublic methods.
foreach (MethodInfo method in miNonPublic)
// Iterate through all the public methods.
foreach (MethodInfo method in miPublic)
// Iterate through all the fields.
foreach (FieldInfo f in fi)
// BindingFlags.Instance
// Call an instance method.
TestClass tc = new TestClass ();
Console.WriteLine("Invoking an Instance method.");
tc.GetType().InvokeMember ("AddUp", BindingFlags.Public |
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.CreateInstance,
null, tc, new object [] {});
// BindingFlags.CreateInstance
// Calling and creating an instance method.
Console.WriteLine("Invoking and creating an instance method.");
tc.GetType().InvokeMember ("AddUp", BindingFlags.Public |
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.CreateInstance,
null, tc, new object [] {});
// BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly
TestClass tc2 = new TestClass();
Console.WriteLine("DeclaredOnly members");
System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] memInfo =
for(int i=0;i<memInfo.Length;i++)
// BindingFlags.SuppressChangeType
TestClass obj = new TestClass();
Console.WriteLine("Invoking static method - PrintName");
System.Reflection.MethodInfo methInfo =
methInfo.Invoke(obj,BindingFlags.SuppressChangeType |
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,new object[]
// BindingFlags.IgnoreCase
Console.WriteLine("Using IgnoreCase and invoking the PrintName method.");
methInfo = obj.GetType().GetMethod("PrintName");
methInfo.Invoke(obj,BindingFlags.IgnoreCase |
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,new object[]
// BindingFlags.IgnoreReturn
Console.WriteLine("Using IgnoreReturn and invoking the PrintName method.");
methInfo = obj.GetType().GetMethod("PrintName");
methInfo.Invoke(obj,BindingFlags.IgnoreReturn |
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,new object[]
// BindingFlags.OptionalParamBinding
Console.WriteLine("Using OptionalParamBinding and invoking the PrintName method.");
methInfo = obj.GetType().GetMethod("PrintName");
methInfo.Invoke(obj,BindingFlags.OptionalParamBinding |
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,new object[]
// BindingFlags.ExactBinding
Console.WriteLine("Using ExactBinding and invoking the PrintName method.");
methInfo = obj.GetType().GetMethod("PrintName");
methInfo.Invoke(obj,BindingFlags.ExactBinding |
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,new object[]
// BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy
Console.WriteLine("Using FlattenHierarchy and invoking the PrintName method.");
methInfo = obj.GetType().GetMethod("PrintName");
methInfo.Invoke(obj,BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy |
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,new object[]
public class TestClass
public String Name;
private Object [] values = new Object [] {0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
public Object this [int index]
return values[index];
values[index] = value;
public Object Value
return "the value";
public TestClass ()
Name = "initialName";
int methodCalled = 0;
public static void SayHello ()
Console.WriteLine ("Hello");
public void AddUp ()
Console.WriteLine ("AddUp Called {0} times", methodCalled);
public static double ComputeSum (double d1, double d2)
return d1 + d2;
public static void PrintName (String firstName, String lastName)
Console.WriteLine ("{0},{1}", lastName,firstName);
public void PrintTime ()
Console.WriteLine (DateTime.Now);
public void Swap(ref int a, ref int b)
int x = a;
a = b;
b = x;
[DefaultMemberAttribute ("PrintTime")]
public class TestClass2
public void PrintTime ()
Console.WriteLine (DateTime.Now);
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::IO;
//namespace BindingFlagsSnippet {
public ref class TestClass
String^ Name;
property Object^ Item [int]
Object^ get( int index )
return values[ index ];
void set( int index, Object^ value )
values[ index ] = value;
property Object^ Value
Object^ get()
return "the value";
int methodCalled;
Name = "initialName";
array<Object^>^o = {(int^)0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
values = o;
methodCalled = 0;
static void SayHello()
Console::WriteLine( "Hello" );
void AddUp()
Console::WriteLine( "AddUp Called {0} times", methodCalled );
static double ComputeSum( double d1, double d2 )
return d1 + d2;
static void PrintName( String^ firstName, String^ lastName )
Console::WriteLine( "{0},{1}", lastName, firstName );
void PrintTime()
Console::WriteLine( DateTime::Now );
void Swap( interior_ptr<int> a, interior_ptr<int> b )
int x = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = x;
public ref class TestClass2
void PrintTime()
Console::WriteLine( DateTime::Now );
class Invoke
static void Go()
// BindingFlags::InvokeMethod
// Call a static method.
