Work remotely with your Minecraft Student Ambassadors


Considering the recent impact of the global pandemic, remote learning has become a normal part of the education environment. As you develop your Minecraft Student Ambassador (MSA) program, consider how you'll work remotely with your Ambassadors if the need arises.

There are many benefits to hosting your Minecraft Student Ambassadors in the same world. Whether you're playing together during a meeting or event—or remotely from home—multiplayer games encourage collaboration, communication, and problem solving while building community.

Minecraft provides resources for educators who want (or need) to host their Minecraft Student Ambassadors remotely. Learn how to host your MSAs in the same world by checking out the Minecraft Education multiplayer game guide.

Remote learning with Minecraft educator toolkit

Need help with supporting your Minecraft Student Ambassadors remotely? No worries! There's a Minecraft Education remote learning toolkit. This valuable resource to help support working remotely with Minecraft can be found in the Minecraft Education remote learning toolkit.

If you need an in-depth exploration of how to support your MSAs remotely, the Minecraft Education Team has provided a comprehensive walk-through video: Minecraft EDU Remote Learning Workshop Hands on Walkthrough of an Asynchronous Lesson.