Performance recommendations

The performance recommendations in Azure Advisor can help improve the speed and responsiveness of your business-critical applications. You can get performance recommendations from Advisor on the Performance tab of the Advisor dashboard.

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.

  2. Search for and select Advisor from any page.

  3. On the Advisor dashboard, select the Performance tab.

AI + machine learning

429 Throttling Detected on this resource

We observed that there have been 1,000 or more 429 throttling errors on this resource in a one day timeframe. Consider enabling autoscale to better handle higher call volumes and reduce the number of 429 errors.

Learn more about Azure AI services autoscale.

Text Analytics Model Version Deprecation

Upgrade the model version to a newer model version or latest to utilize the latest and highest quality models.

Learn more about Cognitive Service - TAUpgradeToLatestModelVersion (Text Analytics Model Version Deprecation).

Text Analytics Model Version Deprecation

Upgrade the model version to a newer model version or latest to utilize the latest and highest quality models.

Learn more about Cognitive Service - TAUpgradeModelVersiontoLatest (Text Analytics Model Version Deprecation).

Upgrade to the latest Cognitive Service Text Analytics API version

Upgrade to the latest API version to get the best results in terms of model quality, performance and service availability. Also there are new features available as new endpoints starting from V3.0 such as personal data recognition, entity recognition and entity linking available as separate endpoints. In terms of changes in preview endpoints, we have Opinion Mining in SA endpoint, redacted text property in personal data endpoint

Learn more about Cognitive Service - UpgradeToLatestAPI (Upgrade to the latest Cognitive Service Text Analytics API version).

Upgrade to the latest API version of Azure Cognitive Service for Language

Upgrade to the latest API version to get the best results in terms of model quality, performance and service availability.

Learn more about Cognitive Service - UpgradeToLatestAPILanguage (Upgrade to the latest API version of Azure Cognitive Service for Language).

Upgrade to the latest Cognitive Service Text Analytics SDK version

Upgrade to the latest SDK version to get the best results in terms of model quality, performance and service availability. Also there are new features available as new endpoints starting from V3.0 such as personal data recognition, entity recognition and entity linking available as separate endpoints. In terms of changes in preview endpoints, we have Opinion Mining in SA endpoint, redacted text property in personal data endpoint

Learn more about Cognitive Service - UpgradeToLatestSDK (Upgrade to the latest Cognitive Service Text Analytics SDK version).

Upgrade to the latest Cognitive Service Language SDK version

Upgrade to the latest SDK version to get the best results in terms of model quality, performance and service availability.

Learn more about Cognitive Service - UpgradeToLatestSDKLanguage (Upgrade to the latest Cognitive Service Language SDK version).

Upgrade to the latest Azure AI Language SDK version

Upgrade to the latest SDK version to get the best results in terms of model quality, performance and service availability. Also there are new features available as new endpoints starting from V3.0 such as personal data recognition, entity recognition and entity linking available as separate endpoints. In terms of changes in preview endpoints, we have Opinion Mining in SA endpoint, redacted text property in personal data endpoint.

Learn more about Azure AI Language.


Right-size Data Explorer resources for optimal performance.

This recommendation surfaces all Data Explorer resources that exceed the recommended data capacity (80%). The recommended action to improve the performance is to scale to the recommended configuration shown.

Learn more about Data explorer resource - Right-size ADX resource (Right-size Data Explorer resources for optimal performance.).

Review table cache policies for Data Explorer tables

This recommendation surfaces Data Explorer tables with a high number of queries that look back beyond the configured cache period (policy) - you see the top 10 tables by query percentage that access out-of-cache data. The recommended action to improve the performance: Limit queries on this table to the minimal necessary time range (within the defined policy). Alternatively, if data from the entire time range is required, increase the cache period to the recommended value.

Learn more about Data explorer resource - UpdateCachePoliciesForAdxTables (Review table cache policies for Data Explorer tables).

Reduce Data Explorer table cache policy for better performance

Reducing the table cache policy frees up unused data from the resource's cache and improves performance.

Learn more about Data explorer resource - ReduceCacheForAzureDataExplorerTablesToImprovePerformance (Reduce Data Explorer table cache policy for better performance).

