KQL queries to get the details

Monalisa 60 Reputation points

We are using Azure Resource Graph Explorer. We have two queries we want to merge it .



// Get all virtual networks and their subnets
| where type =~ 'microsoft.network/virtualnetworks'
| project vnetId = id, vnetName = name, subnets = properties.subnets
| mv-expand subnets
| project vnetId, vnetName, subnetId = tostring(subnets.id), subnetName = subnets.name
| join kind=inner (
    | where type has 'networkinterfaces'
    | project nicId = id, nicName = name, ipConfigurations = properties.ipConfigurations, 
              resourceId = properties.virtualMachine.id, 
              resourceType = 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
    | mv-expand ipConfigurations
    | extend subnetId = tostring(ipConfigurations.properties.subnet.id)
    | project nicId, nicName, resourceId, resourceType, privateIpAddress = ipConfigurations.properties.privateIPAddress, subnetId
) on $left.subnetId == $right.subnetId
| union (
    | where type has 'microsoft.network/loadBalancers'
    | project lbId = id, lbName = name, ipConfigurations = properties.frontendIPConfigurations
    | mv-expand ipConfigurations
    | extend subnetId = tostring(ipConfigurations.properties.subnet.id)
    | project resourceId = lbId, resourceName = lbName, resourceType = 'Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers', privateIpAddress = ipConfigurations.properties.privateIPAddress, subnetId
    | where type has 'microsoft.network/applicationGateways'
    | project agId = id, agName = name, ipConfigurations = properties.gatewayIPConfigurations
    | mv-expand ipConfigurations
    | extend subnetId = tostring(ipConfigurations.properties.subnet.id)
    | project resourceId = agId, resourceName = agName, resourceType = 'Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways', privateIpAddress = ipConfigurations.properties.privateIPAddress, subnetId



| join kind=leftouter(
    | where type=='microsoft.resources/subscriptions' 
    | project subscriptionName=name, subscriptionId
) on subscriptionId
| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks'
| extend addressPrefixes=array_length(properties.addressSpace.addressPrefixes)
| extend vNetAddressSpace=properties.addressSpace.addressPrefixes
| mv-expand subnet=properties.subnets
| extend virtualNetwork = name
| extend subnetPrefix = subnet.properties.addressPrefix
| extend SubnetCIDR=subnet.properties.addressPrefix
| extend subnets = properties.subnets
| extend subnetName = tostring(subnet.name)
| extend prefixLength = toint(split(subnetPrefix, "/")[1])
| extend addressPrefix = split(subnetPrefix, "/")[0]
| extend numberOfIpAddresses = trim_end(".0",tostring(pow(2, 32 - prefixLength) - 5))
| extend startIp = addressPrefix
| extend endIp = strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(addressPrefix, '.'), 0, 2)),"."),".",trim_end(".0",tostring(split(addressPrefix, '.')[3] + (pow(2, 32 - prefixLength) - 5))))
| extend endIPNew = case(prefixLength == 23, strcat(strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(startIp,'.'), 0, 1)), "."), "."),'1.255'),
    prefixLength == 22, strcat(strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(startIp,'.'), 0, 1)), "."), "."),'3.255'),
    prefixLength == 21, strcat(strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(startIp,'.'), 0, 1)), "."), "."),'7.255'),
    prefixLength == 20, strcat(strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(startIp,'.'), 0, 1)), "."), "."),'15.255'),
    prefixLength == 19, strcat(strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(startIp,'.'), 0, 1)), "."), "."),'31.255'),
    prefixLength == 18, strcat(strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(startIp,'.'), 0, 1)), "."), "."),'63.255'),
    prefixLength == 17, strcat(strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(startIp,'.'), 0, 1)), "."), "."),'127.255'),
    prefixLength == 16, strcat(strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(startIp,'.'), 0, 1)), "."), "."),'255.255'),
| extend finalendIPaddress = iff(endIPNew == "unknown", endIp, endIPNew) 
| join kind=leftouter (
    // Number of connected devices per VNet and Subnet
    | join kind=leftouter(
        | where type=='microsoft.resources/subscriptions' 
        | project subscriptionName=name, subscriptionId
    ) on subscriptionId
    | where type =~ 'microsoft.network/networkinterfaces'
    | project id, ipConfigurations = properties.ipConfigurations, virtualMachine = tostring(split(properties.virtualMachine.id,"/",8)[0]), subscriptionName
    | mvexpand ipConfigurations
    | project id, subnetId = tostring(ipConfigurations.properties.subnet.id), subscriptionName, virtualMachine
    | parse kind=regex subnetId with '/virtualNetworks/' virtualNetwork '/subnets/' subnet
    | extend resourceGroup = tostring(split(subnetId,"/",4)[0])
    | extend subnetName = subnet
    | summarize usedIPAddresses = count() by subnetName, virtualNetwork, subscriptionName
on subnetName, virtualNetwork, subscriptionName
| extend usedIPAddresses_new = iff(isnull(usedIPAddresses),0,usedIPAddresses)
| extend privateIP = properties.privateIpAddress
| project subscriptionName, resourceGroup, virtualNetwork, SubnetName = subnet.name, IPRange = strcat(startIp, " - ", finalendIPaddress), numberOfIpAddresses, SubnetCIDR, usedIPAddresses, AvailableIPAddresses = (toint(numberOfIpAddresses) - usedIPAddresses_new)

Azure Virtual Network
Azure Virtual Network
An Azure networking service that is used to provision private networks and optionally to connect to on-premises datacenters.
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  1. KapilAnanth-MSFT 46,016 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    @Monalisa ,

    Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A Platform. Thank you for reaching out & I hope you are doing well.

