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DMessengerEvents interface

[DMessengerEvents is no longer available for use as of Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.]

Do not use. The DMessengerEvents dispinterface handles events that are generated or received by a Messenger object.


The DMessengerEvents interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. DMessengerEvents also has these types of members:


The DMessengerEvents interface has these events.

Event Description
OnAppShutdown Indicates that the client application is about to shut down for purposes of a client upgrade initiated either by the server or client user.
OnContactAddedToGroup Indicates that a contact has been added to a group.
OnContactBlockChange Indicates that the block settings of a contact in the local client's Contact List have changed. Queries whether the contact is blocked by the local client user.
OnContactFriendlyNameChange Indicates that a contact in the client's Contact List has changed the friendly name.
OnContactListAdd Indicates the result of an attempt to add to the Messenger object's Contact List.
OnContactListRemove Indicates the result of an attempt to remove a contact from the Messenger object's Contact List.
OnContactPagerChange Indicates that a contact in the local client's Contact List has changed the pager information access permissions.
OnContactPhoneChange Indicates that the phone information of a contact in the local client's Contact List has changed.
OnContactPropertyChange Indicates that property information for a contact in the local client's Contact List has changed.
OnContactRemovedFromGroup Indicates that a contact has been removed from a group.
OnContactStatusChange Indicates that the status of a contact in the local client's Contact List has changed, and returns the current state of the contact.
OnGroupAdded Indicates that a new group has been created.
OnGroupNameChanged Indicates that the name of a group has been changed.
OnGroupRemoved Indicates that a group has been deleted.
OnIMWindowContactAdded Indicates that a contact has been added to the ongoing conversation.
OnIMWindowContactRemoved Indicates that a contact has been removed from the ongoing conversation.
OnIMWindowCreated Indicates that a new conversation window has been opened.
OnIMWindowDestroyed Indicates that a new conversation window has been closed.
OnMyFriendlyNameChange Indicates that the local client's friendly name has been changed or that a change was attempted.
OnMyPhoneChange Indicates that the local client's phone contact information has been changed or that a change was attempted.
OnMyPropertyChange Indicates that an uncategorized element of the local client's property information has been changed or that a change was attempted.
OnMyStatusChange Indicates that the status of the local client has changed or that a status change was attempted, and returns the current status of the local client.
OnSignin Indicates that an attempt has been made to sign in to the primary service.
OnSignout Indicates that the local client has signed out of the primary service.
OnUnreadEmailChange Indicates the number of unread e-mail messages in the Messenger client's correlated Inbox that have changed from the last count of previous OnUnreadEmailChange events or initial sign-in.


Minimum supported client
Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
End of client support
Windows XP
End of server support
Windows Server 2003
Messenger 4.0