with this dvd app ultra media player from the Microsoft store it plays dvds how do I get my app to play dvds like this how did they do it, make it
with this dvd app ultra media player from the Microsoft store it plays dvds how do I get my app to play dvds like this how did they do it, make it
Extract data from SQL Database table and insert into Elasticsearch Particular index
Hi Team, I have SQL Database, from that i have to retrieve some tables data using query and insert resulted data in elasticsearch particular index. Please suggest how can it possible through Azure Data Factory ?
where is the Apache 2.0 media source software in Nuget package is references on the Microsoft visual studio rather than using FFmpegIntop as a media source & how would i xaml code it for my uwp universal media player
where is the Apache 2.0 media source software in Nuget package is references on the Microsoft visual studio rather than using FFmpegIntop as a media source & how would i xaml code it for my uwp universal media player Demo …
The problem with displaying non-ASCII characters on Azure server
The non-ASCII characters in the razor view of my .NET-based application running on Azure server cannot be displayed as shown in the illustration. I don't have that problem on my local server. <meta charset="utf-8"/> set the…
Logic Apps - Can body output from Scope be used in an expression
Hi, I would like to return the error body in a response activity. The issue I am facing is the error is from a stored procedure within a Scope activity. Is there a way for me to select 'body' as an output from Scope to return as text in my response…
Metrics for SQL Azure read -only scale out
Hello Team, we have enabled read only scale out feature of SQL azure so that we can redirect our read only traffic to this read only DB and utilize high through put and separate the write and read traffic. Recently , we are seeing some connection time…
server 2019 evalutation activation
After installing a fresh build of windows server using an eval iso I went to activated w/ the key given to me by our purchasing department. I added the key into the change key gui and it says "Windows is Activated" I didn't think much of it…
Rerun from point of failure (Implement framework in azure data factory)
Hi All, Can you please help me with the question i have. I want an idea in creating framework in azure data factory. Below is what i meant by framework. Generally we will have multiple ADF pipelines in one single ADF pipeline. So, when the main…
How to set 'DependsOn' setting dynamically in copy activity in Data Factory
I am trying to set 'DependsOn' property in copy activity using parameters. Is there any way to do it ?
Microsoft Partner Network
Hi, My question is about the certifications within the Microsoft Partner Network. I wonder how the date is set when evaluating if an employee who earned a particular certification can be counted for the Gold Partner for instance. Let's say I have…
WPF Treeview Binding
Hi Experts, I would like to populate WPF Treeview with Directory and subdirectories. For that I followed this https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/bdc74177-0db3-4e9d-9a08-96406eb981a8/wpf-treeview-with-checkboxes?forum=wpf link. My…
Office.js How to select 2 ContentControls
function selectTwo(){ return Word.run(function(context) { var contentControls = context.document.contentControls; context.load(contentControls, "items"); return context.sync().then(() => { …
How to setup LogicApp Authorization Policy
How to use authorization policy in logic app. I need this on http request trigger action... I am searching for solution where LogicApp authorization policy is implemented.... Thanks
Gibt es schon ein Update für die Druckerprobleme für 2004 Version?
Gibt es schon ein Update für die Druckerprobleme für 2004 Version? Wenn ja bitte den Link senden. Danke
What is the correct package to create an HTTP client in a WPF Core3 desktop app?
I have a WPF desktop app using Microsoft.WnidowsDesktop.App.WPF and Microsoft.NETCore.App v3.1. I would like to add an HTTP client for simple GET/POST... What is the correct package to add an HTTP client so I can accomplish WPF-REST Web API…
I am trying to add a data migration Service instance using PowerShell and I keep getting the following error:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $DMS = New-AzDataMigrationService -ResourceGroupName DM -Name DMS -Location Eastus -Sku Premium_4vCores -VirtualSubnetId $vSubNet.id New-AzDataMigrationService : Long running operation failed with status 'Failed'. Additional…
Is it possible to create an alert in Azure Sentinel for when a data source stops feeding logs?
I am trying to create an alert query that will let me know if a specific source has not provided logs within 7 days, but I am not sure the what syntax would allow for this. It is simple to find entries older than 7 days, but is it possible to alert if…
Azure Power Shell New-Guid Cmdlet generates muultiple duplicate GUIDs when executed with a script
The Azure PowerShell script uses New-Guid to generate GUIDS for renaming CSVs and XLSX files uploaded to Azure Storage Explorer. Replacing New-Guid with the [GUID]::NewGuid() function call has the same problem
Unable to connect to Cosmos DB through Cassandra API(gocql)
I have provisioned a Cosmos DB (Cassandra API) instance on Azure. I'm able to connect to it through cqlsh. But, getting different errors when trying to connect to it through gocql. The following code generates this error: gocql: unable to…
Printer Spooler Stop The Service
we have some issue the printer spooler services stuck on started can't running the services. we tried install the windows update (KB4567512) and uninstall the windows update (KB4560960) but the status same condition, the service stuck on started can't…