    I see the Query1 lists the NICs, Load Balancers and Application Gateways and

    Query2 lists all the subnets along with their address range, available IP addresses,

    I don't understand why you would have a requirement to combine these 2, however, was able to create a Join query with SubnetID (SubnetName) column of both the queries and it is as follows.

    | where type =~ 'microsoft.network/virtualnetworks'
    | project vnetId = id, vnetName = name, subnets = properties.subnets
    | mv-expand subnets
    | project vnetId, vnetName, subnetId1 = tostring(subnets.id), subnetName = subnets.name
    | join kind=inner (
        | where type has 'networkinterfaces'
        | project nicId = id, nicName = name, ipConfigurations = properties.ipConfigurations, 
                  virtualMachineResourceId = properties.virtualMachine.id, 
                  resourceType = 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
        | mv-expand ipConfigurations
        | extend subnetId2 = tostring(ipConfigurations.properties.subnet.id)
        | project nicId, nicName, virtualMachineResourceId, resourceType, privateIpAddress = ipConfigurations.properties.privateIPAddress, subnetId2
    ) on $left.subnetId1 == $right.subnetId2
    | project-away subnetId2
    union (
        | where type has 'microsoft.network/loadBalancers'
        | project lbId = id, lbName = name, ipConfigurations = properties.frontendIPConfigurations
        | mv-expand ipConfigurations
        | extend subnetId1 = tostring(ipConfigurations.properties.subnet.id)
        | project loadBalancerResourceId = lbId, resourceName = lbName, resourceType = 'Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers', privateIpAddress = ipConfigurations.properties.privateIPAddress, subnetId1
        | where type has 'microsoft.network/applicationGateways'
        | project agId = id, agName = name, ipConfigurations = properties.gatewayIPConfigurations
        | mv-expand ipConfigurations
        | extend subnetId1 = tostring(ipConfigurations.properties.subnet.id)
        | project appGwResourceId = agId, resourceName = agName, resourceType = 'Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways', privateIpAddress = ipConfigurations.properties.privateIPAddress, subnetId1
    | join kind=fullouter (
    | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks'
    | extend addressPrefixes=array_length(properties.addressSpace.addressPrefixes)
    | extend vNetAddressSpace=properties.addressSpace.addressPrefixes
    | mv-expand subnet=properties.subnets
    | extend virtualNetwork = name
    | extend subnetPrefix = subnet.properties.addressPrefix
    | extend SubnetCIDR=subnet.properties.addressPrefix
    | extend subnets = properties.subnets
    | extend subnetName = tostring(subnet.name)
    | extend subnetId = tostring(subnet.id)
    | extend prefixLength = toint(split(subnetPrefix, "/")[1])
    | extend addressPrefix = split(subnetPrefix, "/")[0]
    | extend numberOfIpAddresses = trim_end(".0",tostring(pow(2, 32 - prefixLength) - 5))
    | extend startIp = addressPrefix
    | extend endIp = strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(addressPrefix, '.'), 0, 2)),"."),".",trim_end(".0",tostring(split(addressPrefix, '.')[3] + (pow(2, 32 - prefixLength) - 5))))
    | extend endIPNew = case(prefixLength == 23, strcat(strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(startIp,'.'), 0, 1)), "."), "."),'1.255'),
        prefixLength == 22, strcat(strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(startIp,'.'), 0, 1)), "."), "."),'3.255'),
        prefixLength == 21, strcat(strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(startIp,'.'), 0, 1)), "."), "."),'7.255'),
        prefixLength == 20, strcat(strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(startIp,'.'), 0, 1)), "."), "."),'15.255'),
        prefixLength == 19, strcat(strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(startIp,'.'), 0, 1)), "."), "."),'31.255'),
        prefixLength == 18, strcat(strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(startIp,'.'), 0, 1)), "."), "."),'63.255'),
        prefixLength == 17, strcat(strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(startIp,'.'), 0, 1)), "."), "."),'127.255'),
        prefixLength == 16, strcat(strcat(strcat_array((array_slice(split(startIp,'.'), 0, 1)), "."), "."),'255.255'),
    | extend finalendIPaddress = iff(endIPNew == "unknown", endIp, endIPNew) 
    | join kind=leftouter (
        // Number of connected devices per VNet and Subnet
        | where type =~ 'microsoft.network/networkinterfaces'
        | project id, ipConfigurations = properties.ipConfigurations, virtualMachine = tostring(split(properties.virtualMachine.id,"/",8)[0])
        | mvexpand ipConfigurations
        | project id, subnetId = tostring(ipConfigurations.properties.subnet.id), virtualMachine
        | parse kind=regex subnetId with '/virtualNetworks/' virtualNetwork '/subnets/' subnet
        | extend resourceGroup = tostring(split(subnetId,"/",4)[0])
        | extend subnetName = subnet
        | summarize usedIPAddresses = count() by subnetName, virtualNetwork
    on subnetName, virtualNetwork
    | extend usedIPAddresses_new = iff(isnull(usedIPAddresses),0,usedIPAddresses)
    | extend privateIP = properties.privateIpAddress
    | project resourceGroup, virtualNetwork, SubnetName = subnet.name, IPRange = strcat(startIp, " - ", finalendIPaddress), numberOfIpAddresses, SubnetCIDR, usedIPAddresses, AvailableIPAddresses = (toint(numberOfIpAddresses) - usedIPAddresses_new), subnetId
    ) on $left.subnetId1 == $right.subnetId
    | project-away subnetId1
    | sort by subnetId

    Kindly let us know if this helps or you need further assistance on this issue.



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