
Configure a point-to-site connection to a VNet using RADIUS authentication: PowerShell

This article shows you how to create a VNet with a point-to-site (P2S) connection that uses RADIUS authentication. This configuration is only available for the Resource Manager deployment model. You can create this configuration using PowerShell or the Azure portal.

A point-to-site VPN gateway lets you create a secure connection to your virtual network from an individual client computer. P2S VPN connections are useful when you want to connect to your VNet from a remote location, such as when you're telecommuting from home or a conference. A P2S VPN is also a useful solution to use instead of a site-to-site VPN when you have only a few clients that need to connect to a VNet.

A P2S VPN connection is started from Windows and Mac devices. This article helps you configure a P2S configuration that uses a RADIUS server for authentication. If you want to authenticate using a different method, see the following articles:

P2S connections don't require a VPN device or a public-facing IP address. P2S creates the VPN connection over either SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol), OpenVPN or IKEv2.

  • SSTP is a TLS-based VPN tunnel that is supported only on Windows client platforms. It can penetrate firewalls, which makes it a good option to connect Windows devices to Azure from anywhere. On the server side, we support TLS version 1.2 only. For improved performance, scalability and security, consider using OpenVPN protocol instead.

  • OpenVPN® Protocol, an SSL/TLS based VPN protocol. A TLS VPN solution can penetrate firewalls, since most firewalls open TCP port 443 outbound, which TLS uses. OpenVPN can be used to connect from Android, iOS (versions 11.0 and above), Windows, Linux and Mac devices (macOS versions 10.13 and above).

  • IKEv2 VPN, a standards-based IPsec VPN solution. IKEv2 VPN can be used to connect from Windows, Linux and Mac devices (macOS versions 10.11 and above).

For this configuration, connections require the following:

  • A RouteBased VPN gateway.
  • A RADIUS server to handle user authentication. The RADIUS server can be deployed on-premises, or in the Azure VNet. You can also configure two RADIUS servers for high availability.
  • The VPN client profile configuration package. The VPN client profile configuration package is a package that you generate. It provides the settings required for a VPN client to connect over P2S.

About Active Directory (AD) Domain Authentication for P2S VPNs

AD Domain authentication allows users to sign in to Azure using their organization domain credentials. It requires a RADIUS server that integrates with the AD server. Organizations can also leverage their existing RADIUS deployment.

The RADIUS server can reside on-premises, or in your Azure VNet. During authentication, the VPN gateway acts as a pass-through and forwards authentication messages back and forth between the RADIUS server and the connecting device. It's important for the VPN gateway to be able to reach the RADIUS server. If the RADIUS server is located on-premises, then a VPN site-to-site connection from Azure to the on-premises site is required.

Apart from Active Directory, a RADIUS server can also integrate with other external identity systems. This opens up plenty of authentication options for P2S VPNs, including MFA options. Check your RADIUS server vendor documentation to get the list of identity systems it integrates with.

Diagram of RADIUS authentication P2S connection.


Only a site-to-site VPN connection can be used for connecting to a RADIUS server on-premises. An ExpressRoute connection can't be used.

Before beginning

Verify that you have an Azure subscription. If you don't already have an Azure subscription, you can activate your MSDN subscriber benefits or sign up for a free account.

Working with Azure PowerShell

This article uses PowerShell cmdlets. To run the cmdlets, you can use Azure Cloud Shell. Cloud Shell is a free interactive shell that you can use to run the steps in this article. It has common Azure tools preinstalled and configured to use with your account.

To open Cloud Shell, just select Open Cloudshell from the upper-right corner of a code block. You can also open Cloud Shell on a separate browser tab by going to https://shell.azure.com/powershell. Select Copy to copy the blocks of code, paste them into Cloud Shell, and select the Enter key to run them.

You can also install and run the Azure PowerShell cmdlets locally on your computer. PowerShell cmdlets are updated frequently. If you haven't installed the latest version, the values specified in the instructions may fail. To find the versions of Azure PowerShell installed on your computer, use the Get-Module -ListAvailable Az cmdlet. To install or update, see Install the Azure PowerShell module.