Increase the cache in the cache policy

Based on your actual usage during the last month, update the cache policy to increase the hot cache for the table. The retention period must always be larger than the cache period. If you increase the cache and the retention period is lower than the cache period, update the retention policy. The analysis is based only on user queries that scanned data.

Learn more about Data explorer resource - IncreaseCacheForAzureDataExplorerTablesToImprovePerformance (Increase the cache in the cache policy).

Enable Optimized Autoscale for Data Explorer resources

Looks like your resource could have automatically scaled to improve performance (based on your actual usage during the last week, cache utilization, ingestion utilization, CPU, and streaming ingests utilization). To optimize costs and performance, we recommend enabling Optimized Autoscale.

Learn more about Data explorer resource - PerformanceEnableOptimizedAutoscaleAzureDataExplorer (Enable Optimized Autoscale for Data Explorer resources).

Reads happen on most recent data

More than 75% of your read requests are landing on the memstore, indicating that the reads are primarily on recent data. Recent data reads suggest that even if a flush happens on the memstore, the recent file needs to be accessed and put in the cache.

Learn more about HDInsight cluster - HBaseMemstoreReadPercentage (Reads happen on most recent data).

Consider using Accelerated Writes feature in your HBase cluster to improve cluster performance.

You're seeing this advisor recommendation because HDInsight team's system log shows that in the past seven days, your cluster has encountered the following scenarios:

  1. High WAL sync time latency

  2. High write request count (at least 3 one hour windows of over 1000 avg_write_requests/second/node)

These conditions are indicators that your cluster is suffering from high write latencies, which can be due to heavy workload on your cluster.

To improve the performance of your cluster, consider utilizing the Accelerated Writes feature provided by Azure HDInsight HBase. The Accelerated Writes feature for HDInsight Apache HBase clusters attaches premium SSD-managed disks to every RegionServer (worker node) instead of using cloud storage. As a result, it provides low write-latency and better resiliency for your applications.

To read more on this feature, visit link:

Learn more about HDInsight cluster - AccWriteCandidate (Consider using Accelerated Writes feature in your HBase cluster to improve cluster performance.).

More than 75% of your queries are full scan queries

More than 75% of the scan queries on your cluster are doing a full region/table scan. Modify your scan queries to avoid full region or table scans.

Learn more about HDInsight cluster - ScanQueryTuningcandidate (More than 75% of your queries are full scan queries.).

Check your region counts as you have blocking updates

Region counts needs to be adjusted to avoid updates getting blocked. It might require a scale up of the cluster by adding new nodes.

Learn more about HDInsight cluster - RegionCountCandidate (Check your region counts as you have blocking updates.).

Consider increasing the flusher threads

The flush queue size in your region servers is more than 100 or there are updates getting blocked frequently. Tuning of the flush handler is recommended.

Learn more about HDInsight cluster - FlushQueueCandidate (Consider increasing the flusher threads).

Consider increasing your compaction threads for compactions to complete faster

The compaction queue in your region servers is more than 2000 suggesting that more data requires compaction. Slower compactions can affect read performance as the number of files to read are more. More files without compaction can also affect the heap usage related to how files interact with Azure file system.

Learn more about HDInsight cluster - CompactionQueueCandidate (Consider increasing your compaction threads for compactions to complete faster).

Tables with Clustered Columnstore Indexes (CCI) with less than 60 million rows

Clustered columnstore tables are organized in data into segments. Having high segment quality is critical to achieving optimal query performance on a columnstore table. You can measure segment quality by the number of rows in a compressed row group.

Learn more about Synapse workspace - SynapseCCIGuidance (Tables with Clustered Columnstore Indexes (CCI) with less than 60 million rows).

Update SynapseManagementClient SDK Version

New SynapseManagementClient is using .NET SDK 4.0 or above.

