React to Azure Maps events by using Event Grid

Azure Maps integrates with Azure Event Grid, so that users can send event notifications to other services and trigger downstream processes. The purpose of this article is to help you configure your business applications to listen to Azure Maps events. This allows users to react to critical events in a reliable, scalable, and secure manner. For example, users can build an application to update a database, create a ticket, and deliver an email notification, every time a device enters a geofence.

Azure Event Grid is a fully managed event routing service, which uses a publish-subscribe model. Event Grid has built-in support for Azure services like Azure Functions and Azure Logic Apps. It can deliver event alerts to non-Azure services using webhooks. For a complete list of the event handlers that Event Grid supports, see An introduction to Azure Event Grid.

Azure Event Grid functional model

Azure Maps events types

Event Grid uses event subscriptions to route event messages to subscribers. An Azure Maps account emits the following event types:

Event type Description
Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceEntered Raised when received coordinates have moved from outside of a given geofence to within
Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceExited Raised when received coordinates have moved from within a given geofence to outside
Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceResult Raised every time a geofencing query returns a result, regardless of the state

Event schema

The following example shows the schema for GeofenceResult:


Tips for consuming events

Applications that handle Azure Maps geofence events should follow a few recommended practices:

  • Configure multiple subscriptions to route events to the same event handler. It's important not to assume that events are from a particular source. Always check the message topic to ensure that the message came from the source that you expect.
  • Use the X-Correlation-id field in the response header to understand if your information about objects is up to date. Messages can arrive out of order or after a delay.
  • When a GET or a POST request in the Geofence API is called with the mode parameter set to EnterAndExit, then an Enter or Exit event is generated for each geometry in the geofence for which the status has changed from the previous Geofence API call.

Next steps

For details about all the events supported by Azure Maps and the schema, see Azure Maps as an Event Grid source.

To learn more about how to use geofencing to control operations at a construction site, see: