928 questions with Microsoft Partner Center-related tags

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1 answer

Why "You can't respond to this review."

It is impossible to respond to some customer reviews: The "Learn more" page does not seem to explain this. Could anyone shed some light on this?

Microsoft Partner Center
Microsoft Partner Center
A Microsoft website for partners that provides access to product support, a partner community, and other partner services.
928 questions
asked 2020-08-28T13:40:54.973+00:00
Hong 1,211 Reputation points
answered 2020-08-31T02:28:44.947+00:00
Roy Li - MSFT 32,731 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Could I submit remote management apps(HOST) using webrtc to Microsoft Store?

Hello, I have a plan to create a remote management UWP app using webrtc and submit it in Microsoft Store. I want to know if there are any policy issues before submitting my app to the Microsoft Store. My app sets the personal computer as the host, and…

Microsoft Partner Center
Microsoft Partner Center
A Microsoft website for partners that provides access to product support, a partner community, and other partner services.
928 questions
asked 2020-08-28T02:12:45.377+00:00
C404 41 Reputation points
accepted 2020-08-28T07:12:32.897+00:00
C404 41 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

My app(qt5) for Microsoft Store can't request administrator privileges.

Hi. I used DesktopAppConverter.exe to convert my app(qt5) to UWP(.appx) to submit MS Store. And i used this code. QMAKE_LFLAGS_WINDOWS += "/MANIFESTUAC:\"level='requireAdministrator' uiAccess='false'\"" I succeeded in submitting my…

Microsoft Partner Center
Microsoft Partner Center
A Microsoft website for partners that provides access to product support, a partner community, and other partner services.
928 questions
asked 2020-08-25T09:06:48.883+00:00
C404 41 Reputation points
accepted 2020-08-27T05:08:24.55+00:00
C404 41 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

[UWP][VS2019]Publishing App to Microsoft Store Query

Hi All, I'm attempting to publish my UWP app to the Microsoft Store. Now, I've never done this before and I'm a bit confused by some of the documentation. My UWP app has a load of images generated by VS2019 (and edited by me) for use by the app. It…

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
Microsoft Partner Center
Microsoft Partner Center
A Microsoft website for partners that provides access to product support, a partner community, and other partner services.
928 questions
asked 2020-08-24T14:55:18.723+00:00
RobDev 401 Reputation points
accepted 2020-08-25T13:07:28.88+00:00
RobDev 401 Reputation points
0 answers

Kiosk Mode Apps / Assigned Access Apps Automatic Updates via Microsoft Store

I have an app I am working on that is intended to be a kiosk mode or assigned access mode app. My current assumption is that it will auto-update with the Microsoft Store app like other Store apps. So far, that hasn't been true and the app doesn't get a…

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
Microsoft Partner Center
Microsoft Partner Center
A Microsoft website for partners that provides access to product support, a partner community, and other partner services.
928 questions
asked 2020-08-21T20:44:34.733+00:00
Carlo Mendoza 151 Reputation points
commented 2020-08-25T07:37:10.193+00:00
Roy Li - MSFT 32,731 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
0 answers

Publish 1 package per architecture

I want to publish a new version of an UWP app to the Microsoft Store . I built 2 packages, one for ARM64 and another one for x64, so I have 2 ...bundle.appxupload files. When I try to publish them on the Store I have an error about naming/versioning:…

Microsoft Partner Center
Microsoft Partner Center
A Microsoft website for partners that provides access to product support, a partner community, and other partner services.
928 questions
asked 2020-08-21T16:35:12.457+00:00
Erwan Jestin 6 Reputation points
commented 2020-08-25T00:33:01.58+00:00
Roy Li - MSFT 32,731 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
6 answers

New submission to Windows Store, package upload fails with error: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {378E0446-5384-43B7-8877-E7DBDD883446} failed

Have attempted to upload builds from Azure DevOps as well as local, both fail to upload with the above error. Package can be installed locally however, and the packages passes all tests in the App Certification Kit. Any ideas what the issue might be?

Microsoft Partner Center
Microsoft Partner Center
A Microsoft website for partners that provides access to product support, a partner community, and other partner services.
928 questions
asked 2020-08-11T11:12:13.063+00:00
John H 31 Reputation points
answered 2020-08-12T02:57:01.293+00:00
Roy Li - MSFT 32,731 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor
4 answers

Upload UWP App to Microsoft Store has validation error

I tried to upload my .appxupload file to Submission in Microsoft Store, but I got this message: Package acceptance validation error: The package file format for LoginNavigation.UWP_1.0.143.0_x86_x64_arm.appxbundle is invalid: Retrieving the COM class…

Microsoft Partner Center
Microsoft Partner Center
A Microsoft website for partners that provides access to product support, a partner community, and other partner services.
928 questions
asked 2020-08-11T09:42:48.143+00:00
Tuan Tran 1 Reputation point
answered 2020-08-12T02:56:43.58+00:00
Roy Li - MSFT 32,731 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor