The exact expression would depend on the format of your SAML account name but a general RegexReplace that you could try is RegexReplace(SAML_Account_Name, "(.*)_(.*)", "$1-$2")
. Here, "(.*)_(.*)"
should match the SAML account name with the creation datetime and "$1-$2"
should join the two tokenized groups in regular expression.
Regex Replace - help with replace
Good afternoon,
I'm trying to migrate an Saml application to Azure Enterprise Applications. The application within ADFS currently manipulates the claims received from active directory and formats it as the Application vendor expects it.
Issuance Transform Rule from ADFS gets the Sam Account name and When created date and Truncates it.
What the application expects is the following "samaccountname-whencreateddate" but the when created date is passed over as shortdate. So essentially its received by the application as this "Tesuser-20220306105720"
Im trying to implement this azure by adding a custom claim and joining the two claims together, However Im unsure how exactly to manipulate this data using regex replace.
I have tried a couple of options but Im really not familiar with this, Would appreciate some assistance.
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Ryan Hill 28,716 Reputation points Microsoft Employee