Type^ t = TestClass::typeid;
Console::WriteLine( "Invoking a static method." );
Console::WriteLine( "-------------------------" );
t->InvokeMember( "SayHello", BindingFlags::InvokeMethod, nullptr, nullptr, obj1 );
// BindingFlags::InvokeMethod
// Call an instance method.
TestClass^ c = gcnew TestClass;
Console::WriteLine( "Invoking an instance method." );
Console::WriteLine( "----------------------------" );
c->GetType()->InvokeMember( "AddUp", BindingFlags::InvokeMethod, nullptr, c, obj1 );
c->GetType()->InvokeMember( "AddUp", BindingFlags::InvokeMethod, nullptr, c, obj1 );
// BindingFlags::InvokeMethod
// Call a method with parameters.
array<Object^>^args = {100.09,184.45};
Object^ result;
Console::WriteLine( "Invoking a method with parameters." );
Console::WriteLine( "---------------------------------" );
result = t->InvokeMember( "ComputeSum", BindingFlags::InvokeMethod, nullptr, nullptr, args );
Console::WriteLine( " {0} + {1} = {2}", args[ 0 ], args[ 1 ], result );
// BindingFlags::GetField, SetField
Console::WriteLine( "Invoking a field (getting and setting.)" );
Console::WriteLine( "--------------------------------------" );
// Get a field value.
result = t->InvokeMember( "Name", BindingFlags::GetField, nullptr, c, obj1 );
Console::WriteLine( "Name == {0}", result );
// Set a field.
array<Object^>^obj2 = {"NewName"};
t->InvokeMember( "Name", BindingFlags::SetField, nullptr, c, obj2 );
result = t->InvokeMember( "Name", BindingFlags::GetField, nullptr, c, obj1 );
Console::WriteLine( "Name == {0}", result );
Console::WriteLine( "Invoking an indexed property (getting and setting.)" );
Console::WriteLine( "--------------------------------------------------" );
// BindingFlags::GetProperty
// Get an indexed property value.
int index = 3;
array<Object^>^obj3 = {index};
result = t->InvokeMember( "Item", BindingFlags::GetProperty, nullptr, c, obj3 );
Console::WriteLine( "Item->Item[ {0}] == {1}", index, result );
// BindingFlags::SetProperty
// Set an indexed property value.
index = 3;
array<Object^>^obj4 = {index,"NewValue"};
t->InvokeMember( "Item", BindingFlags::SetProperty, nullptr, c, obj4 );
result = t->InvokeMember( "Item", BindingFlags::GetProperty, nullptr, c, obj3 );
Console::WriteLine( "Item->Item[ {0}] == {1}", index, result );
Console::WriteLine( "Getting a field or property." );
Console::WriteLine( "----------------------------" );
// BindingFlags::GetField
// Get a field or property.
result = t->InvokeMember( "Name", static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::GetField | BindingFlags::GetProperty), nullptr, c, obj1 );
Console::WriteLine( "Name == {0}", result );
// BindingFlags::GetProperty
result = t->InvokeMember( "Value", static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::GetField | BindingFlags::GetProperty), nullptr, c, obj1 );
Console::WriteLine( "Value == {0}", result );
Console::WriteLine( "Invoking a method with named parameters." );
Console::WriteLine( "---------------------------------------" );
// BindingFlags::InvokeMethod
// Call a method using named parameters.
array<Object^>^argValues = {"Mouse","Micky"};
array<String^>^argNames = {"lastName","firstName"};
t->InvokeMember( "PrintName", BindingFlags::InvokeMethod, nullptr, nullptr, argValues, nullptr, nullptr, argNames );
Console::WriteLine( "Invoking a default member of a type." );
Console::WriteLine( "------------------------------------" );
// BindingFlags::Default
// Call the default member of a type.
Type^ t3 = TestClass2::typeid;
t3->InvokeMember( "", static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::InvokeMethod | BindingFlags::Default), nullptr, gcnew TestClass2, obj1 );
// BindingFlags::Static, NonPublic, and Public
// Invoking a member by reference.
Console::WriteLine( "Invoking a method by reference." );
Console::WriteLine( "-------------------------------" );
MethodInfo^ m = t->GetMethod( "Swap" );
args = gcnew array<Object^>(2);
args[ 0 ] = 1;
args[ 1 ] = 2;
m->Invoke( gcnew TestClass, args );
Console::WriteLine( "{0}, {1}", args[ 0 ], args[ 1 ] );
// The String* is case-sensitive.
Type^ type = Type::GetType( "System.String" );
// Check to see if the value is valid. If the Object* is 0, the type does not exist.
if ( type == nullptr )
Console::WriteLine( "Please ensure that you specify only valid types in the type field." );
Console::WriteLine( "The type name is case-sensitive." );
// Declare and populate the arrays to hold the information.
