Navigate Universal Print in Azure Portal

Universal Print is organized into a few main sections that help you monitor and configure your print infrastructure:

  • Printers — View, manage, and monitor the status of printers and print jobs
  • Printer Shares — Share printers and manage existing printer shares
  • Connectors — View and manage connectors
  • Usage and reports — Download monthly reports that show print usage for both users and printers
  • Settings — Configure tenant-wide settings like document conversion and macOS support.
  • Diagnose and solve problems — Self-service guides to help troubleshoot and resolve issues your organization may encounter
  • Support — Links to resources you can use to request support and share feedback

Get things done

Need to accomplish a specific task? Click a link below to read step-by-step instructions for each one:

Quickly find what you're looking for

Some organizations have hundreds (and sometimes thousands!) of printers, which can lead to long lists of resources that need to be managed. The Universal Print portal has some filtering and sorting mechanisms to help manage the chaos. Universal Print supports:

  • Search by text
    All basic text fields can be searched by text to quickly find what you're looking for. Use the search box at the top of any resource list.
    Example: Find a printer by typing its name, manufacturer, or model.
  • Filter by column
    Filter resource lists to only show items with specified attributes. Use the "Add Filter" button to configure one or more filters.
    Example: Show only printers that are shared by adding a Share Status == Printer Shared filter.
    A screenshot of a filter being configured in the Universal Print portal.
  • Sort by columns Customize the order of resource lists by choosing which column(s) to sort by. Sorting is supported for columns with a sorting indicator: A sorting indicator icon..

Example: Sort the Printers list by Status to find printers that need attention.

  • To sort by a single column, click its title.
  • To change the sort order, click a column title a second time.
  • To sort by multiple columns, hold the Ctrl key and click additional column titles.

Combine one or more of these mechanisms to further refine your search.

See more information about printers, printer shares, and connectors

By default a small number of details are displayed about printers, printer shares, and connectors in resource lists.

To enable additional columns, click "Edit columns" above any resource list, select the columns you'd like displayed, and click "Apply".

A screenshot of additional columns being configured for a resource list in the Universal Print portal.