Help with Transact SQL

Sri Kotte 21 Reputation points

Hello all,

I have a table with columns as below

(prop_id int, 
 min_calc_date datetime, 
 max_calc_date datetime,
 fuel_rate  int

(123,'01-01-2020','08-19-2020', 50)  ,
(123,'01-01-2020','08-19-2020', 60) ,
(123,'01-01-2020','08-19-2020', 10) ,
(123,'01-30-2020','08-19-2020', 20),
(456,'01-01-2020','08-18-2020', 30),
(456,'01-01-2020','08-18-2020', 40),
(678,'01-01-2020','08-19-2020', 10) ,
(678,'01-01-2020','08-19-2020', 20),
(678,'01-01-2020','08-10-2020', 60)

prop_id min_calc_date max_calc_date fuel_rate

123 01/01/2020 08/19/2020 50
123 01/01/2020 08/19/2020 60
123 01/01/2020 08/19/2020 10
123 01/30/2020 08/19/2020 20
456 01/01/2020 08/18/2020 30
456 01/01/2020 08/18/2020 40
678 01/01/2020 08/19/2020 10
678 01/01/2020 08/19/2020 20
678 01/01/2020 08/10/2020 60

So, here I need to calculate the sum of fuel_rate for each prop_id based on the min_Calc_date and max_calc_date range. Since we have two different min_Calc_date for prop_id = 123 (01/01/2020 and 01/30/2020) I will have two sets of sum of fuel_rate. one sum value will be between 01/01/2020 and 01/29/2020 and other sum value will be between 01/30/2020 and 08/19/2020 and same will be the case for prop_id = 678 one sum value will be between 01/01/2020 and 08/09/2020 and other sum value will be between 08/10/2020 and 08/19/2020.
This is the output I am expecting to see

prop_id min_calc_date max_calc_date fuel_rate

123 01/01/2020 01/29/2020 120 (50+60+10)
123 01/30/2020 08/19/2020 20
456 01/01/2020 08/18/2020 70 (30+40)
678 01/01/2020 08/09/2020 60
678 08/10/2020 08/19/2020 30 (10+20)

Could you please help me in achieving this?

Appreciate your help. Thank you so much

A Microsoft extension to the ANSI SQL language that includes procedural programming, local variables, and various support functions.
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  1. EchoLiu-MSFT 14,581 Reputation points

    Hi SriKotte-6865,

    The following code can achieve part of your needs:

    create table meter   
     (prop_id int,   
      min_calc_date datetime,   
      max_calc_date datetime,  
      fuel_rate  int  
     INSERT INTO meter  
     (123,'01-01-2020','08-19-2020', 50)  ,  
     (123,'01-01-2020','08-19-2020', 60) ,  
     (123,'01-01-2020','08-19-2020', 10) ,  
     (123,'01-30-2020','08-19-2020', 20),  
     (456,'01-01-2020','08-18-2020', 30),  
     (456,'01-01-2020','08-18-2020', 40),  
     (678,'01-01-2020','08-19-2020', 10),  
     (678,'01-01-2020','08-19-2020', 20),  
     (678,'01-01-2020','08-10-2020', 60)  
    with cte1   
    as(select *,max(min_calc_date) over(partition by prop_id) maxdate from meter)  
      ,cte2 as  
      (select prop_id,min_calc_date,  
              case when min_calc_date<>maxdate then dateadd(dd,-1,maxdate) else max_calc_date end max_calc_date,fuel_rate   
       from cte1)  
       ,cte3 as  
         (select prop_id,min_calc_date,max_calc_date,sum(fuel_rate ) fuel_rate from cte2  
       group by prop_id,min_calc_date,max_calc_date)  
    select * from cte3  
    drop table meter  


    Min_calc_date with different prop_id should have the same rules,otherwise it is difficult to implement.So if your inserted data is slightly modified,change(678,'01-01-2020','08-19-2020', 10) ,(678,'01-01-2020','08-19-2020', 20), to (678,'08-10-2020','08-19-2020', 10),(678,'08-10-2020','08-19-2020', 20),then you can have the output you expect:

    create table meter  
    (prop_id int,  
    min_calc_date datetime,  
    max_calc_date datetime,  
    fuel_rate int  
    INSERT INTO meter  
    (123,'01-01-2020','08-19-2020', 50) ,  
    (123,'01-01-2020','08-19-2020', 60) ,  
    (123,'01-01-2020','08-19-2020', 10) ,  
    (123,'01-30-2020','08-19-2020', 20),  
    (456,'01-01-2020','08-18-2020', 30),  
    (456,'01-01-2020','08-18-2020', 40),  
    (678,'08-10-2020','08-19-2020', 10),  
    (678,'08-10-2020','08-19-2020', 20),  
    (678,'01-01-2020','08-10-2020', 60)  
     with cte1   
     as(select *,max(min_calc_date) over(partition by prop_id) maxdate from meter)  
       ,cte2 as  
       (select prop_id,min_calc_date,  
               case when min_calc_date<>maxdate then dateadd(dd,-1,maxdate) else max_calc_date end max_calc_date ,fuel_rate   
        from cte1)  
        ,cte3 as  
          (select prop_id,min_calc_date,max_calc_date,sum(fuel_rate ) fuel_rate from cte2  
           group by prop_id,min_calc_date,max_calc_date)  
     select * from cte3  
     drop table meter  


    Best Regards

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