Thanks, Dave, this is helpful. After reviewing the sample code, fundamentally, there is little difference. The underlying code calls are the same that I have in my example. However, there seems to be something going on.
I tried the UART loopback example which worked (sanity check). Then I connected my logic analyzer to the following pins: {"Name": "SAMPLE_LSM6DS3_I2C", "Type": "I2cMaster", "Mapping": "MT3620_RDB_HEADER4_ISU2_I2C", "Comment": "MT3620 RDB: Connect external LSM6DS3 to I2C using header 4, pin 6 (SDA) and pin 12 (SCL)"}.
And ran my SHT31 code (write call only to validate pin output signals) without the I2C device connected: the logic analyzer is picking up no activity on header 4, pin 6 or pin 12. This is an indication that there are no signals being outputted on SDA or SCL (ISU2) in I2C mode.
The app manifest has "Capabilities": {
"I2cMaster": [ "$SAMPLE_LSM6DS3_I2C" ]
} referenced and SAMPLE_LSM6DS3_I2C is used in the i2cFd = I2CMaster_Open(SAMPLE_LSM6DS3_I2C) call.
The SDK and OS on the MT3630 RDB are version 20.09