Campaign Management Service Operations

The Campaign Management service defines the following service operations.

Service Operation Description Request Limits
AddAdExtensions Adds one or more ad extensions to an account's ad extension library. 1 AccountId

100 AdExtensions
AddAdGroupCriterions Adds one or more ad group criterions. 1 AccountId

1,000 AdGroupCriterions
AddAdGroups Adds new ad groups to a specified campaign. 1,000 AdGroups

1 CampaignId
AddAds Adds one or more ads to an ad group. 1 AdGroupId

50 Ads
AddAssetGroups Adds array of asset groups to a specified campaign. N/A.
AddAudienceGroups Adds array of audience groups to the account. N/A.
AddAudiences Adds one or more audiences. 100 Audiences
AddBidStrategies Adds bid strategies to an account's portfolio bid strategy library. 100 BidStrategies
AddBudgets Adds new budgets to the account's shared budget library. 100 Budgets
AddCampaignConversionGoals Adds new campaign conversion goals to the account's shared campaign conversion goal library. N/A.
AddCampaignCriterions Adds one or more campaign criterions that help determine whether ads in each campaign get served. 100 CampaignCriterions
AddCampaigns Adds one or more campaigns to the specified account. 1 AccountId

100 Campaigns
AddConversionGoals Adds new conversion goals to the account's shared conversion goal library. 100 ConversionGoals
AddDataExclusions Add a data exclusion to the specified account. N/A.
AddExperiments Adds experiments and creates experiment campaigns based on existing campaigns in an account. 100 Experiments
AddImportJobs Creates a new import job. 1 ImportJobs
AddKeywords Adds one or more keywords to an ad group. 1 AdGroupId

1,000 Keywords
AddLabels Adds one or more labels to an account. 100 Labels
AddListItemsToSharedList Adds negative keywords to a negative keyword list, or negative sites to a website exclusion list. 1 SharedList

5,000 ListItems
AddMedia Adds the specified media to an account's asset library. 1 AccountId

10 Media
AddNegativeKeywordsToEntities Adds negative keywords to the specified campaign or ad group. 1 EntityNegativeKeywords

Each EntityNegativeKeyword element can contain up to 20,000 negative keywords.
AddSeasonalityAdjustments Add seasonality adjustments to the specified account. N/A.
AddSharedEntity Adds a negative keyword list to the ad account library, or adds a website exclusion list to the manager account (customer) library. 1 SharedEntity

5,000 ListItems
AddUetTags Adds new Universal Event Tracking (UET) tags that you can add to your website to allow Microsoft Advertising to collect actions people take on your website. 100 UetTags
AddVideos Adds one or more videos to an account. 100 Videos
AppealEditorialRejections Appeals ads or keywords that failed editorial review. 1,000 EntityIdToParentIdAssociations
ApplyAssetGroupListingGroupActions Applies an action to an asset group listing group. N/A.
ApplyCustomerListItems Defines the ApplyCustomerListItems service operation. N/A.
ApplyCustomerListUserData Defines the ApplyCustomerListUserData service operation. N/A.
ApplyHotelGroupActions Applies an add, update, or delete action to each of the specified BiddableAdGroupCriterion or NegativeAdGroupCriterion, which each contain a HotelGroup. N/A.
ApplyOfflineConversionAdjustments Applies offline conversion adjustments. 1,000 OfflineConversionAdjustments
ApplyOfflineConversions Applies offline conversions for the account with Microsoft Click Id among other offline conversion data. 1,000 OfflineConversions
ApplyOnlineConversionAdjustments Applies online conversion adjustments. N/A.
ApplyProductPartitionActions Applies an add, update, or delete action to each of the specified BiddableAdGroupCriterion or NegativeAdGroupCriterion, which each contain a ProductPartition. 5,000 CriterionActions
DeleteAdExtensions Deletes one or more ad extensions from the account's ad extension library. 1 AccountId

100 AdExtensionIds
DeleteAdExtensionsAssociations Removes the specified association from the respective campaigns or ad groups. 1 AccountId

100 AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociations
DeleteAdGroupCriterions Deletes the specified ad group criterions. 1 AccountId

