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I believe you are trying to follow Custom domains in Azure Active Directory B2C and would like to know if you can use Private EndPoint instead.
I don't think this would be feasible for these reasons :
AFD Supports only the following Private EndPoints.
- Blob Storage
- Web App
- Internal load balancers, or any services that expose internal load balancers such as Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Container Apps or Azure Red Hat OpenShift
- Storage Static Website
- Application Gateway (Preview only. Please do not put production workloads)
See : Origin support for direct private endpoint connectivity
Does the service AAD B2C support Private EndPoints to begin with?
- I don't see any documents stating that PE support is enabled for AAD B2C
- This makes sense as I doubt AAD B2C would work in a private network.
Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance here.
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