The Navigate and Back functions


Let's look at how you can add arguments to the Navigate and Back functions to enhance the user interface in a Power Apps app. In the syntax, square brackets indicate optional parameters.

Here's a breakdown of the Navigate syntax:

Navigate(Screen [, ScreenTransition [, UpdateContextRecord ]])

  • Screen (required): The screen to display (or go to).

  • ScreenTransition (optional): The visual transition to use between the current screen and the next screen. The default value is None.

  • UpdateContextRecord (optional): A record that contains the name of at least one column and a value for each column. This record updates applicable context variables for the new screen.

In other words, you must include the first parameter to let Power Apps know which screen to go to. You can use the second parameter to define how the old screen visually changes to the new screen. You can use the third parameter to pass a context value to the new screen.

Back function

Here's a breakdown of the Back syntax:


  • ScreenTransition (optional): The visual transition to use between the current screen and the next screen. The default value is the inverse screen transition of the Navigate function that brought the user to the screen.

When you add Back to your app, it must include parentheses: Back().

The Back function returns a user to the screen that the app most recently displayed. As the user goes to other screens, the app tracks the path of the screens and the transitions that it used. So, when the Back function runs, the inverse screen transition also runs. Your users can use the Back function to return all the way to the screen that appeared when they opened the app.

Screen transitions

Let's look more closely at screen transitions, because they can be a part of both Navigate and Back formulas. These options are available in Power Apps:

  • ScreenTransition.Cover: The new screen slides into view from right to left and covers the current screen.

  • ScreenTransition.CoverRight: The new screen slides into view from left to right and covers the current screen.

  • ScreenTransition.Fade: The current screen fades away to reveal the new screen.

  • ScreenTransition.None (default): The new screen quickly replaces the old screen.

  • ScreenTransition.UnCover: The current screen slides out of view from right to left and uncovers the new screen.

  • ScreenTransition.UnCoverRight: The current screen slides out of view from left to right and uncovers the new screen.


The following table gives a few examples of formulas that use transitions for both Navigate and Back. The table also includes some of the UpdateContextRecord parameters on Navigate examples, so you can visualize what they would look like in your app.

Formula Description Result
Navigate(Details) Displays the Details screen with no transition or change in value for a context variable. The Details screen appears quickly.
Navigate(Details, ScreenTransition.Fade) Displays the Details screen with a Fade transition. No value of a context variable is changed. The current screen fades away to show the Details screen.
Navigate(Details, ScreenTransition.Fade, {ID: 12}) Displays the Details screen with a Fade transition. Updates the value of the ID context variable to 12. The current screen fades away to show the Details screen, and the context variable ID on the screen is set to 12.
Navigate(Details, ScreenTransition.Fade, {ID: 12 , Shade: Color.Red}) Displays the Details screen with a Fade transition. Updates the value of the ID context variable to 12. Updates the value of the Shade context variable to Color.Red. The current screen fades away to show the Details screen. The context variable ID on the Details screen is set to 12, and the context variable Shade is set to Color.Red. If you set the Fill property of a control on the Details screen to Shade, that control appears as red.
Back() Displays the previous screen with the default return transition. The app displays the previous screen through the inverse transition of the transition through which the current screen appeared.
Back(ScreenTransition.Cover) Displays the previous screen with the Cover transition. The app displays the previous screen through the Cover transition, regardless of the transition through which the current screen appeared.

In summary, you can customize the Navigate and Back functions by taking advantage of their parameters. You can use the Navigate function to enable users to switch to another screen, but it's also possible to add a visual transition and even set context variables in the process. The Back function provides the inverse of any transition that got your user to the current screen, or you can define a transition. It's up to you to determine the user experience!

Up to now, you've used only the OnSelect function to add navigation to your app. In the next unit, you'll learn other ways to add app navigation.