Azure Open AI Custom App in Teams How to Able to Read & Write files
Hi Support, I had integration Azure OpenAI into Teams App. how I can able when users upload a file (pdf or word , excel ... etc) and open ai can able to read the file and provide summary for the file and generate a new file? current when I test upload…
mail when pod is down which is crated by AKS
We have created PODs (Agents) if any POD created by AKS is down, we want to send email , is it possible if yes how?
XML Xml Serialization error in MAUI iOS
Good afternoon. We are developing a mobile application for iOS on MAUI (.net 9-0). When using the Apple development profile, our application is assembled and deployed on the device without any problems (using the IDE Rider). But when we change the Apple…
Asignar la Política a los Usuarios- cmdlet New-CsBatchPolicyAssignmentOperation
Ayuda con el siguiente error PS C:\Windows\system32> Connect-MicrosoftTeams Account Environment Tenant TenantId AzureCloud e792aff2-d2d4-41ba-b6c4-f66f5a927247…
i cannot upgrade my account to py as you go
Why can't I upgrade my account after the free trial?
Add logic to the function app
I am following the Exercise - Add logic to the function app using the provided run.ps1 code and the input body (array). When I clicked on Run, the output gave 400 Bad Request and "Please send an array of readings in the request body". I wonder…
Multiple Crashes and Blue Screen Help
So I have been getting blue screens and multiple crashes under different stop codes over the past few weeks and cannot figure out what the problem is. The crash codes include: HYPERVISOR ERROR DRIVER OVERRAN STACK BUFFER and possibly others that I…
Assign an Azure role for access to blob data Sorry, I Can't find "Blob path"
AZ-400 Develop monitor and status dashboards
Hello, the knowledge check on seems to have all wrong answers/outdated asnwers. For 1) Which of the following choices is a platform integration…
AZ-400 Wrong answer
Hello, On page - the first question: 1. Which of the following choices represents when using this approach the methodology of…
Whats the Azure OpenAI Inference API Version used by AzureOpenAIEmbeddingSkill
Reading this doc but the document doesn't have any info or a property to specify the Azure OpenAI Inference API Version details. So the question is which API version it will use ? One can find the available API Versions from…
Define azure batch pool certificate in CloudPool with c#
I'm following the instructions in to change from defining certificates in CloudPool.CertificateReferences to…
Cannot connect to SQL Database. Please contact SQL server team for further support. Server: '', Database: 'MicrosoftDynamicsAX', User: 'corpwebapi'. Check the linked service configuration is correct, and make sure the SQL Database firewall
i am trying to login the ax database with sql server in datafactory to store the data in datalake storage, it is showing connection failed where as my server name, username and passwords are correct with this credentials i can easily access the…
consistent 21 second delay in response for ssh connection to Linux Redhat server in Azure
A consistent 21-second delay is occurring during SSH connections to a RedHat Linux server (OpenSSH_7.4) in Azure. This delay affects all endpoints trying to connect using SSH including ones on the corporate network going through the firewall and ones…
How to scale throught partitioning CosmosDB to handle billions of documents
At my company we have a mongo collection hosted on CosmosDB that has reached 180 million records that is currently sharded. Sadly and painfully, the chosen partitioning strategy has been shown to be really bad: suffers both from the scatter/gather…
Transitioning from Azure AI Image Analysis to Florence 2.0 for Background Removal
Hi everyone, I recently received an email from Azure informing me that on January 10, 2025, the Azure AI Image Analysis 4.0 Segment API and its background removal service will be retired. I’ve been using this service to remove backgrounds from uploaded…
How to Get a Unified View of Virtual Machines and VMSS in Azure Portal?
Hi everyone, I’m currently managing both Virtual Machines and Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS) in the Azure Portal. While I have good visibility over these resources individually, they’re displayed separately, which makes it a bit confusing when I want…
Azure File Share with Microsoft Entra Domain Services
I want to create file sharing using azure file shares, previously I have setup identity source using microsoft entra domain services. I want to be able to access fileshares using entraid,but after we setup, and we map, we can't login using the entra…
Upgrade free subscription to standard
Hello how can i upgrade my subscibtion to standart i can anywhere find where to upgrade my subscription i followed guide…
Is it possible to get Azure OpenAI Model API key through the Rest API?
Can I use the Azure API to get an OpenAI model API key through the REST functionality that exists currently?