ID3D11DeviceContext::GetData Method
Get data from the Grafikprozessor (GPU) asynchronously.
[in] ID3D11Asynchronous *pAsync,
[out] void *pData,
[in] UINT DataSize,
[in] UINT GetDataFlags
pAsync [in]
Typ: ID3D11Asynchronous*A pointer to an ID3D11Asynchronous interface for the object about which GetData retrieves data.
pData [out]
Typ: void*Address of memory that will receive the data. If NULL, GetData will be used only to check status. The type of data output depends on the type of asynchronous interface.
DataSize [in]
Typ: UINTSize of the data to retrieve or 0. Must be 0 when pData is NULL.
GetDataFlags [in]
Typ: UINTOptional flags. Can be 0 or any combination of the flags enumerated by D3D11_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG.
This method returns one of the Direct3D 11 Return Codes. A return value of S_OK indicates that the data at pData is available for the calling application to access. A return value of S_FALSE indicates that the data is not yet available. If the data is not yet available, the application must call GetData until the data is available.
Queries in a deferred context are limited to predicated drawing. That is, you cannot call ID3D11DeviceContext::GetData on a deferred context to get data about a query; you can only call GetData on the immediate context to get data about a query. For predicated drawing, the results of a predication-type query are used by the GPU and not returned to an application. For more information about predication and predicated drawing, see D3D11DeviceContext::SetPredication.
GetData retrieves the data that the runtime collected between calls to ID3D11DeviceContext::Begin and ID3D11DeviceContext::End. Certain queries only require a call to ID3D11DeviceContext::End in which case the data returned by GetData is accurate up to the last call to ID3D11DeviceContext::End. For information about the queries that only require a call to ID3D11DeviceContext::End and about the type of data that GetData retrieves for each query, see D3D11_QUERY.
If DataSize is 0, GetData is only used to check status.
An application gathers counter data by calling ID3D11DeviceContext::Begin, issuing some graphics commands, calling ID3D11DeviceContext::End, and then calling ID3D11DeviceContext::GetData to get data about what happened in between the Begin and End calls. For information about performance counter types, see D3D11_COUNTER. The counter data is of type FLOAT32.
Header |
D3D11.h |
Bibliothek |
D3D11.lib |