Hello WinTechie,
Greetings! Welcome to Microsoft Q&A Platform.
I understand that you would like to about a PowerShell script for your runbook that uses the system-assigned managed identity of your Azure Automation account to read the contents of a CSV file stored in a blob storage account.There are a number of ways that you can run it in Azure and one of the easiest ways would be to run it in Azure Automation which would not require having a machine to be in running state. I have provided a following docs required to create a simple runbook and run it in Azure below:
This article 1, article 2 shows you how to enable a managed identity for an Azure Automation account and how to use it to access other resources. For more information on how managed identities work with Azure Automation, see Managed identities.
If you want, you can also attach schedule to this runbook, so that it will be run regularly based on it.
Similar threads for reference - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75744604/azure-automation-powershell-runbook-to-get-vm-details-in-csv-file-and-export-tha,https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76436246/how-to-import-csv-file-data-in-azure-blob-into-a-variable-in-powershell-using-po, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74861660/how-to-connect-with-storage-account-in-azure-automation-runbook.
Hope this information helps! please let us know if you have any further queries. I’m happy to assist you further.
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