// You must declare either NonPublic or Public with Static or the search will not work.
array<FieldInfo^>^fi = type->GetFields( static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::Static | BindingFlags::NonPublic | BindingFlags::Public) );
// BindingFlags::NonPublic
array<MethodInfo^>^miNonPublic = type->GetMethods( static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::Static | BindingFlags::NonPublic) );
// BindingFlags::Public
array<MethodInfo^>^miPublic = type->GetMethods( static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::Static | BindingFlags::Public) );
// Iterate through all the nonpublic methods.
IEnumerator^ myEnum1 = miNonPublic->GetEnumerator();
while ( myEnum1->MoveNext() )
MethodInfo^ method = safe_cast<MethodInfo^>(myEnum1->Current);
Console::WriteLine( method );
IEnumerator^ myEnum2 = miPublic->GetEnumerator();
while ( myEnum2->MoveNext() )
MethodInfo^ method = safe_cast<MethodInfo^>(myEnum2->Current);
Console::WriteLine( method );
IEnumerator^ myEnum3 = fi->GetEnumerator();
while ( myEnum3->MoveNext() )
FieldInfo^ f = safe_cast<FieldInfo^>(myEnum3->Current);
Console::WriteLine( f );
// BindingFlags::Instance
// Call an instance method.
TestClass^ tc = gcnew TestClass;
Console::WriteLine( "Invoking an Instance method." );
Console::WriteLine( "----------------------------" );
tc->GetType()->InvokeMember( "AddUp", static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::Public | BindingFlags::Instance | BindingFlags::CreateInstance), nullptr, tc, obj1 );
// BindingFlags::CreateInstance
// Calling and creating an instance method.
Console::WriteLine( "Invoking and creating an instance method." );
Console::WriteLine( "-----------------------------------------" );
tc->GetType()->InvokeMember( "AddUp", static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::Public | BindingFlags::Instance | BindingFlags::CreateInstance), nullptr, tc, obj1 );
// BindingFlags::DeclaredOnly
TestClass^ tc2 = gcnew TestClass;
Console::WriteLine( "DeclaredOnly members" );
Console::WriteLine( "---------------------------------" );
array<System::Reflection::MemberInfo^>^memInfo = tc2->GetType()->GetMembers( BindingFlags::DeclaredOnly );
for ( int i = 0; i < memInfo->Length; i++ )
Console::WriteLine( memInfo[ i ]->Name );
// BindingFlags::SuppressChangeType
TestClass^ obj = gcnew TestClass;
Console::WriteLine( "Invoking static method - PrintName" );
Console::WriteLine( "---------------------------------" );
System::Reflection::MethodInfo^ methInfo = obj->GetType()->GetMethod( "PrintName" );
array<Object^>^args1 = {"Brad","Smith"};
methInfo->Invoke( obj, static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::SuppressChangeType | BindingFlags::InvokeMethod), nullptr, args1, nullptr );
// BindingFlags::IgnoreCase
Console::WriteLine( "Using IgnoreCase and invoking the PrintName method." );
Console::WriteLine( "---------------------------------------------------" );
methInfo = obj->GetType()->GetMethod( "PrintName" );
array<Object^>^args2 = {"brad","smith"};
methInfo->Invoke( obj, static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::IgnoreCase | BindingFlags::InvokeMethod), nullptr, args2, nullptr );
// BindingFlags::IgnoreReturn
Console::WriteLine( "Using IgnoreReturn and invoking the PrintName method." );
Console::WriteLine( "-----------------------------------------------------" );
methInfo = obj->GetType()->GetMethod( "PrintName" );
array<Object^>^args3 = {"Brad","Smith"};
methInfo->Invoke( obj, static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::IgnoreReturn | BindingFlags::InvokeMethod), nullptr, args3, nullptr );
// BindingFlags::OptionalParamBinding
Console::WriteLine( "Using OptionalParamBinding and invoking the PrintName method." );
Console::WriteLine( "-------------------------------------------------------------" );
methInfo = obj->GetType()->GetMethod( "PrintName" );
array<Object^>^args4 = {"Brad","Smith"};
methInfo->Invoke( obj, static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::OptionalParamBinding | BindingFlags::InvokeMethod), nullptr, args4, nullptr );
// BindingFlags::ExactBinding
Console::WriteLine( "Using ExactBinding and invoking the PrintName method." );
Console::WriteLine( "-----------------------------------------------------" );
methInfo = obj->GetType()->GetMethod( "PrintName" );
array<Object^>^args5 = {"Brad","Smith"};
methInfo->Invoke( obj, static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::ExactBinding | BindingFlags::InvokeMethod), nullptr, args5, nullptr );
// BindingFlags::FlattenHierarchy
Console::WriteLine( "Using FlattenHierarchy and invoking the PrintName method." );
Console::WriteLine( "---------------------------------------------------------" );
methInfo = obj->GetType()->GetMethod( "PrintName" );
array<Object^>^args6 = {"Brad","Smith"};
methInfo->Invoke( obj, static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags::InvokeMethod), nullptr, args6, nullptr );
int main()
array<String^>^args = Environment::GetCommandLineArgs();
package BindingFlagsSnippet;
import System.*;
import System.Reflection.*;
import System.IO.*;
class EntryPoint
public static void main(String[] args)
} //main
} //EntryPoint
class Invoke
public static void Go()
// BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
// Call a static method.
