It's hidden under SecurityInsights/settings. You'll first need to create it as an entity analytics provider, then you can create the setting. For some reason, there is a known bug when creating the enable_euba if it's already created, you need the 'etag' but grabbing it and putting it in doesn't work so I deleted it via Azure API.
But this is the Bicep for anyone wondering.
resource enable_euba 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/settings@2024-01-01-preview' = {
name: 'EntityAnalytics'
scope: sentinel_workspace
kind: 'EntityAnalytics'
properties: {
entityProviders: ['ActiveDirectory','AzureActiveDirectory']
resource euba_setting 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights/settings@2024-01-01-preview' = {
name: 'Ueba'
scope: sentinel_workspace
kind: 'Ueba'
properties: {
dataSources: [
dependsOn: [enable_euba]