Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Earnings - Growth report in Partner Center

Appropriate roles: Incentives: Incentives admin | Incentives user

The Growth report shows earnings, payment, and associated reconciliation details for incentives levers that measure growth. Examples: Azure quarter-over-quarter growth, Surface Accelerate growth incentives.

Use this report to:

  • Understand the distinct earnings for growth lever and the corresponding payment status.

  • Understand the underlying reconciliation details like customer name, reseller name, subscription ID, and agreement number as applicable for the lever.


    Earnings are generated from multiple transactions (multiple customers/resellers/products over a period of time). To enable traceability, each transaction considered to generate earnings is listed and the earning attributes are redundantly printed with associated transactions. Make sure to only sum up distinct earnings based on their earning ID.

To get this report:

  1. Sign in to Partner Center and select Earnings.
  2. Select Download report > Earnings | Growth, and follow the instructions to get the report. To learn more, see Get detailed earnings reports. The report contains the following attributes:


Attribute name Description
agreementNumber Agreement Number
customerId Identity of the end customer
customerName Name of the end customer
distributorId Distributor identity
distributorName Distributor name
earningAmount Earning Amount in the original transaction currency
earningAmountUSD Earning amount in USD
earningDate Date of the earning
earningExchangeRate Exchange rate used to show the corresponding USD amount
earningId Unique identifier for each earning
earningRate Incentives rate applied on transaction amount to generate an earning
earningType Indicates whether it's fee, rebate, co-op, sell, and so on
engagementId Engagement identifier
engagementName Engagement name
estimatedPaymentMonth Month in which the earning is likely to be paid. Determined based on transaction date.
exchangeRateDate Exchange rate date used to calculate EarningAmount USD
invoiceNumber Invoice Number
lever Indicates business rule for the earning
participantId The primary identity of the partner earning under the program
participantIdType Partner identity
participantName Name of the earning partner
partnerCountryCode Location/country/region of the earning partner
partNumber SKU or part number
paymentId Payment identity as available in the bank payment
paymentStatus Payment status
programName Incentive program name
resellerId Reseller identity
resellerName Reseller name
subscriptionEndDate Subscription end date
subscriptionId Subscription identity
subscriptionStartDate Subscription start date
totalTransactionAmountUSD Transaction amount in USD
transactionCurrency Currency in which the original customer transaction occurred (which isn't partner location currency)
transactionMonth Month of transaction, consumption or usage