Exercise - Create an email template


In this exercise, you'll create and then use your first email template in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice.


You can complete this exercise with or without having Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales enabled in your environment. However, if you want to complete the exercises in subsequent modules, you'll need to complete these steps in an environment that also has Dynamics 365 Sales enabled.

Task 1: Create a new email template

To create a new email template, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Microsoft Customer Voice and sign in with your credentials.

  2. Select All projects from the navigation menu.

    Screenshot of the main menu in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. The All projects option is highlighted in the menu.

  3. From the list of projects, double-click the one from the list that you created previously in this learning path.

    Screenshot showing a list of projects in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. The Customer Support Feedback project is highlighted.

  4. Select Premium Support Survey and then select Send.

    Screenshot showing the Premium Support Survey selected. The Send tab on the survey is highlighted.

  5. Select Email.

    Screenshot showing the Send tab on a survey in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. The Email option is highlighted.

  6. Select Template.

    Screenshot showing the Email menu on a survey in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. The Template menu is highlighted.

  7. Select Create new.

    Screenshot showing the Template menu open on a survey in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. The Create new option is highlighted.

  8. Type Premium Support Survey in the box and then select Add.

    Screenshot showing the Create new template dialog open. The template has been given a name and the Add button is highlighted.

  9. Select the Template dropdown menu. You should now be in your new Premium Support Survey template. Hover your mouse cursor over the ellipsis (...) next to the template name to reveal the Rename and Delete options.

    Screenshot shows the Template menu open on a survey with the Premium Support Survey template selected. The menu options to Rename or Delete the template are highlighted.

  10. Select the Template link again to close the menu. Next, select the Subject field on the email template.

  11. Delete the standard text and then type Could you provide some feedback on your recent Support Case?

    Screenshot showing an email template for a survey in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. The subject is highlighted.

  12. In the body of the email, select all text, apart from the top header and the unsubscribe link. Then, delete all the selected text.

    Screenshot showing the Case Resolution Survey default email template. The body of the email is highlighted.

  13. Select next to the unsubscribe link and then select the align left button in the lower part of the menu. Then, do the same process with the header text so that they're both aligned to the left of the template.

    Screenshot showing an email template being edited in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice.

  14. At the top of the template, type Hi and then select the Personalize menu. Select the First Name variable from the dropdown menu.

    Screenshot showing the Insert menu open with the First Name variable highlighted to add it to an email template in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice.

  15. Start a new line and then type We recently closed a case for you. To help improve our services, we would really like to get some feedback.

    Start another new line and then type Please select the link below to complete our survey. This should take less than 2 minutes to complete.

    Screenshot showing the body of an email template in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice.

  16. Start another new line and then type Support Feedback Survey.

    Select this text, select the Insert menu, and then select the Survey link option. This action will create a hyperlink to the survey.

    Screenshot showing an email template with the words Support Feedback Survey highlighted. The Survey link variable is highlighted and ready to be added to the template.

  17. Add a new line and then type Thank you.

    Add one more line and then type The Customer Support Team. Your survey email template should resemble the following image. Select the Save button to complete the new email template.

    Screenshot showing a completed email template that's ready to be saved. The Save button is highlighted.

  18. Don't navigate away from the survey.

Task 2: Import an email template to a project

In this task, you'll import and customize an email template from another project.

  1. Select the Send tab from the Case Resolution Survey.

    Screenshot showing the Premium Support Survey open. The Send tab is highlighted at the top of the survey.

    If you haven't sent the survey yet, select the Email option. If you've already sent the survey and the following screen displays, select Resend.

    Screenshot showing the Send tab for a survey with the Resend option highlighted.

  2. Select Email.

    Screenshot showing the Send tab of a survey with the Resend menu open. The Email option is highlighted.

  3. Select the Template menu.

    Screenshot showing the Template menu highlighted on a survey in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice.

  4. Hover your mouse cursor over Import from to get the flyout menu. Select Surveys.

    Screenshot showing the Template menu open for a survey in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. The Import form flyout menu is open and the Surveys option is highlighted.

  5. If you previously added the Service visit project, select it from the list in All projects. Otherwise, go through and add this project from the templates.

  6. Select the Field service feedback survey from the list.

    Screenshot showing a list of all projects in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice with the Service visit project highlighted. The Field service feedback email template is also highlighted.

  7. The Service visit template should be visible. Select it from the list and then select Import.

    Screenshot showing a preview of the Service visit email template. The Import button in the lower part of the screen is highlighted.

  8. After selecting Import, return to the Template dropdown menu and hover your mouse cursor over the Service visit template from the list. Select Rename.

    Screenshot showing the Template menu open with the Service visit email template selected. The flyout menu is open with the Rename option highlighted.

  9. Type Standard Case Closure Template then select Rename.

    Screenshot showing a pop-up dialog open to rename an email template. A new name has been added for the template and the Rename button is highlighted.

  10. Modify and adjust the template to fit the needs of this specific project.

    Screenshot showing a finished email template ready to be edited or used for sending to a contact.

Task 3: Send an email by using a custom email template

In this task, you'll send an email from Customer Voice by using the email template that you created in Task 1 of this exercise.

  1. From the navigation menu, select All projects.

    Screenshot showing the home screen of Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. The All projects option from the menu is selected.

  2. From the list of projects, double-click Customer Support Feedback.

    Screenshot showing a list of projects that are available, with Customer Support Feedback highlighted.

  3. Select the Send tab from the Case Resolution Survey.

    Screenshot showing the Premium Support Survey open with the Send tab highlighted.

  4. If you haven't sent the survey yet, select the Email option. If you've already sent the survey and the following screen displays, select Resend.

    Screenshot showing the Premium Support Survey open on the Send tab in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. The Resend menu is highlighted.

  5. Select Email.

    Screenshot showing the Premium Support Survey open on the Send tab in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. The Resend menu is open and the Email option is highlighted.

  6. Make sure that the Premium Support Survey template is selected from the Template dropdown menu.

    Screenshot showing the Template menu open with a list of available email templates. The Premium Support Survey email template is highlighted.

  7. Enter an email address into the Recipients field. Make sure that you have access to this email address so that you can retrieve the email. Select Send.

    Screenshot showing the Send email screen open for a survey in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice. The Recipient field is highlighted with one contact added and the Send button is also highlighted.

  8. The email will be sent to the email address that you provided in the Recipients field. Then, you can open the email and select the link to take the survey.

    Screenshot showing that an email has been sent from Dynamics 365 Customer Voice and that it's been received by a contact.