Example values

You can use the example values to create a test environment, or refer to these values to better understand the examples in this article. You can either use the steps as a walk-through and use the values without changing them, or change them to reflect your environment.

  • Name: VNet1
  • Address space: and
    For this example, we use more than one address space to illustrate that this configuration works with multiple address spaces. However, multiple address spaces aren't required for this configuration.
  • Subnet name: FrontEnd
    • Subnet address range:
  • Subnet name: BackEnd
    • Subnet address range:
  • Subnet name: GatewaySubnet
    The Subnet name GatewaySubnet is mandatory for the VPN gateway to work.
    • GatewaySubnet address range:
  • VPN client address pool:
    VPN clients that connect to the VNet using this P2S connection receive an IP address from the VPN client address pool.
  • Subscription: If you've more than one subscription, verify that you're using the correct one.
  • Resource Group: TestRG1
  • Location: East US
  • DNS Server: IP address of the DNS server that you want to use for name resolution for your VNet. (optional)
  • GW Name: Vnet1GW
  • Public IP name: VNet1GWPIP
  • VpnType: RouteBased

1. Set the variables

Declare the variables that you want to use. Use the following sample, substituting the values for your own when necessary. If you close your PowerShell/Cloud Shell session at any point during the exercise, just copy and paste the values again to redeclare the variables.

$VNetName  = "VNet1"
$FESubName = "FrontEnd"
$BESubName = "Backend"
$GWSubName = "GatewaySubnet"
$VNetPrefix1 = ""
$VNetPrefix2 = ""
$FESubPrefix = ""
$BESubPrefix = ""
$GWSubPrefix = ""
$VPNClientAddressPool = ""
$RG = "TestRG1"
$Location = "East US"
$GWName = "VNet1GW"
$GWIPName = "VNet1GWPIP"
$GWIPconfName = "gwipconf1"

2. Create the resource group, VNet, and Public IP address

The following steps create a resource group and a virtual network in the resource group with three subnets. When substituting values, it's important that you always name your gateway subnet specifically 'GatewaySubnet'. If you name it something else, your gateway creation fails;

  1. Create a resource group.

    New-AzResourceGroup -Name "TestRG1" -Location "East US"
  2. Create the subnet configurations for the virtual network, naming them FrontEnd, BackEnd, and GatewaySubnet. These prefixes must be part of the VNet address space that you declared.

    $fesub = New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "FrontEnd" -AddressPrefix ""  
    $besub = New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "Backend" -AddressPrefix ""  
    $gwsub = New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "GatewaySubnet" -AddressPrefix ""
  3. Create the virtual network.

    In this example, the -DnsServer server parameter is optional. Specifying a value doesn't create a new DNS server. The DNS server IP address that you specify should be a DNS server that can resolve the names for the resources you're connecting to from your VNet. For this example, we used a private IP address, but it's likely that this isn't the IP address of your DNS server. Be sure to use your own values. The value you specify is used by the resources that you deploy to the VNet, not by the P2S connection.

    New-AzVirtualNetwork -Name "VNet1" -ResourceGroupName "TestRG1" -Location "East US" -AddressPrefix "","" -Subnet $fesub, $besub, $gwsub -DnsServer
  4. A VPN gateway must have a Public IP address. You first request the IP address resource, and then refer to it when creating your virtual network gateway. The IP address is dynamically assigned to the resource when the VPN gateway is created. VPN Gateway currently only supports Dynamic Public IP address allocation. You can't request a Static Public IP address assignment. However, this doesn't mean that the IP address changes after it has been assigned to your VPN gateway. The only time the Public IP address changes is when the gateway is deleted and re-created. It doesn't change across resizing, resetting, or other internal maintenance/upgrades of your VPN gateway.

    Specify the variables to request a dynamically assigned Public IP address.

    $vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name "VNet1" -ResourceGroupName "TestRG1"  
    $subnet = Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "GatewaySubnet" -VirtualNetwork $vnet 
    $pip = New-AzPublicIpAddress -Name "VNet1GWPIP" -ResourceGroupName "TestRG1" -Location "East US" -AllocationMethod Dynamic 
    $ipconf = New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayIpConfig -Name "gwipconf1" -Subnet $subnet -PublicIpAddress $pip

3. Set up your RADIUS server

Before you create and configure the virtual network gateway, your RADIUS server should be configured correctly for authentication.

  1. If you don’t have a RADIUS server deployed, deploy one. For deployment steps, refer to the setup guide provided by your RADIUS vendor.  
  2. Configure the VPN gateway as a RADIUS client on the RADIUS. When adding this RADIUS client, specify the virtual network GatewaySubnet that you created.
  3. Once the RADIUS server is set up, get the RADIUS server's IP address and the shared secret that RADIUS clients should use to talk to the RADIUS server. If the RADIUS server is in the Azure VNet, use the CA IP of the RADIUS server VM.

The Network Policy Server (NPS) article provides guidance about configuring a Windows RADIUS server (NPS) for AD domain authentication.

4. Create the VPN gateway

Configure and create the VPN gateway for your VNet.

  • The -GatewayType must be 'Vpn' and the -VpnType must be 'RouteBased'.
  • A VPN gateway can take 45 minutes or more to complete, depending on the gateway SKU you select.
New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -Name $GWName -ResourceGroupName $RG `
-Location $Location -IpConfigurations $ipconf -GatewayType Vpn `
-VpnType RouteBased -EnableBgp $false -GatewaySku VpnGw1

5. Add the RADIUS server and client address pool

  • The -RadiusServer can be specified by name or by IP address. If you specify the name and the server resides on-premises, then the VPN gateway may not be able to resolve the name. If that’s the case, then it's better to specify the IP address of the server.
  • The -RadiusSecret should match what is configured on your RADIUS server.
  • The -VpnClientAddressPool is the range from which the connecting VPN clients receive an IP address. Use a private IP address range that doesn't overlap with the on-premises location that you'll connect from, or with the VNet that you want to connect to. Ensure that you have a large enough address pool configured.  
  1. Create a secure string for the RADIUS secret.

    $Secure_Secret=Read-Host -AsSecureString -Prompt "RadiusSecret"
  2. You're prompted to enter the RADIUS secret. The characters that you enter won't be displayed and instead will be replaced by the "*" character.

  3. Add the VPN client address pool and the RADIUS server information.

    For SSTP configurations:

    $Gateway = Get-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -ResourceGroupName $RG -Name $GWName
    Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -VirtualNetworkGateway $Gateway `
    -VpnClientAddressPool "" -VpnClientProtocol "SSTP" `
    -RadiusServerAddress "" -RadiusServerSecret $Secure_Secret

    For OpenVPN® configurations:

    $Gateway = Get-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -ResourceGroupName $RG -Name $GWName
    Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -VirtualNetworkGateway $Gateway -VpnClientRootCertificates @()
    Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -VirtualNetworkGateway $Gateway `
    -VpnClientAddressPool "" -VpnClientProtocol "OpenVPN" `
    -RadiusServerAddress "" -RadiusServerSecret $Secure_Secret

    For IKEv2 configurations:

    $Gateway = Get-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -ResourceGroupName $RG -Name $GWName
    Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -VirtualNetworkGateway $Gateway `
    -VpnClientAddressPool "" -VpnClientProtocol "IKEv2" `
    -RadiusServerAddress "" -RadiusServerSecret $Secure_Secret

    For SSTP + IKEv2:

    $Gateway = Get-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -ResourceGroupName $RG -Name $GWName
    Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -VirtualNetworkGateway $Gateway `
    -VpnClientAddressPool "" -VpnClientProtocol @( "SSTP", "IkeV2" ) `
    -RadiusServerAddress "" -RadiusServerSecret $Secure_Secret

    To specify two RADIUS servers, use the following syntax. Modify the -VpnClientProtocol value as needed.

    $radiusServer1 = New-AzRadiusServer -RadiusServerAddress -RadiusServerSecret $radiuspd -RadiusServerScore 30
    $radiusServer2 = New-AzRadiusServer -RadiusServerAddress -RadiusServerSecret $radiuspd -RadiusServerScore 1
    $radiusServers = @( $radiusServer1, $radiusServer2 )
    Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -VirtualNetworkGateway $actual -VpnClientAddressPool -VpnClientProtocol "IkeV2" -RadiusServerList $radiusServers

6. Configure the VPN client and connect

The VPN client profile configuration packages contain the settings that help you configure VPN client profiles for a connection to the Azure VNet.

To generate a VPN client configuration package and configure a VPN client, see one of the following articles:

After you configure the VPN client, connect to Azure.

To verify your connection

  1. To verify that your VPN connection is active, open an elevated command prompt, and run ipconfig/all.

  2. View the results. Notice that the IP address you received is one of the addresses within the P2S VPN Client Address Pool that you specified in your configuration. The results are similar to this example:

    PPP adapter VNet1:
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix .:
       Description.....................: VNet1
       Physical Address................:
       DHCP Enabled....................: No
       Autoconfiguration Enabled.......: Yes
       IPv4 Address....................:
       Subnet Mask.....................:
       Default Gateway.................:
       NetBIOS over Tcpip..............: Enabled

To troubleshoot a P2S connection, see Troubleshooting Azure point-to-site connections.

To connect to a virtual machine

You can connect to a VM that's deployed to your virtual network by creating a Remote Desktop Connection to your VM. The best way to initially verify that you can connect to your VM is to connect by using its private IP address, rather than computer name. That way, you're testing to see if you can connect, not whether name resolution is configured properly.

  1. Locate the private IP address. You can find the private IP address of a VM by either looking at the properties for the VM in the Azure portal or by using PowerShell.

    • Azure portal: Locate your VM in the Azure portal. View the properties for the VM. The private IP address is listed.

    • PowerShell: Use the example to view a list of VMs and private IP addresses from your resource groups. You don't need to modify this example before using it.

      $VMs = Get-AzVM
      $Nics = Get-AzNetworkInterface | Where-Object VirtualMachine -ne $null
      foreach ($Nic in $Nics) {
      $VM = $VMs | Where-Object -Property Id -eq $Nic.VirtualMachine.Id
      $Prv = $Nic.IpConfigurations | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PrivateIpAddress
      $Alloc = $Nic.IpConfigurations | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PrivateIpAllocationMethod
      Write-Output "$($VM.Name): $Prv,$Alloc"
  2. Verify that you're connected to your virtual network.

  3. Open Remote Desktop Connection by entering RDP or Remote Desktop Connection in the search box on the taskbar. Then select Remote Desktop Connection. You can also open Remote Desktop Connection by using the mstsc command in PowerShell.

  4. In Remote Desktop Connection, enter the private IP address of the VM. You can select Show Options to adjust other settings and then connect.

If you're having trouble connecting to a VM over your VPN connection, check the following points:

  • Verify that your VPN connection is successful.
  • Verify that you're connecting to the private IP address for the VM.
  • If you can connect to the VM by using the private IP address but not the computer name, verify that you've configured DNS properly. For more information about how name resolution works for VMs, see Name resolution for VMs.

For more information about RDP connections, see Troubleshoot Remote Desktop connections to a VM.

  • Verify that the VPN client configuration package was generated after the DNS server IP addresses were specified for the VNet. If you updated the DNS server IP addresses, generate and install a new VPN client configuration package.

  • Use 'ipconfig' to check the IPv4 address assigned to the Ethernet adapter on the computer from which you're connecting. If the IP address is within the address range of the VNet that you're connecting to, or within the address range of your VPNClientAddressPool, this is referred to as an overlapping address space. When your address space overlaps in this way, the network traffic doesn't reach Azure, it stays on the local network.


For FAQ information, see the Point-to-site - RADIUS authentication section of the FAQ.

Next steps

Once your connection is complete, you can add virtual machines to your virtual networks. For more information, see Virtual Machines. To understand more about networking and virtual machines, see Azure and Linux VM network overview.