Accessibility evaluation and testing tools


In this unit, you learn how to use two popular and powerful accessibility tools: Accessibility Insights and Accessibility Checker. Both accessibility tools help you conduct accessibility evaluations and testing and improve the accessibility of your digital products and services.

Accessibility Insights

Accessibility Insights is a tool that helps you identify and fix accessibility issues on web pages and applications. It's available as a browser extension for Chrome and Edge, and as a desktop application for Windows. With it, you may perform manual accessibility testing and automated testing. It provides detailed reports and recommendations via its two main features: FastPass and Assessment.

Screenshot of the Accessibility Insights Launch pad showing the four available options: FastPass, Quick Assess, Assessment, and Ad hoc tools.

FastPass is a quick and easy way to find the most common and impactful accessibility issues on a web page or application. It runs an automated scan that checks for 50 accessibility criteria and generates a report that shows you the issues and how to fix them.

Screenshot of a sample Accessibility Insights for Web check. The failures are highlighted on the left on the target page and are also listed on the right on the Accessibility Insights Automated checks page.

Assessment is a comprehensive and thorough way to evaluate the accessibility of a web page or application. It guides you through a series of manual tests that cover all the WCAG success criteria and generates a report that shows you the results and how to improve them.

Screenshot of a sample Accessibility Insights for Web check that shows one failure selected on the Accessibility Insights Automated checks page on right and also highlighted on the target page on left.

Accessibility Checker

Accessibility Checker is a tool that helps you identify and fix accessibility issues in Microsoft 365 products, such as Word, Outlook, and PowerPoint

To use Accessibility Checker in Microsoft 365, follow these steps:

  1. Open the document, email, or presentation that you want to check for accessibility issues.

  2. Click on the Review tab and select Check Accessibility from the ribbon. A pane appears with a list of accessibility issues and tips on how to fix them.

  3. Choose an error, warning, or tip from the list and select the drop-down menu to see more details and suggestions. Some issues may have a Quick Fix option that allows you to automatically correct them such as color contrast, alternative text, and slide titles.

    Screenshot of the Accessibility Checker button on the Review ribbon.

    Screenshot of the Accessibility Inspection Results pane.