1,000 AdGroupCriterionIds
DeleteAdGroups Deletes one or more ad groups from the specified campaign. 1,000 AdGroupIds

1 CampaignId
DeleteAds Deletes one or more ads from the specified ad group. 1 AdGroupId

50 AdIds
DeleteAssetGroups Deletes one or more AssetGroups. N/A.
DeleteAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociations Deletes one or more AudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociations. N/A.
DeleteAudienceGroups Deletes one or more AudienceGroups. N/A.
DeleteAudiences Deletes the specified audiences. 100 AudienceIds
DeleteBidStrategies Deletes bid strategies from an account's portfolio bid strategy library. 100 BidStrategyIds
DeleteBudgets Deletes budgets from the account's shared budget library. 100 BudgetIds
DeleteCampaignConversionGoals Deletes a campaign conversion goal. N/A.
DeleteCampaignCriterions Deletes one or more campaign criterions. 100 CampaignCriterionIds
DeleteCampaigns Deletes one or more campaigns in a specified account. 1 AccountId

100 CampaignIds
DeleteDataExclusions Deletes the specified data exclusions from the specified account. N/A.
DeleteExperiments Deletes one or more experiments. 100 ExperimentIds
DeleteImportJobs Deletes the import jobs. 1 ImportJobs
DeleteKeywords Deletes one or more keywords in a specified ad group. 1 AdGroupId

1,000 KeywordIds
DeleteLabelAssociations Deletes label associations. 100 LabelAssociations
DeleteLabels Deletes one or more labels from the account. 100 LabelIds
DeleteListItemsFromSharedList Deletes negative keywords from a negative keyword list, or negative sites from a website exclusion list. 1 SharedList

5,000 ListItemIds
DeleteMedia Deletes the specified media from an account's media library. 1 AccountId

DeleteNegativeKeywordsFromEntities Deletes negative keywords from the specified campaign or ad group. 1 EntityNegativeKeywords

Each EntityNegativeKeyword element can contain up to 20,000 negative keywords.
DeleteSeasonalityAdjustments Deletes the specified seasonality adjustments from the specified account. N/A.
DeleteSharedEntities Deletes negative keyword lists from the ad account library, or deletes website exclusion lists from the manager account (customer) library. 20 SharedEntities
DeleteSharedEntityAssociations Deletes the negative keyword list to campaign associations, or website exclusion list to ad account associations. 10,000 Associations
DeleteVideos Deletes one or more videos from the account. 100 VideoIds
GetAccountMigrationStatuses Gets the migration status info for the specified accounts. 1,000 AccountIds
GetAccountProperties Gets account level properties by name. Not applicable
GetAdExtensionIdsByAccountId Gets the ad extensions from the account's ad extension library. 1 AccountId
GetAdExtensionsAssociations Gets the respective ad extension associations by the specified campaign and ad group identifiers. 1 AccountId

100 EntityIds
GetAdExtensionsByIds Gets the specified ad extensions from the account's ad extension library. 1 AccountId

100 AdExtensionIds
GetAdExtensionsEditorialReasons Gets reasons for ad extension editorial issues. 1 AccountId

100 AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociations
GetAdGroupCriterionsByIds Gets ad group criterions by identifiers and types. 1 AccountId

1,000 AdGroupCriterionIds
GetAdGroupsByCampaignId Gets the ad groups within the specified campaign. 1 CampaignId
GetAdGroupsByIds Gets the specified ad groups within the specified campaign. 1,000 AdGroupIds

1 CampaignId
GetAdsByAdGroupId Retrieves the ads within an ad group. 1 AdGroupId
GetAdsByEditorialStatus Retrieves the ads that belong to the specified ad group and have the specified editorial review status. 1 AdGroupId
GetAdsByIds Retrieves the specified ads from the specified ad group. 1 AdGroupId

