[UWP] Unable to launch apps with desktop4:SupportsMultipleInstances="true" on xbox
Hi We have an app that supports multiple instances on desktop and now we're working on a xbox client, which fails to launch if we have in the manifest the multipleinstances property: desktop4:SupportsMultipleInstances="true" If we remove…
How to get Azure SQL Server's remaining/current quota?
Is there any way to get SQL Server's current usages information like how many DTU's been used and how many vCore are remaining ? Basically details highlighted in red box.
ShellExecute interrupt the windows message loop?
void CtestfunDlg::OnBnClickedButton1() { // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码 OutputDebugString(L"start#############\r\n"); ShellExecute(NULL…
How to skip self-asserted page
B2C is throwing validation error if I remove step 4 of user journey, but I want to skip showing this page for first time logged in users. <OrchestrationStep Order="4" Type="ClaimsExchange"> <Preconditions> …
Long path names in win32 process of a Desktop Bridge app
I have a problem accessing long path names in the win32 process of my Desktop Bridge app. I added every suggestion I could find about this but when I call DirectoryInfo in the win32 process on a folder that has a long pathname, the attributes of the…
IDFIX preparation for Azure AD Connect (X500 proxy addresses issues)
I am working to prepare for Azure AD Connect and running the IDFIX tools. It finds a bunch of errors because of my PROXY ADDRESSES with the CHARACTER issue. The problem is we have a bunch of exchange legacy DN set up in exchange with X500 addresses…

Does AppService connection supports 2-way communication between host and fulltrust process with BackgroundWorker in desktop bridge app?
Microsoft only supports AppService as communication vehicle between a uwp host and a win32 fulltrust process both packaged in a single desktop bridge app. It is a client-server concept (with the client running in the fulltrust process) but also allows…
Azure data factory dataflow not present null values in JSON format
I am looking for how to present my null values with the Azure Data Factory Dataflow activity. Currently, I am using standard dataflow for modelling my data from Azure SQL database and drag it into Blob storage in JSON format. But if the dataset source…
WebView.Focus not working
the following line works well when I debug the app (press F5): WebView2.Focus(FocusState.Programmatic) WebView2 gains focus, it comes to the foreground However, when I run the app from the Start menu, or from its shortcut, WebView does not come to…
Textbox lost its background
Hi Something get wrong with a textbox background in my uwp project . Till yesterday my app works fine and today i made so change : i replace the base grid with a relative panel but when i run the app the textbox has lost the …
Analytics api 'Get app installs' returns more days than range startDate endDate
Why https://manage.devcenter.microsoft.com/v1.0/my/analytics/installs returns always one additional day more when specified is date range startDate and endDate? It always returns additional data for day: endDate+1
how to I add spaces, spacing in between the numbers in xaml
![7752-how-to-i-add-spaces-spacing-in-between-the-numbers.jpg][1] [1]: /api/attachments/7752-how-to-i-add-spaces-spacing-in-between-the-numbers.jpg?platform=QnA how to I add spaces, spacing in between the numbers in xaml
Azure AD B2C - Why Continue Button is not working when I add Display Control in password reset?
I followed the sample in the documentation to integrate custom email through DisplayControl on the password reset flow. In TechnicalProfile LocalAccountWritePasswordUsingObjectId I added: <DisplayClaims> <DisplayClaim…
how to i add remove move to different places the - simble grey downwards line
![7841-how-to-i-add-remove-move-to-different-places-the-s.jpg][1] [1]: /api/attachments/7841-how-to-i-add-remove-move-to-different-places-the-s.jpg?platform=QnA how to i add remove move to different places the - simble grey downwards line
how to i add remove move to different places the - grey downwards lines
![7821-how-to-i-add-remove-move-to-different-places-the-g.jpg][1] [1]: /api/attachments/7821-how-to-i-add-remove-move-to-different-places-the-g.jpg?platform=QnA how to i add remove move to different places the - grey downwards lines

how to i add remove move to different places the yellow rectangle boxes in xaml
![7811-how-to-i-add-remove-move-to-different-places-the-y.jpg][1] [1]: /api/attachments/7811-how-to-i-add-remove-move-to-different-places-the-y.jpg?platform=QnA how to i add remove move to different places the yellow rectangle boxes in xaml

Where is my work profile accomplishments at microsoft
All my work at AWS and GOOGLE completed, active and functional, disapeared when I signed in to Azure using my Microsoft work profile. Where is it? Can i get a look at it? Will I ever be acknowledged for the accomplishments of my work, or recognized for…

Best practices for splitting UWP XAML code into multiples files
I have been developing an XAML app for a while now, but I feel like my xaml files were too big so I started splitting them into multiple files. My strategy was to use the UserControl subclasses and create multiple controls that I would use inside other…
Azure Sphere IoT Sample connection to IoT Central Application not Working
Hi, I followed all the guide in the Microsoft Learn and in the .txt file in the sample folder to connect my Sphere application to my IoT Central app. Everything was working fine, but when i run the 'ShowIoTCentralConfig' program, to retrieve the…
Dynamic Group Question - How can I remove a user from a dynamic group on specified date and time?
Hi, I have created a dynamic group, and setup my dynamic membership rule so that my user gets added to the group. But, I want to put something in there that removes them from the group at a certain date and time. Is this possible? So what I…