Test and create your DLP policy


Now you're ready to validate your policy settings and then, based on how the policy performs, create the new policy.

Test the policy settings

DLP policies can potentially impact every user in the organization. You can use this step to test the policy to evaluate how it will perform prior to enabling it. The first option, I'd like to test it out first, is recommended for any new policy you configure or existing policy you modify. You can also elect to show or hide policy tips while testing out the policy to limit the impact on users while you conduct your testing.

The scope for the policy we are creating in our example is all locations. That means it can potentially have a significant impact if configured incorrectly or if an effective user education plan has not been developed. You are encouraged to test each policy thoroughly before turning it on, but it becomes especially important in policies that have such a broad scope. The image below shows a policy that has already been tested and is ready to turn on. Policy enforcement will begin once it takes effect, usually within an hour or so after it has been created.

Screenshot shows the Test or turn on the policy page of the DLP solution. The policy in question has already been tested, so the Yes, turn it on right away option is selected.

Create the policy

After you test the policy, you have one last opportunity to review and edit your settings. The image below summarizes the results of configuring the policy named U.K. Financial Data that started with the U.K. Financial Data DLP policy template and was customized in the previous steps. Anything configured during the previous steps can be revisited by clicking on Edit in the appropriate section.

Screenshot shows the Review your policy and create it page of the DLP solution, showing the details for the new policy.