Summary and resources


Azure Monitor helps you maximize the availability and performance of your applications and services.

In this module, you identified the features and usage cases for Azure Monitor. You examined how to configure and interpret metrics and logs. You explored the Azure Monitor components and data types. You learn how to configure Azure Monitor Logs (Log Analytics) activity Log monitoring.

The main takeaways from this module are:

  • Azure Monitor is a comprehensive solution for monitoring and analyzing telemetry data from both on-premises and cloud environments.

  • Azure Monitor helps you understand the performance of your applications and allows you to proactively identify and resolve issues.

  • Azure Monitor offers features in three areas: monitoring and visualizing metrics, querying and analyzing logs, and setting up alerts and actions.

Learn more with Azure documentation

  • Azure Monitor documentation. Learn about monitoring Azure and on-premises services. Understand how to aggregate and analyze metrics, logs, and traces. Respond to issues by firing alerts that can send notifications or by calling automated solutions.

  • Azure Monitor Metrics. Azure Monitor Metrics is a feature of Azure Monitor that collects numeric data from monitored resources into a time-series database. Metrics are numerical values that are collected at regular intervals and describe some aspect of a system at a particular time.

  • Azure Monitor Logs. Azure Monitor Logs is a feature of Azure Monitor that collects and organizes log and performance data from monitored resources. Several features of Azure Monitor store their data in Logs and present this data in various ways to assist you in monitoring the performance and availability of your cloud and hybrid applications and their supporting components.

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