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Entity.RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute Method



RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute(String, RequestContent, String, RequestContext)

[Protocol Method] Delete given labels to a given entity identified by its type and unique attribute.

If labels is null/empty, no labels will be removed.

If any labels in labels set are non-existing labels, they will be ignored, only existing labels will be removed. In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format: attr:<attrName>=<attrValue>. NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. qualifiedName. The REST request would look something like this: DELETE /v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/aType?attr:aTypeAttribute=someValue.

RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute(String, IEnumerable<String>, String, CancellationToken)

Delete given labels to a given entity identified by its type and unique attribute.

If labels is null/empty, no labels will be removed.

If any labels in labels set are non-existing labels, they will be ignored, only existing labels will be removed. In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format: attr:<attrName>=<attrValue>. NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. qualifiedName. The REST request would look something like this: DELETE /v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/aType?attr:aTypeAttribute=someValue.

RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute(String, RequestContent, String, RequestContext)


[Protocol Method] Delete given labels to a given entity identified by its type and unique attribute.

If labels is null/empty, no labels will be removed.

If any labels in labels set are non-existing labels, they will be ignored, only existing labels will be removed. In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format: attr:<attrName>=<attrValue>. NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. qualifiedName. The REST request would look something like this: DELETE /v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/aType?attr:aTypeAttribute=someValue.

public virtual Azure.Response RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute (string typeName, Azure.Core.RequestContent content, string attribute = default, Azure.RequestContext context = default);
abstract member RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute : string * Azure.Core.RequestContent * string * Azure.RequestContext -> Azure.Response
override this.RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute : string * Azure.Core.RequestContent * string * Azure.RequestContext -> Azure.Response
Public Overridable Function RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute (typeName As String, content As RequestContent, Optional attribute As String = Nothing, Optional context As RequestContext = Nothing) As Response



The name of the type.


The content to send as the body of the request.


The qualified name of the entity. (This is only an example. qualifiedName can be changed to other unique attributes)


The request context, which can override default behaviors of the client pipeline on a per-call basis.


The response returned from the service.


typeName is null.

typeName is an empty string, and was expected to be non-empty.

Service returned a non-success status code.


This sample shows how to call RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute.

Uri endpoint = new Uri("<>");
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
Entity client = new DataMapClient(endpoint, credential).GetEntityClient();

using RequestContent content = null;
Response response = client.RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute("<typeName>", content);


This sample shows how to call RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute with all parameters and request content.

Uri endpoint = new Uri("<>");
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
Entity client = new DataMapClient(endpoint, credential).GetEntityClient();

using RequestContent content = RequestContent.Create(new object[]
Response response = client.RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute("<typeName>", content, attribute: "<attribute>");


Applies to

RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute(String, IEnumerable<String>, String, CancellationToken)


Delete given labels to a given entity identified by its type and unique attribute.

If labels is null/empty, no labels will be removed.

If any labels in labels set are non-existing labels, they will be ignored, only existing labels will be removed. In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format: attr:<attrName>=<attrValue>. NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. qualifiedName. The REST request would look something like this: DELETE /v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/aType?attr:aTypeAttribute=someValue.

public virtual Azure.Response RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute (string typeName, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> body = default, string attribute = default, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
abstract member RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute : string * seq<string> * string * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> Azure.Response
override this.RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute : string * seq<string> * string * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> Azure.Response
Public Overridable Function RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute (typeName As String, Optional body As IEnumerable(Of String) = Nothing, Optional attribute As String = Nothing, Optional cancellationToken As CancellationToken = Nothing) As Response



The name of the type.


set of labels to be deleted.


The qualified name of the entity. (This is only an example. qualifiedName can be changed to other unique attributes)


The cancellation token to use.



typeName is null.

typeName is an empty string, and was expected to be non-empty.


This sample shows how to call RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute.

Uri endpoint = new Uri("<>");
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
Entity client = new DataMapClient(endpoint, credential).GetEntityClient();

Response response = client.RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute("<typeName>");

This sample shows how to call RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute with all parameters.

Uri endpoint = new Uri("<>");
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
Entity client = new DataMapClient(endpoint, credential).GetEntityClient();

Response response = client.RemoveLabelsByUniqueAttribute("<typeName>", body: new string[] { "<body>" }, attribute: "<attribute>");

Applies to