Exercise - Use the Option type to deal with absence


In this exercise, you'll finish implementing a function that receives a Person struct and returns a String that contains the full name of the person.

Keep in mind that some people don't have a middle name but if they do, it must be included in the return value.

You must edit only the build_full_name function. The part that handles the first and last names has already been implemented for you.

struct Person {
    first: String,
    middle: Option<String>,
    last: String,

fn build_full_name(person: &Person) -> String {
    let mut full_name = String::new();
    full_name.push_str(" ");

    // TODO: Implement the part of this function that handles the person's middle name.


fn main() {
    let john = Person {
        first: String::from("James"),
        middle: Some(String::from("Oliver")),
        last: String::from("Smith"),
    assert_eq!(build_full_name(&john), "James Oliver Smith");

    let alice = Person {
        first: String::from("Alice"),
        middle: None,
        last: String::from("Stevens"),
    assert_eq!(build_full_name(&alice), "Alice Stevens");

    let bob = Person {
        first: String::from("Robert"),
        middle: Some(String::from("Murdock")),
        last: String::from("Jones"),
    assert_eq!(build_full_name(&bob), "Robert Murdock Jones");

Run the preceding code and check to ensure that all the assert_eq! expressions pass without panicking. You can also edit the code on the Rust playground.

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