Unable to send Emails to customer domains

khaled wefky mohamed 0 Reputation points

I have MS 365 and MS DYNAMIC: The domain that I am using for Email service is, for example, XYZ.COM and I have 3 custom domain names in Azure using them with MS Dynamic, the issue is when trying to send an Email to one of the 3 domains from my Email XYZ.COM and they already verified with the IMAP Email service "Not MS 365" always receiving non-delivery email and any other email can send to these 3 domains and they received the email normally, Once remove the domains from the customer domain from Azure I can send them normally from XYZ.com Please any help

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
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  1. khaled wefky mohamed 0 Reputation points

    Thanks, the issue has been solved, after change the domain fro authoritative to relay

  2. ajkuma 23,181 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    @khaled wefky mohamed , Appreciate you sharing the solution that worked for you. Thanks for the follow-up and update.

    Leveraging Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Dynamics with a primary email domain (XYZ.COM). Additionally,with three custom domain names in Azure, which are used with Microsoft Dynamics. These domains are verified with an IMAP email service that is not Microsoft 365.

    When attempting to send an email from primary domain (XYZ.COM) to any of the three custom domains, received a non-delivery report, even though other email services can send to these domains without issue. However, once you remove the custom domains from Azure, you can send emails normally from XYZ.COM to these domains.

    Solution shared by @khaled wefky mohamed


    Issue fixed after changing the domain from authoritative to relay.

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