Smart card minidriver - InfVerif on Windows 11 24H2
The InfVerif that was introduced with Windows 11 24H2 (- see provides an error if an AddReg
HKLM\SOFTWARE\wow6432Node\Microsoft\Cryptography\Calais\SmartCards is performed.
While HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Calais\SmartCards was considered an exception, no exception was defined for HKLM\SOFTWARE\wow6432Node\Microsoft\Cryptography\Calais\SmartCards.
I don't understand that because according to
a SmartCard Minidriver must also enter registry keys under HKLM\SOFTWARE\wow6432Node\Microsoft\Cryptography\Calais\SmartCards
Here the mentioned requirement:
When you certify on a 64-bit version of the operating system, you must also have the 32-bit version of your minidriver DLL installed on the system. You can put the DLL in the %systemroot%\syswow64 subdirectory. You must put registry entries for the 32-bit version of the DLL under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\wow6432Node\Microsoft\Cryptography\Calais\SmartCards.
Did Microsoft forget to define an exception here? - how should developers of minidrivers proceed?
Thanks for your help !