Lab - Declare a class by using a generic


In this lab, you will extend the functionality of a class by using generics.

Exercise 1: Declare a class by using a generic

The DataStore class contains utility functions that can store up to ten string items in an array and return the value stored in each item. In this exercise, you will rewrite the DataStore class using a generic so it can store items of any type that you specify when it is instantiated.

  1. Clone the starting repository by entering the following at the command prompt.

    git clone
    cd mslearn-typescript/code/module-06/m06-start
    code .
  2. Open the file module06.ts.

  3. Locate TODO: Add and apply a type variable.

  4. In the DataStore class declaration, add a type variable called T.

    class DataStore<T> {
        // existing code...
  5. Add the type variable T to the _data property declaration.

    private _data: Array<T> = new Array(10);
  6. In the AddOrUpdate function, update the type of the item parameter to the type variable T.

    AddOrUpdate(index: number, item: T) {
        if(index >=0 && index <10) {
            this._data[index] = item;
  7. Locate TODO Test items as numbers.

  8. Test that the type variable can accept numbers. Declare a new variable called empIDs and assign a new DataStore object to it. Call the AddOrUpdate function and assign number type items to it.

    let empIDs = new DataStore<number>();
    empIDs.AddOrUpdate(0, 50);
    empIDs.AddOrUpdate(1, 65);
    empIDs.AddOrUpdate(2, 89);                  
    console.log(empIDs.GetData(0));         // returns 50
  9. Locate TODO Test items as objects.

  10. Test that the type variable can accept a custom object. Declare a type called Pets that contains three properties: name as a string, breed as a string, and age as a number. Declare a new variable called pets and assign a new DataStore object to it. Call the AddOrUpdate function and assign Pet objects to it.

    type Pets = {
        name: string;
        breed: string;
        age: number
    let pets = new DataStore<Pets>();
    pets.AddOrUpdate(0, { name: 'Rex', breed: 'Golden Retriever', age: 5});
    pets.AddOrUpdate(1, { name: 'Sparky', breed: 'Jack Russell Terrier', age: 3});
    console.log(pets.GetData(1));         // returns { name: 'Sparky', breed: 'Jack Russell Terrier', age: 3 }

Lab solution

View the final version of the code by entering the following at the command prompt.

cd ../m06-end
code .

Open the file module06.ts to see the solution to this lab. See the Lab setup section above for more information about setting up your development environment to run the solution.