20 AdIds
GetAssetGroupListingGroupsByIds Retrieves the specified AssetGroupListingGroups. N/A.
GetAssetGroupsByCampaignId Retrieves the specified AssetGroups. N/A.
GetAssetGroupsByIds Retrieves specified AssetGroups. N/A.
GetAssetGroupsEditorialReasons Gets reasons for asset group editorial issues. N/A.
GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAssetGroupIds Retrieves the specified AudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociations by asset group IDs. N/A.
GetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociationsByAudienceGroupIds Retrieves the specified AudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociations by audience group IDs. N/A.
GetAudienceGroupsByIds Retrieves specified AudienceGroups. N/A.
GetAudiencesByIds Retrieves the specified audiences from the specified account. 100 AudienceIds
GetBidStrategiesByIds Gets bid strategies in an account's portfolio bid strategy library. 100 BidStrategyIds
GetBMCStoresByCustomerId Gets the Microsoft Merchant Center stores for the specified customer. Not applicable.
GetBSCCountries Gets the list of supported sales country codes for Microsoft Shopping Campaigns. Not applicable.
GetBudgetsByIds Gets the specified budgets from the account's shared budget library. 100 BudgetIds
GetCampaignCriterionsByIds Gets the specified campaign criterions. 100 CampaignCriterionIds

1 CampaignId
GetCampaignIdsByBidStrategyIds Gets the campaign identifiers that are associated with the specified portfolio bid strategies. 100 BidStrategyIds
GetCampaignIdsByBudgetIds Gets the campaign identifiers that share each specified budget. 100 BudgetIds
GetCampaignsByAccountId Gets the campaigns within an account. 1 AccountId
GetCampaignsByIds Gets the specified campaigns within an account. 1 AccountId

100 CampaignIds
GetConversionGoalsByIds Gets the specified conversion goals. 100 ConversionGoalIds
GetConversionGoalsByTagIds Gets the conversion goals that use the specified UET tags. 100 TagIds
GetDataExclusionsByAccountId Gets the data exclusions associated with an account. N/A.
GetDataExclusionsByIds Gets the specified data exclusions associated with an account. N/A.
GetEditorialReasonsByIds Gets the reasons why the specified entities failed editorial review and whether the issue is appealable. 1 AccountId

1,000 EntityIdToParentIdAssociations
GetExperimentsByIds Gets experiments by experiment identifiers. 5,000 ExperimentIds
GetFileImportUploadUrl GetFileImportUploadUrl is reserved for future use. N/A.
GetGeoLocationsFileUrl Gets a temporary URL that you can use to download a file that contains identifiers for the geographical locations that you can target or exclude. Not applicable.
GetImportEntityIdsMapping Gets mappings of your source entity IDs to Microsoft Advertising entity IDs. 100 SourceEntityIds
GetImportJobsByIds Gets import jobs by their type and identifiers. 100 ImportJobIds
GetImportResults Gets results for import jobs completed within the last 90 days. 100 ImportJobIds
GetKeywordsByAdGroupId Gets the keywords within an ad group. 1 AdGroupId
GetKeywordsByEditorialStatus Retrieves the keywords with the specified editorial review status. 1 AdGroupId
GetKeywordsByIds Retrieves the specified keywords. 1 AdGroupId

1,000 KeywordIds
GetLabelAssociationsByEntityIds Gets label associations by entity identifiers. 100 EntityIds
GetLabelAssociationsByLabelIds Gets label associations by label identifiers. 1 LabelIds
GetLabelsByIds Gets labels by label identifiers. 1,000 LabelIds
GetListItemsBySharedList Gets the negative keywords of a negative keyword list, or negative sites of a website exclusion list. 1 SharedList
GetMediaAssociations Gets the media associations of the specified entity type from an account's media library. 1 AccountId

100 MediaIds
GetMediaMetaDataByAccountId Gets the media meta data of the specified entity type from an account's media library. Not applicable.
GetMediaMetaDataByIds Gets the specified media meta data from an account's media library. 100 MediaIds
GetNegativeKeywordsByEntityIds Gets the negative keywords that are assigned directly to campaigns or ad groups. 1 ParentEntityId

1 EntityIds
GetNegativeSitesByAdGroupIds Gets the negative sites URLs that are assigned directly to ad groups. 15 AdGroupIds

