Analyze positive or negative sentiment in text |
Sentiment analysis |
Classify text into categories with one of your custom models |
Category classification |
Classify text into categories with the standard model |
Category classification |
Create text with GPT using a prompt |
AI prompts, Create text with GPT-4o mini |
Create text with GPT using a prompt |
AI prompts, Create text with GPT-4o |
Detect the language being used in the text |
Language detection |
Extract entities from text with one of your custom models |
Entity extraction |
Extract entities from text with the standard model |
Entity extraction |
Extract information from business cards |
Receipt, Invoice, Identity document or Business card analysis |
Extract information from documents |
Document processing |
Extract information from identity documents |
Receipt, Invoice, Identity document or Business card analysis |
Extract information from invoices |
Receipt, Invoice, Identity document or Business card analysis |
Extract information from receipts |
Receipt, Invoice, Identity document or Business card analysis |
Generate the key phrases from a text |
Key phrase extraction |
Generate description of an image |
Image description (Preview) |
Predict whether something will happen by field |
Real-time Prediction, Scheduled Prediction |
Predict whether something will happen by record ID |
Real-time Prediction, Scheduled Prediction |
Recognize text in an image or a PDF document |
Text recognition |
Translate text into another language |
Text translation |