Exercise - Add a durable timer to manage a long-running task


The company has asked you to amend your new workflow to incorporate an escalation step to take action if a project design proposal isn't approved in a timely fashion.

In this exercise, you'll add a timer to control timeout during the execution of your workflow. You'll also learn how to use the timeout to control which execution path the workflow takes.

Add moment npm package to your function app

Before changing our workflow, we'll add the moment npm package to our function app through the console.

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal using the same account that you used to activate the sandbox.

  2. On the Azure portal menu or from the Home page, under Azure services, select All resources, and then select the function app that you created in the previous exercise. Your Function App pane appears.

  3. In the left menu bar, under Development Tools, select Console. The Console pane appears for your function app.

  4. Verify that the console window opens in the C:\home\site\wwwroot folder, then run the following commands to install the libraries that are required for this sample function app.

    1. Run the following command to install the TypeScript library, which is a required dependency for static typing.

      npm install typescript
    2. Run the following command to install the moment library, which contains date/time functions that you can use with durable functions.

      npm install moment

      These commands might take a few seconds to complete, and the node package manager might display some warnings, which you can ignore.

  5. Wait until all packages have finished installing, then close the console window.

Add an escalation activity to your function app

  1. On the Azure portal menu or from the Home page, under Azure services, select All resources, and then select your function app. Your Function App pane appears.

  2. Select the Functions tab in the center of the screen.

  3. In the Functions tab menu bar, select Create. The Create function pane appears.

  4. Under Select a template, in the Filter box, enter Durable Functions activity and select that template from the list. This template creates a durable function that is run when an activity is called by an orchestrator function.

  5. Under Template details, for the New Function field, enter Escalation for the name of the function, and select Create. The escalation pane appears for your function.

  6. In the left menu pane, under Developer, select Code + Test. The Code + Test pane appears for your function.

    The code for the index.js file appears in the editor.

  7. Replace the existing code with the following code:

    module.exports = async function (context) {
        return `ESCALATION : You have not approved the project design proposal - reassigning to your Manager!  ${context.bindings.name}!`;

    This code returns a message indicating that the workflow has been escalated. In a production system, this function would contain the logic to remind the recipient, or reassign the task.

  8. In the top menu bar, select Save to save your new function.

Update the orchestration function to use the escalation function

  1. On the Azure portal menu or from the Home page, under Azure services, select All resources, and then select your function app. Your Function App pane appears.

  2. Select the Functions tab in the center of the screen.

  3. Select your OrchFunction function that you created in the previous exercise. The OrchFunction function pane appears.

  4. In the left menu pane, under Developer, select Code + Test. The Code + Test pane appears for your function.

    The code for the index.js file appears in the editor.

  5. Add the following reference to the moment library.

    const moment = require("moment");
  6. Replace the body of the function with the following code, which will test whether the deadline for approval has passed.

    module.exports = df.orchestrator(function* (context) {
        const outputs = [];
        const deadline = moment.utc(context.df.currentUtcDateTime).add(20, "s");
        const activityTask = context.df.waitForExternalEvent("Approval");
        const timeoutTask = context.df.createTimer(deadline.toDate());
        const winner = yield context.df.Task.any([activityTask, timeoutTask]);
        if (winner === activityTask) {
            outputs.push(yield context.df.callActivity("Approval", "Approved"));
            outputs.push(yield context.df.callActivity("Escalation", "Head of department"));
        if (!timeoutTask.isCompleted) {
            // All pending timers must be complete or canceled before the function exits.
        return outputs;

    To keep things brief for the purposes of this exercise, if the Approval function doesn't respond within 20 seconds, the Escalation function is called. The code also changes the call to Approval to wait for an external input. This way, we can control when the response comes back for testing purposes.

  7. In the top menu bar, select Save.

Verify that the Durable Functions workflow starts

  1. On the Azure portal menu or from the Home page, under Azure services, select All resources, and then select your function app. Your Function App pane appears.

  2. On the Overview pane, on the top menu bar, select Restart, and then select Yes when prompted to restart. Wait for the restart to complete before continuing. Your Function App pane reappears.

  3. Select the Functions tab in the center of the screen.

  4. Select your HttpStart function. The HttpStart pane appears.

  5. On the top menu bar, select Get Function Url, and copy the URL. Your URL should resemble the following example:


    You'll use this URL to run your functions.

  6. Open a new browser window, and navigate to the URL that you copied. In the URL, replace the {functionName} placeholder with OrchFunction, which should resemble the following example:


    The response message contains a set of URI endpoints that you can use to monitor and manage the execution, which should resemble the following example:

      "id": "f0e1d2c3b4a5968778695a4b3c2d1e0f",
      "statusQueryGetUri": "https://example.azurewebsites.net/...",
      "sendEventPostUri": "https://example.azurewebsites.net/...",
      "terminatePostUri": "https://example.azurewebsites.net/...",
      "rewindPostUri": "https://example.azurewebsites.net/...",
      "purgeHistoryDeleteUri": "https://example.azurewebsites.net/..."
  7. Copy the statusQueryGetUri value and use your web browser to navigate to that URL. You should see a response message that shows the status as Running while it's waiting for the timer to count down to 20 seconds, which should resemble the following example:

      "name": "OrchFunction",
      "instanceId": "f0e1d2c3b4a5968778695a4b3c2d1e0f",
      "runtimeStatus": "Running",
      "input": null,
      "customStatus": null,
      "output": null,
      "createdTime": "2019-04-14T13:17:26Z",
      "lastUpdatedTime": "2019-04-14T13:17:27Z"
  8. Wait for 20 seconds and refresh the browser window. The timeout will have been reached, and the workflow will call the Escalate activity. You'll see a response that should resemble the following example:

        "name": "OrchFunction",
        "instanceId": "f0e1d2c3b4a5968778695a4b3c2d1e0f",
        "runtimeStatus": "Completed",
        "input": null,
        "customStatus": null,
        "output": [
            "ESCALATION : You have not approved the project design proposal - reassigning to your Manager!  Head of department!"
        "createdTime": "2019-04-14T13:43:09Z",
        "lastUpdatedTime": "2019-04-14T13:43:31Z"