Type t = TestClass.class.ToType();
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a static method.");
t.InvokeMember("SayHello", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null,
new Object[]{});
// BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
// Call an instance method.
TestClass c = new TestClass();
Console.WriteLine("Invoking an instance method.");
c.GetType().InvokeMember("AddUp", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, c,
new Object[]{});
c.GetType().InvokeMember("AddUp", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, c,
new Object[]{});
// BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
// Call a method with parameters.
Object args[] = new Object[] { (System.Double)100.09,
(System.Double)184.45 };
Object result;
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a method with parameters.");
result = t.InvokeMember("ComputeSum", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,
null, args);
Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", args[0], args[1], result);
// BindingFlags.GetField, SetField
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a field (getting and setting.)");
// Get a field value.
result = t.InvokeMember("name", BindingFlags.GetField, null, c,
new Object[]{});
Console.WriteLine("name == {0}", result);
// Set a field.
t.InvokeMember("name", BindingFlags.SetField, null, c,
new Object[] { "NewName" });
result = t.InvokeMember("name", BindingFlags.GetField, null, c,
new Object[]{});
Console.WriteLine("name == {0}", result);
Console.WriteLine("Invoking an indexed property (getting and setting.)");
// BindingFlags.GetProperty
// Get an indexed property value.
int index = 3;
result = t.InvokeMember("Item", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, c,
new Object[] { (Int32)index });
Console.WriteLine("Item[{0}] == {1}", (Int32)index, result);
// BindingFlags.SetProperty
// Set an indexed property value.
index = 3;
t.InvokeMember("Item", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, c,
new Object[] { (Int32)index, "NewValue" });
result = t.InvokeMember("Item", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, c,
new Object[] { (Int32)index });
Console.WriteLine("Item[{0}] == {1}", (Int32)index, result);
Console.WriteLine("Getting a field or property.");
// BindingFlags.GetField
// Get a field or property.
result = t.InvokeMember("name",
BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, c,
new Object[]{});
Console.WriteLine("name == {0}", result);
// BindingFlags.GetProperty
result = t.InvokeMember("Value",
BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, c,
new Object[]{});
Console.WriteLine("Value == {0}", result);
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a method with named parameters.");
// BindingFlags.InvokeMethod
// Call a method using named parameters.
Object argValues[] = new Object[] { "Mouse", "Micky" };
String argNames[] = new String[] { "lastName", "firstName" };
t.InvokeMember("PrintName", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null,
argValues, null, null, argNames);
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a default member of a type.");
// BindingFlags.Default
// Call the default member of a type.
Type t3 = TestClass2.class.ToType();
t3.InvokeMember("", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Default,
null, new TestClass2(), new Object[]{});
// BindingFlags.Static, NonPublic, and Public
// Invoking a member by reference.
Console.WriteLine("Invoking a method by reference.");
MethodInfo m = t.GetMethod("Swap");
args = new Object[2];
args[0] = (Int32)1;
args[1] = (Int32)2;
m.Invoke(new TestClass(), args);
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", args[0], args[1]);
// The string is case-sensitive.
Type type = Type.GetType("System.String");
// Check to see if the value is valid. If the object is null,
// the type does not exist.
if (type == null) {
Console.WriteLine("Please ensure that you specify only valid types "
+ "in the type field.");
Console.WriteLine("The type name is case-sensitive.");
// Declare and populate the arrays to hold the information.
// You must declare either NonPublic or Public with Static or the
// search will not work.
