How to fix CFU Firmware Update Simulation build issues in Visual Studio 2022


Hi All,

I’m encountering issues while migrating and building our CFU Firmware Update Simulation project from Visual Studio 2019 to Visual Studio 2022. Could you please help with the following?

Some of issues which I am facing at the moment:

Linker Error: LNK1181: cannot open input file 'DmfUModules.Library.Tests.lib'

Compiler Warning: C4013: 'DMF_Utility_EventLogEntryWriteUserMode' undefined; assuming extern returning int

Missing/incompatible Header: Cannot locate wdf.h in VS2022.

Any help will be appreciated, also is it possible to update the git ?

Kind Regards

Chandra Shekar C

Windows Driver Kit (WDK)
Windows Driver Kit (WDK)
A set of Microsoft tools that are used to develop, test, and deploy Windows drivers.
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