@$@chin ,
Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A Platform. Thank you for reaching out & I hope you are doing well.
I understand that you have a requirement that P2S users have to connect a Storage Account's private endpoint.
Silvia Wibowo's suggestion is correct.
- Adding Add DNS suffixes would make the DNS requests for *.blob.core.windows.net go via the P2S Tunnel
- However, just using the DNS Suffixes is not enough.
- You should also use a custom DNS server in Azure if you want Private endPoints to be resolved.
- This means, you should have a VM acting as DNS Server located in Azure VNET where the VPN Gateway is deployed.
- In addition, the VM DNS Server should have a forward lookup zone for "blob.core.windows.net" and forward the requests to Azure Wireserver IP -
- You may wonder why you cannot directly forward the requests to without ever deploying a VM DNS Server
- The answer is that is a virtual IP and it will accept only DNS queries from VMs in Azure
- Not directly from P2S Clients.
- See : Use a DNS forwarder VM
The recommended method is to use Azure DNS Private Resolver instead, which can act as a DNS VM in Azure and has less management overhead.
For non-production scenarios,
- You can consider using Host file entry
- Infact, I recommend you to make sure the host file entry works before you move to custom DNS server or Azure DNS Private Resolver solutions.
Kindly let us know if this helps or you need further assistance on this issue.
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