

Serverless architecture makes use of infrastructure provided by the cloud, so you don't have to provision, manage, scale, or maintain any machinery or networks. Azure Functions is a fully managed platform as a service (PaaS) offered by Microsoft Azure to implement serverless architecture. Microsoft Azure Functions is a serverless, event-driven compute service that is fully scalable, resilient, reliable, and secure.

Let's say you're a senior web developer in a research role for an online luxury watch dealer. You're building a website based on Azure Web Apps and you're asked to provide new functionality. The task involves creating individual methods that other Azure services can deploy, manually execute, schedule, or even trigger.

The company has a test-driven development process, so you're also required to write automated unit tests for new services. You have a team of developers who are well versed in Microsoft technologies, including the .NET framework and Visual Studio. You decide to investigate the use of Azure Functions to meet your requirements.

By the end of this module, you can build and test an Azure Function locally using Visual Studio 2022, and deploy the Function to Azure from Visual Studio.


This module only supports C# function apps.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Create an in-process function app that runs on .NET 6.0. in Visual Studio 2022.
  • Test and debug a function in Visual Studio 2022.
  • Deploy a functions project directly from Visual Studio 2022 to Azure.
  • Manage Azure Functions code.


  • Basic knowledge of Azure Functions
  • Experience developing solutions in Visual Studio or a similar integrated development environment


The exercises in this module require a local installation of Visual Studio 2022 (hereafter referred to as Visual Studio) in a Windows environment.