To answer your question,
"Is it possible to use Azure VPN with Azure NAT Gateway and route all P2S VPN traffic through a NAT Gateway connected to this VPN?"
- No
- This is not possible.
- See : Forced tunneling
- Internet connectivity is not provided through the VPN gateway. As a result, all traffic bound for the Internet is dropped.
- This means, VPN Gateway as a stand alone resource cannot provide you with internet connectivity.
- You cannot combine NAT Gateway and Azure VPN because NAT Gateway cannot be attached to gateway subnet where the VPN resides.
- See : FAQ | Can a NAT gateway be attached to a gateway subnet?
What you can do is,
Consider deploying a NVA or Azure Firewall on the VNET and route all traffic to the Firewall from the VPN Gateway.
- You should advertise additional custom routes and to the P2S Clients.
- On the GatewaySubnet, attach a UDR with routes and pointing to the nextHop as the NVA's/Azure Fierwall's IP Address
- Now, this Firewall will provide you with Internet connectivity
I would suggest you instead consider using Virtual WAN Hub routing intent with Internet Traffic Routing Policy
Hope this helps.
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