1 CampaignId
GetNegativeSitesByCampaignIds Gets the negative site URLs that are assigned directly to campaigns. 1 AccountId

15 CampaignIds
GetOfflineConversionReports Gets the offline conversion reports in the requested date range. N/A.
GetProfileDataFileUrl Gets a temporary URL that you can use to download industry or job function profile data. 1 ProfileType
GetSeasonalityAdjustmentsByAccountId Gets the seasonality adjustments associated with an account. N/A.
GetSeasonalityAdjustmentsByIds Gets the specified seasonality adjustments associated with an account. N/A.
GetSharedEntities Gets negative keyword lists or website exclusion lists. Not applicable.
GetSharedEntitiesByAccountId Gets negative keyword lists. Not applicable.
GetSharedEntityAssociationsByEntityIds Gets the negative keyword list to campaign associations by campaign IDs, or website exclusion list to ad account associations by ad account IDs. 100 EntityIds
GetSharedEntityAssociationsBySharedEntityIds Gets the negative keyword list to campaign associations by negative keyword list IDs, or website exclusion list to ad account associations by website exclusion list IDs. 1 SharedEntityIds
GetUetTagsByIds Gets the specified Universal Event Tracking (UET) tags. 100 TagIds
GetVideosByIds Gets videos by video identifiers. 1,000 VideoIds
SearchCompanies Search for profile data by company name. 1 CompanyNameFilter
SetAccountProperties Sets account level properties by name. Not applicable
SetAdExtensionsAssociations Associates the specified ad extensions with the respective campaigns or ad groups. 1 AccountId

100 AdExtensionIdToEntityIdAssociations
SetAudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociations Sets AudienceGroupAssetGroupAssociations. N/A.
SetLabelAssociations Sets label associations. 100 LabelAssociations
SetNegativeSitesToAdGroups Sets the negative site URLs directly to ad groups. 5,000 AdGroupNegativeSites

1 CampaignId
SetNegativeSitesToCampaigns Sets the negative site URLs directly to campaigns. 1 AccountId

5,000 CampaignNegativeSites
SetSharedEntityAssociations Sets the negative keyword list to campaign associations, or website exclusion list to ad account associations. 10,000 Associations
UpdateAdExtensions Updates one or more ad extensions within an account's ad extension library. 1 AccountId

100 AdExtensions
UpdateAdGroupCriterions Updates one or more ad group criterions. 1 AccountId

1,000 AdGroupCriterions
UpdateAdGroups Updates the specified ad groups in a campaign. 1,000 AdGroups

1 CampaignId
UpdateAds Updates the specified ads within an ad group. 1 AdGroupId

50 Ads
UpdateAssetGroups Updates the specified asset groups. N/A.
UpdateAudienceGroups Updates the specified audience groups. N/A.
UpdateAudiences Updates the specified audiences. 100 Audiences
UpdateBidStrategies Updates bid strategies in an account's portfolio bid strategy library. 100 BidStrategies
UpdateBudgets Updates the specified budgets in the account's shared budget library. 100 Budgets
UpdateCampaignCriterions Updates one or more campaign criterions. 100 CampaignCriterions
UpdateCampaigns Updates specified campaigns in a specified account. 1 AccountId

100 Campaigns
UpdateConversionGoals Updates conversion goals within the account's shared conversion goal library. 100 ConversionGoals
UpdateDataExclusions Make updates to the specified data exclusions. N/A.
UpdateExperiments Updates the specified experiments. 100 Experiments
UpdateImportJobs Replaces the specified import jobs with new import jobs. 1 ImportJobs
UpdateKeywords Updates the keywords within a specified ad group. 1 AdGroupId

1,000 Keywords
UpdateLabels Updates the labels within the account. 100 Labels
UpdateSeasonalityAdjustments Make updates to the specified seasonality adjustments. N/A.
UpdateSharedEntities Updates the negative keyword lists or website exclusion lists. 20 SharedEntities
UpdateUetTags Updates the specified Universal Event Tracking (UET) tags. 100 UetTags
UpdateVideos Updates the videos within the account. 100 Videos