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Publish Azure Media Services content using REST

You can stream an adaptive bitrate MP4 set by creating an OnDemand streaming locator and building a streaming URL. The encoding an asset article shows how to encode into an adaptive bitrate MP4 set. If your content is encrypted, configure asset delivery policy (as described in this article) before creating a locator.

You can also use an OnDemand streaming locator to build URLs that point to MP4 files that can be progressively downloaded.

This article shows how to create an OnDemand streaming locator in order to publish your asset and build a Smooth, MPEG DASH, and HLS streaming URLs. It also shows how to build progressive download URLs.

The following section shows the enum types whose values are used in the REST calls.


When accessing entities in Media Services, you must set specific header fields and values in your HTTP requests. For more information, see Setup for Media Services REST API Development.

Connect to Media Services

For information on how to connect to the AMS API, see Access the Azure Media Services API with Azure AD authentication.


After successfully connecting to, you will receive a 301 redirect specifying another Media Services URI. You must make subsequent calls to the new URI.

Create an OnDemand streaming locator

To create the OnDemand streaming locator and get URLs, you need to do the following:

  1. If the content is encrypted, define an access policy.

  2. Create an OnDemand streaming locator.

  3. If you plan to stream, get the streaming manifest file (.ism) in the asset.

    If you plan to progressively download, get the names of MP4 files in the asset.

  4. Build URLs to the manifest file or MP4 files.

  5. You cannot create a streaming locator using an AccessPolicy that includes write or delete permissions.

Create an access policy


There is a limit of 1,000,000 policies for different AMS policies (for example, for Locator policy or ContentKeyAuthorizationPolicy). Use the same policy ID if you are always using the same days / access permissions, for example, policies for locators that are intended to remain in place for a long time (non-upload policies). For more information, see this article.


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{"Name":"access policy","DurationInMinutes":43200.0,"Permissions":1}


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
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Location: https:/'nb%3Apid%3AUUID%3A69c80d98-7830-407f-a9af-e25f4b0d3e5f')
Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5
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Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 06:52:09 GMT

{"odata.metadata":"$metadata#AccessPolicies/@Element","Id":"nb:pid:UUID:69c80d98-7830-407f-a9af-e25f4b0d3e5f","Created":"2015-02-18T06:52:09.8862191Z","LastModified":"2015-02-18T06:52:09.8862191Z","Name":"access policy","DurationInMinutes":43200.0,"Permissions":1}

Create an OnDemand streaming locator

Create the locator for the specified asset and asset policy.


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Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 06:58:37 GMT


Build streaming URLs

Use the Path value returned after the creation of the locator to build the Smooth, HLS, and MPEG DASH URLs.

Smooth Streaming: Path + manifest file name + "/manifest"


HLS: Path + manifest file name + "/manifest(format=m3u8-aapl)"


DASH: Path + manifest file name + "/manifest(format=mpd-time-csf)"


Build progressive download URLs

Use the Path value returned after the creation of the locator to build the progressive download URL.

URL: Path + asset file mp4 name


Enum types

public enum AccessPermissions
    None = 0,
    Read = 1,
    Write = 2,
    Delete = 4,
    List = 8,

public enum LocatorType
    None = 0,
    Sas = 1,
    OnDemandOrigin = 2,