FieldInfo fi[] = type.GetFields(
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);
// BindingFlags.NonPublic
MethodInfo miNonPublic[] = type.GetMethods(
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
// BindingFlags.Public
MethodInfo miPublic[] = type.GetMethods(
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
// Iterate through all the nonpublic methods.
for (int iCtr = 0; iCtr < miNonPublic.length; iCtr++) {
MethodInfo method = (MethodInfo)miNonPublic.get_Item(iCtr);
// Iterate through all the public methods.
for (int iCtr = 0; iCtr < miPublic.length; iCtr++) {
MethodInfo method = (MethodInfo)miPublic.get_Item(iCtr);
// Iterate through all the fields.
for (int iCtr = 0; iCtr < fi.length; iCtr++) {
FieldInfo f = (FieldInfo)fi.get_Item(iCtr);
// BindingFlags.Instance
// Call an instance method.
TestClass tc = new TestClass();
Console.WriteLine("Invoking an Instance method.");
tc.GetType().InvokeMember("AddUp", BindingFlags.Public
| BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, tc,
new Object[]{});
// BindingFlags.CreateInstance
// Calling and creating an instance method.
Console.WriteLine("Invoking and creating an instance method.");
tc.GetType().InvokeMember("AddUp", BindingFlags.Public
| BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, tc,
new Object[]{});
// BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly
TestClass tc2 = new TestClass();
Console.WriteLine("DeclaredOnly members");
System.Reflection.MemberInfo memInfo[] = tc2.GetType().
for (int i = 0; i < memInfo.length; i++) {
// BindingFlags.SuppressChangeType
TestClass obj = new TestClass();
Console.WriteLine("Invoking static method - PrintName");
System.Reflection.MethodInfo methInfo = obj.GetType().
BindingFlags.SuppressChangeType | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,
new Object[] { "Brad", "Smith" }, null);
// BindingFlags.IgnoreCase
Console.WriteLine("Using IgnoreCase and invoking the PrintName method.");
methInfo = obj.GetType().GetMethod("PrintName");
BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,
new Object[] { "brad", "smith" }, null);
// BindingFlags.IgnoreReturn
Console.WriteLine("Using IgnoreReturn and invoking the PrintName "
+ "method.");
+ "-------");
methInfo = obj.GetType().GetMethod("PrintName");
BindingFlags.IgnoreReturn | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,
new Object[] { "Brad", "Smith" }, null);
// BindingFlags.OptionalParamBinding
Console.WriteLine("Using OptionalParamBinding and invoking the "
+ "PrintName method.");
+ "------------");
methInfo = obj.GetType().GetMethod("PrintName");
BindingFlags.OptionalParamBinding | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,
null, new Object[] { "Brad", "Smith" }, null);
// BindingFlags.ExactBinding
Console.WriteLine("Using ExactBinding and invoking the PrintName "
+ "method.");
+ "----");
methInfo = obj.GetType().GetMethod("PrintName");
BindingFlags.ExactBinding | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,
new Object[] { "Brad", "Smith" }, null);
// BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy
Console.WriteLine("Using FlattenHierarchy and invoking the PrintName "
+ "method.");
+ "------");
methInfo = obj.GetType().GetMethod("PrintName");
BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,
new Object[] { "Brad", "Smith" }, null);
} //Go
} //Invoke
public class TestClass
public String name;
private Object values[] = new Object[] { (Int32)0, (Int32)1, (Int32)2,
(Int32)3, (Int32)4, (Int32)5, (Int32)6, (Int32)7, (Int32)8, (Int32)9 };
/** @property
public Object get_Item(int index)
return values.get_Item(index);
} //get_Item
/** @property
public void set_Item(int index, Object value)
values.set_Item(index, value);
} //set_Item
/** @property
public Object get_Value()
return "the value";
} //get_Value
public TestClass()
name = "initialName";
} //TestClass
private int methodCalled = 0;
public static void SayHello()
} //SayHello
public void AddUp()
Console.WriteLine("AddUp Called {0} times", (Int32)methodCalled);
} //AddUp
public static double ComputeSum(double d1, double d2)
return d1 + d2;
} //ComputeSum
public static void PrintName(String firstName, String lastName)
Console.WriteLine("{0},{1}", lastName, firstName);
} //PrintName
public void PrintTime()
} //PrintTime
public void Swap(int a, int b)
int x = a;
a = b;
b = x;
} //Swap
} //TestClass
/** @attribute DefaultMemberAttribute("PrintTime")
public class TestClass2
public void PrintTime()
} //PrintTime
} //TestClass2
Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows CE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Mobile für Pocket PC, Windows Mobile für Smartphone, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition
.NET Framework unterstützt nicht alle Versionen sämtlicher Plattformen. Eine Liste der unterstützten Versionen finden Sie unter Systemanforderungen.
.NET Framework
Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0
.NET Compact Framework
Unterstützt in: 2.0, 1.0