Extend Microsoft 365 Copilot


Microsoft 365 Copilot can do a lot on its own, but to make it even more powerful, you can extend its capabilities. By using different extensibility options, Copilot can connect to other tools, pull in data from external sources, and automate tasks — making your work smoother and more productive.

What are your extensibility options?

Extensibility options are ways to customize and expand what Copilot can do by connecting it with other apps, services, or workflows. These options allow Copilot to integrate with external platforms, access different types of data, and perform a wide variety of tasks.

Here are the key types of extensibility options for Microsoft 365 Copilot:

  • Declarative Copilots. These are custom built agents tailored to specific tasks or knowledge areas. They provide personalized assistance by focusing on unique business needs.
  • API Plugins. These agents connect Copilot to external services through APIs, allowing it to pull in data or take actions, such as retrieving information or completing tasks in other applications.
  • Graph Connectors. These connectors bring data from other systems into Microsoft Graph, making the data available to Microsoft 365 Copilot. This helps other agents (like Declarative Copilots and API Plugins) access and use that data in workflows, making it easier to work across different tools.
  • Teams Message Extensions. These agents let users search and take actions directly in Teams, now also functioning as plugins that work with Copilot to streamline communication and collaboration.
  • Copilot Studio. Copilot Studio is a platform where you can create agents that allow Copilot to perform automated tasks across different applications, like sending emails or updating records.

How to choose an extensibility option

Choosing the right extensibility option depends on what you want Copilot to do:

  • For custom chat experiences or task-specific solutions, declarative copilots are ideal.
  • To integrate external data sources and services, API plugins and Graph Connectors can help.
  • For team collaboration and communication, Teams message extensions add value.
  • For automating workflows, Copilot Studio agents can help.

With these extensibility options, you can build powerful solutions that extend Copilot’s capabilities and enhance productivity within your organization.