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Get trending images from the web


On October 30, 2020, the Bing Search APIs moved from Azure AI services to Bing Search Services. This documentation is provided for reference only. For updated documentation, see the Bing search API documentation. For instructions on creating new Azure resources for Bing search, see Create a Bing Search resource through the Azure Marketplace.

To get today's trending images, send the following GET request:

GET HTTP/1.1  
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 123456789ABCDE  
X-MSEdge-ClientIP: 999.999.999.999  
X-Search-Location: lat:47.60357;long:-122.3295;re:100  
X-MSEdge-ClientID: <blobFromPriorResponseGoesHere>  

The Trending Images API currently supports only the following markets:

  • en-US (English, United States)
  • en-CA (English, Canada)
  • en-AU (English, Australia)
  • zh-CN (Chinese, China)

The response contains a TrendingImages object that lists images by category. Use the category's title to group the images in your user experience. The categories may change daily.

    "_type" : "TrendingImages",  
    "categories" : [{  
        "title" : "Popular people searches",  
        "tiles" : [{  
            "query" : {  
                "text" : "Smith",  
                "displayText" : "Mr. Smith",  
                "webSearchUrl" : "https:\/\/\/images\/search?q=smith&FORM=..."
            "image" : {  
                "id" : "C3C60AE779A054D5CD80D3CACF0F3",  
                "thumbnailUrl" : "https:\/\/\/th?id=OIP.M2532...",  
                "contentUrl" : "http:\/\/\/assets\/Uploads\/smith-SH01.jpg",  
                "thumbnail" : {  
                    "width" : 288,  
                    "height" : 300  
        . . .  
    . . .  
        "title" : "Popular Halloween searches",  
        "tiles" : [{  
            "query" : {  
                "text" : "Halloween costumes for adults",  
                "displayText" : "Halloween costumes for adults",  
                "webSearchUrl" : "https:\/\/\/images\/search?q=Halloween+costumes..."
            "image" : {  
                "id" : "0F3395F2983003F89DCEE711B55D7FA53E4",  
                "thumbnailUrl" : "https:\/\/\/th?id=OIP.Me429c...",  
                "contentUrl" : "http:\/\/\/products\/8179\/1-1\/adult-squirrel...",  
                "thumbnail" : {  
                    "width" : 336,  
                    "height" : 480  

Each tile contains an image and options for getting related images. To get the related images, you can use the query text to call the Image Search API and display the related images yourself. Or, you can use the URL in webSearchUrl to take the user to Bing's images search results page, which contains the related images.

If you call the Image Search API to get the related images, set the id query parameter to the ID in the id field. Specifying the ID ensures that the response contains the image (it is the first image in the response) and its related images. Also, set the q query parameter to the text in the query object's text field.

The following example shows how to use the image ID to get related images of Mr. Smith in the preceding Trending Images API response.

GET HTTP/1.1  
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: 123456789ABCDE  
X-MSEdge-ClientIP: 999.999.999.999  
X-Search-Location: lat:47.60357;long:-122.3295;re:100  
X-MSEdge-ClientID: <blobFromPriorResponseGoesHere>  