This article provides details on enabling VM Insights in Azure Monitor using different methods including the Azure portal, ARM templates, and PowerShell script.
If your virtual machine already has VM insights enabled using the deprecated Log Analytics agent, see Migrate to Azure Monitor Agent from Log Analytics agent in VM Insights for guidance on migrating to the Azure Monitor agent. Ensure that you remove the Log Analytics agent in order to prevent duplicate data collection with both agents installed.
You must have a Log Analytics workspace to store data collected by VM insights. You can create a new workspace if you enable using the Azure portal.
You require permissions to create a data collection rule (DCR) and associate it with the Azure Monitor agent. See Data Collection Rule permissions for details.
See Dependency Agent requirements to verify that your operating system is supported by Dependency agent and for network requirements for the Dependency agent.
When you enable VM Insights for a machine, the following agents are installed.
Azure Monitor agent: Collects data from the machine and delivers it to a Log Analytics workspace.
Dependency agent: Collects discovered data about processes running on the virtual machine and external process dependencies to support the Map feature in VM Insights. This agent is not required for other VM insights functionality, so you don't need to install the dependency agent if you're not going to use the Map feature.
VM insights DCR
Data collection rules (DCRs) are used by the Azure Monitor agent to specify which data to collect and how it should be processed. When you enable VM Insights, you create a DCR specifically for VM insights and associate it with the Azure Monitor agent on any machines to monitor.
The only configuration in a VM insights DCR is the Log Analytics workspace and whether or not to collect processes and dependencies data. Instead of creating a separate DCR for each machine, you should use a single DCR for each Log Analytics workspace you use for VM insights and associate that DCR with multiple machines. You may want to create separate DCRs if you want to collect processes and dependencies from some machines but not from others.
You shouldn't modify the VM insights DCR. If you need to collect additional data from the monitored machines, such as event logs and security logs, create additional DCRs and associate them with the same machines. You can get guidance for creating these DCRs from Collect data with Azure Monitor Agent.
Create a VM insights DCR
There are two methods to create a VM insights DCR. Regardless of the method you choose, the DCR is identical and can be used with any process to enable VM insights on other machines. While not required, you should name the DCR MSVMI-{WorkspaceName} to match the naming convention used by the Azure portal.
Create a VM insights DCR as part of the onboarding process using the Azure portal with the process detailed below.
Enable both Performance and Map experience of VM Insights.
DeployDcr\ PerfOnlyDcr
DeployDcrTemplate DeployDcrParameters
Enable only Performance experience of VM Insights.
Enable network isolation using Private Link
By default, Azure Monitor Agent connects to a public endpoint to connect to your Azure Monitor environment. To enable network isolation for VM Insights, associate your VM Insights DCR to a data collection endpoint (DCE) linked to an Azure Monitor Private Link Scope as described in Enable network isolation for Azure Monitor Agent by using Private Link.
Use the following procedure to enable VM insights on an unmonitored virtual machine or Virtual Machine Scale Set. This process doesn't require you to deploy agents or create a VM insights DCR first since these tasks are performed by the portal.
As part of the Azure Monitor Agent installation process, Azure assigns a system-assigned managed identity to the machine if such an identity doesn't already exist.
From the Monitor menu in the Azure portal, select Virtual Machines > Not Monitored. This tab includes all machines that don't have VM insights enabled. Any machines have Azure Monitor agent installed. If a virtual machine has the Log Analytics agent installed but not the Dependency agent, it will be listed as not monitored.
Select Enable next to any machine that you want to enable. If a machine is currently not running, you must start it to enable it.
On the Insights Onboarding page, select Enable.
On the Monitoring configuration page, select Azure Monitor agent and select a DCR from the Data collection rule dropdown. Only DCRs configured for VM insights are listed.
If a DCR hasn't already been created for VM insights, Azure Monitor offers to create one with a default Log Analytics workspace and the following settings. You can either accept these defaults or click Create New to create a new DCR with different settings. This lets you select a workspace and specify whether to collect processes and dependencies using the VM insights Map feature.
Guest performance enabled.
Processes and dependencies disabled.
If you select a DCR with Map enabled and your virtual machine is not supported by the Dependency Agent, Dependency Agent will be installed and will run in degraded mode.
Select Configure to start the configuration process. It takes several minutes to install the agent and start collecting data. You'll receive status messages as the configuration is performed.
If you use a manual upgrade model for your Virtual Machine Scale Set, upgrade the instances to complete the setup. You can start the upgrades from the Instances page, in the Settings section.
Enable VM insights using ARM templates
There are three steps to enabling VM insights using ARM templates. Each of these steps is described in detail in the following sections.
Deploy agents
Install the required agents on your machines using guidance in the following articles. Dependency agent is only required if you want to enable the Map feature.
If your virtual machines scale sets have an upgrade policy set to manual, VM insights will not be enabled for instances by default after installing the template. You must manually upgrade the instances.
Create data collection rule (DCR)
If you don't already have a DCR for VM insights, create one using the details above in VM insights DCR.
Associate DCR with agents
The final step in enabling VM insights is to associate the DCR with the Azure Monitor agent. Use the template below which comes from Manage data collection rule associations in Azure Monitor. To enable on multiple machines, you need to create an association using this template for each one. See Deploy templates if you aren't familiar with methods to deploy ARM templates.
If you associate a DCR with the Map feature enabled to a machine on which Dependency Agent isn't installed, the Map view won't be available. To enable the Map view, set enableAMA property = true in the Dependency Agent extension when you install Dependency Agent.
ARM template
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"vmName": {
"type": "string",
"metadata": {
"description": "Name of the virtual machine."
"associationName": {
"type": "string",
"metadata": {
"description": "Name of the association."
"dataCollectionRuleId": {
"type": "string",
"metadata": {
"description": "Resource ID of the data collection rule."
"resources": [
"type": "Microsoft.Insights/dataCollectionRuleAssociations",
"apiVersion": "2021-09-01-preview",
"scope": "[format('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{0}', parameters('vmName'))]",
"name": "[parameters('associationName')]",
"properties": {
"description": "Association of data collection rule. Deleting this association will break the data collection for this virtual machine.",
"dataCollectionRuleId": "[parameters('dataCollectionRuleId')]"
az deployment group create --resource-group<ResourceGroupName>--template-file<Template.json>--parameters<Parameters.json>
Enable VM insights for multiple VMs using PowerShell script
This section describes how to enable VM insights using a PowerShell script that can enable multiple VMs. This process uses a script that installs VM extensions for Azure Monitoring agent (AMA) and, if necessary, the Dependency Agent to enable VM Insights.
Before you use this script, you must create a VM insights DCR using the details above in VM insights DCR.
PowerShell script
Use the PowerShell script Install-VMInsights.ps1 to enable VM insights for multiple VMs or virtual machine scale sets. This script iterates through the machines according to the parameters that you specify. The script can be used to enable VM insights for the following. Each of these parameters accepts wildcards.
Every virtual machine and virtual machine scale set in your subscription.
The scoped resource groups specified by -ResourceGroup.
A VM or virtual machine scale set specified by -Name.
Verify that you're using Az PowerShell module version 1.0.0 or later with Enable-AzureRM compatibility aliases enabled. Run Get-Module -ListAvailable Az to find the version. To upgrade, see Install Azure PowerShell module. If you're running PowerShell locally, run Connect-AzAccount to create a connection with Azure.
For a list of the script's argument details and example usage, run Get-Help.
Get-HelpInstall-VMInsights.ps1 -Detailed
When you enable VM insights using Azure Monitor Agent, the script associates a Data Collection Rule (DCR) and a User Assigned Managed Identity (UAMI) to the VM/Virtual Machine Scale Set. The UAMI settings are passed to the Azure Monitor Agent extension.
-DcrResourceId <String> Data Collection Rule (DCR) Azure resource ID identifier. You can specify DCRs from different subscriptions to the VMs or virtual machine scale sets being enabled with Vm-Insights.
-UserAssignedManagedIdentityResourceGroup <String> Name of User Assigned Managed Identity (UAMI) resource group.
-UserAssignedManagedIdentityName <String> Name of User Assigned Managed Identity (UAMI).
Optional Arguments:
-ProcessAndDependencies Set this flag to onboard the Dependency Agent with Azure Monitoring Agent (AMA) settings. If not specified, only the Azure Monitoring Agent (AMA) is onboarded.
-Name <String> Name of the VM or Virtual Machine Scale Set to be onboarded. If not specified, all VMs and Virtual Machine Scale Set in the subscription or resource group are onboarded. Use wildcards to specify multiple VMs or Virtual Machine Scale Sets.
-ResourceGroup <String> Name of the resource group containing the VM or Virtual Machine Scale Set to be onboarded. If not specified, all VMs and Virtual Machine Scale Set in the subscription are onboarded. Use wildcards to specify multiple resource groups.
-PolicyAssignmentName <String> Only include VMs associated with this policy. When the PolicyAssignmentName parameter is specified, the VMs part of the parameter SubscriptionId are considered.
-TriggerVmssManualVMUpdate [<SwitchParameter>] Trigger the update of VM instances in a scale set whose upgrade policy is set to Manual.
-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>] Get info about expected effect of the commands in the script.
-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>] Confirm each action in the script.
-Approve [<SwitchParameter>] Provide the approval for the installation to start with no confirmation prompt for the listed VM's/Virtual Machine Scale Sets.
The script supports wildcards for -Name and -ResourceGroup. For example, -Name vm* enables VM insights for all VMs and Virtual Machine Scale Sets that start with "vm". For more information, see Wildcards in Windows PowerShell.
In this module, you learn how the Azure Monitor Agent can be deployed to IaaS VMs, how VM Insights can be used to monitor IaaS VM performance, and how to enable data collection rules to collect operating system and application logs.