Hi @Shane DT , I understand that you want Prod VMs traffic to go through Firewall before reaching Company Workstation.
Because of vNet peering between VNET-FW and Prod VMs vNet, all of your VMs in Prod VMs use a route table that has a system route entry for to vNet gateway, so the traffic goes directly, without going to Firewall. For the opposite direction, as you noticed that traffic from Company Workstation goes to Firewall before going to Prod VMs, I suspect there is a route table applied on GatewaySubnet that has an entry for traffic to go to Firewall.
To get Prod VMs traffic to go through Firewall before reaching Company Workstation, you need to set UDR (User Defined Route) on your Prod VMs subnet: next hop: NVA There should be an entry in Firewall rules to allow the traffic from Prod VMs to Company Workstation - if you use a Network rule, you need to configure SNAT. Application rule will apply SNAT automatically, so you don't have to configure SNAT.
Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/firewall/snat-private-range - "By default, Azure Firewall doesn't SNAT with Network rules when the destination IP address is in a private IP address range per IANA RFC 1918 or shared address space per IANA RFC 6598. Application rules are always SNATed using a transparent proxy whatever the destination IP address."
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