Maker considerations


Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services solutions depends on data from several sources. As a maker, you will be setting up the solutions and confirming that the data is accurately represented to your users.

Each solution that you deploy will have certain dependencies. Each dependency will be presented as you begin the deployment process. It is required that you resolve each dependency prior to deploying the solutions. The Configure dependencies page guides you through installing and configuring dependencies. The dependencies list will vary, depending on the solutions that you might have already deployed. After it has started, the deployment will continue in the background. Depending on the exact solutions that you have selected, this process might take some time. You will be notified with an email on completion.

Data model

The retail banking data model contains several tables to support the business of banking in addition to the core Microsoft Dataverse tables. For more information, see Retail banking data model overview. The following list isn't comprehensive, but it represents the key tables and how they benefit the experience.

  • Branch - The branch schema in the retail banking data model will support branches in the bank, including:

    • Branch number

    • Name

    • Manager

    • Address

    • Connection to the customer table to capture the customer's primary branch

  • Customer - The customer schema in the retail banking data model will support people and small or medium companies as customers of the bank. The schema includes:

    • Contact and Account tables that include financial details that are related to know your customer (KYC) and know your business (KYB)

    • Flags that indicate whether data is controlled by an external system

    • Tables locked for updates from external systems only

  • Groups and relationships - The groups and relationships schema in the retail banking data model supports groups, such as households and partnerships. Features and capabilities include:

    • A new table that represents groups, including types (for households and partnerships).

    • Groups can be associated with all/some/none of the financial holdings that are owned by its members, which then define the financial strength of the group, through total income, assets, and liabilities.

    • Each group can have a primary member. For any member, a main group of Household type can be set.

  • Life events - To help keep track of a customer's key moments, the retail banking data model will include a life moment table. Moments will capture a wide range of life event types:

    • Birthday - Date of birth, which is managed by the Contact table

    • Personal status - The contact's marital status

    • Family - Represents the birth or adoption of children in the family

    • Education - Education events, including graduation from high school or college

    • Home - Purchase or sale of a home

    • Car - Purchase or sale of a car

    • Health - Significant medical event, such as surgery, which might require lending or sale of investment

Relevant alerts for life moments are predetermined based on the event type and are defined in the data model.

  • Loan application - The loan application schema in the retail banking data model supports loan applications. The schema provides the following capabilities:

    • Enable the bank to manage the application more seamlessly

    • Reflect the latest status in the system

  • Financial holdings - The financial holdings schema in the retail banking data model supports the financial holdings of bank customers. Financial holdings are categorized as one of the following types:

    • Account - Checking or savings accounts

    • Credit line - Credit limit that was approved by the bank

    • Loan - Secured, unsecured, or mortgage loans

    • Investment - Investment accounts, including portfolios of funds, stocks, bonds, and other assets

    • Long-term savings - Deposits that are often locked for an extended period of time, like provident funds

    Each category defines the details that are associated with the financial holding and possible financial instruments that can be connected to it, including:

    • Credit and debit cards, which can be associated with an account or a credit line

    • Standing order or direct debit/deposit, which can be associated with an account

    • Overdraft, which can be associated with an account

    • Relevant alerts for financial holdings are predetermined based on the category and instruments that are defined in the data model

    Customers have a many-to-many relationship with financial holdings, with each connection further classified by the role of the customer toward the holding, such as owner or cosigner.

Security roles

Depending on the solutions that you deploy, you'll have to assign other security roles to your users so that they can access the individual apps. The following roles are deployed with the noted solutions. Remember, if you extend the solutions with your own tables and customizations, you might have to amend these permissions for your users to have an optimal experience.

Solution Security role
Unified Customer Profile Basic user (or another core role with access to Microsoft Power Platform) MC4FSI basic user Retail banking - contributor Relationship manager Financial intelligence user (optional for Unified Customer Profile with Customer intelligence)
Customer onboarding Basic user (or another core role with access to Microsoft Power Platform) MC4FSI basic user Loan manager


Users who access Unified Customer Profile without a role that allows editing rights on contact records will receive the following message on top of the application notification:

Read-only: You don't have access to edit this record.

With the preceding roles for Unified Customer Profile, users will be able to edit life events, relationships, and groups. You can add contact editing rights to a user to remove this message.

Other relevant Microsoft technologies

Each Dynamics 365 financial services solution has dependencies on other Microsoft apps and features that might require other licenses.

These dependencies can be divided into two categories:

Pre-deployment - Microsoft Cloud Solution Center lets you view these pre-deployment dependencies before deploying the solution; you can select Quick view for a solution.

Post-deployment - You can customize other capabilities for your financial services solution after deployment, such as integration with Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Power BI. Microsoft Cloud Solution Center lets you view these post-deployment dependencies after deploying the solution.

You can tailor a Unified Customer Profile based on customer insights to offer a more personalized and relevant experience. You can guide customers through the onboarding process to provide access to loan apps and self-service tools. Additionally, you can improve your process workflows and communication with Collaboration Manager.

Solution Description Powered by
Unified Customer Profile Tailor customer experiences through a 360-degree view of the customer, bringing together the financial, behavioral, and demographic data. Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data and Power Apps
Retail banking churn prediction An AI-based model that is powered by Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data that helps predict the likelihood of a customer leaving the bank. Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data, AI models
Customer onboarding Provides customers with access to loan apps and self-service tools, streamlining the loan process to enhance customer experience and loyalty while increasing organizational and employee productivity. Microsoft Power Platform
Banking customer engagement (Preview) Personalizes every interaction with financial understanding to engage with customers on their preferred channel in a meaningful way, while intelligently managing their journeys across channels to reduce churn and time to resolution. Dynamics 365 Customer Service and Omnichannel Add-on, Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Data
Collaboration Manager Helps banks bring collaboration seamlessly into their lending workflows, improving process orchestration from front office to back office, and facilitating omnichannel communications with customers, thereby improving organization and employee productivity, unlocking value creation, and enhancing customer experience. Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Power Platform
Retail banking data model The retail data model and prebuilt connectors enable data interoperability to unify and enrich data from multiple systems. The unified data provides insights for actions and accelerates business, AI, and team productivity workflows. -