

Quantum mechanics introduces concepts that challenge our classical understanding of physics. One of the key concepts is the principle of superposition, a phenomenon where a quantum particle can exist in multiple states simultaneously. This foundational idea is crucial for grasping the behavior of qubits in quantum computing, which operate under different rules than traditional bits.

In this module, you finally dive into the world of quantum superposition. You'll learn about the principles of quantum superposition, probabilities, and the Bloch sphere. You'll also explore Dirac notation, a mathematical framework that simplifies the representation of quantum states. Using Q#, you'll apply operations to create superposition states and inspect the current state of a qubit.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

  • Define the concepts of quantum superposition, probabilities, and Bloch sphere.
  • Understand Dirac notation.
  • Use Q# to apply operations and create superposition states.
  • Use Q# to inspect the current state of a qubit.