Learn more about Synapse workspace - UpgradeSynapseManagementClientSDK (Update SynapseManagementClient SDK Version).


vSAN capacity utilization has crossed critical threshold

Your vSAN capacity utilization has reached 75%. The cluster utilization is required to remain below the 75% critical threshold for SLA compliance. Add new nodes to the vSphere cluster to increase capacity or delete VMs to reduce consumption or adjust VM workloads

Learn more about Azure VMware Solution private cloud - vSANCapacity (vSAN capacity utilization has crossed critical threshold).

Update Automanage to the latest API Version

We have identified SDK calls from outdated API for resources under this subscription. We recommend switching to the latest SDK versions to ensure you receive the latest features and performance improvements.

Learn more about Virtual machine - UpdateToLatestApi (Update Automanage to the latest API Version).

Improve user experience and connectivity by deploying VMs closer to user’s location.

We have determined that your VMs are located in a region different or far from where your users are connecting with Azure Virtual Desktop. Distant user regions might lead to prolonged connection response times and affect overall user experience.

Learn more about Virtual machine - RegionProximitySessionHosts (Improve user experience and connectivity by deploying VMs closer to user’s location.).

Use Managed disks to prevent disk I/O throttling

Your virtual machine disks belong to a storage account that has reached its scalability target, and is susceptible to I/O throttling. To protect your virtual machine from performance degradation and to simplify storage management, use Managed Disks.

Learn more about Virtual machine - ManagedDisksStorageAccount (Use Managed disks to prevent disk I/O throttling).

Convert Managed Disks from Standard HDD to Premium SSD for performance

We have noticed your Standard HDD disk is approaching performance targets. Azure premium SSDs deliver high-performance and low-latency disk support for virtual machines with IO-intensive workloads. Give your disk performance a boost by upgrading your Standard HDD disk to Premium SSD disk. Upgrading requires a VM reboot, which takes three to five minutes.

Learn more about Disk - MDHDDtoPremiumForPerformance (Convert Managed Disks from Standard HDD to Premium SSD for performance).

Enable Accelerated Networking to improve network performance and latency

We have detected that Accelerated Networking isn't enabled on VM resources in your existing deployment that might be capable of supporting this feature. If your VM OS image supports Accelerated Networking as detailed in the documentation, make sure to enable this free feature on these VMs to maximize the performance and latency of your networking workloads in cloud

Learn more about Virtual machine - AccelNetConfiguration (Enable Accelerated Networking to improve network performance and latency).

Use SSD Disks for your production workloads

We noticed that you're using SSD disks while also using Standard HDD disks on the same VM. Standard HDD managed disks are recommended for dev-test and backup; we recommend you use Premium SSDs or Standard SSDs for production. Premium SSDs deliver high-performance and low-latency disk support for virtual machines with IO-intensive workloads. Standard SSDs provide consistent and lower latency. Upgrade your disk configuration today for improved latency, reliability, and availability. Upgrading requires a VM reboot, which takes three to five minutes.

Learn more about Virtual machine - MixedDiskTypeToSSDPublic (Use SSD Disks for your production workloads).

Match production Virtual Machines with Production Disk for consistent performance and better latency

Production virtual machines need production disks if you want to get the best performance. We see that you're running a production level virtual machine, however, you're using a low performing disk with standard HDD. Upgrading disks that are attached to your production disks, either Standard SSD or Premium SSD, benefits you with a more consistent experience and improvements in latency.

Learn more about Virtual machine - MatchProdVMProdDisks (Match production Virtual Machines with Production Disk for consistent performance and better latency).

Accelerated Networking might require stopping and starting the VM

We have detected that Accelerated Networking isn't engaged on VM resources in your existing deployment even though the feature has been requested. In rare cases like this, it might be necessary to stop and start your VM, at your convenience, to re-engage AccelNet.

Learn more about Virtual machine - AccelNetDisengaged (Accelerated Networking might require stopping and starting the VM).

Take advantage of Ultra Disk low latency for your log disks and improve your database workload performance

Ultra disk is available in the same region as your database workload. Ultra disk offers high throughput, high IOPS, and consistent low latency disk storage for your database workloads: For Oracle DBs, you can now use either 4k or 512E sector sizes with Ultra disk depending on your Oracle DB version. For SQL server, using Ultra disk for your log disk might offer more performance for your database. See instructions here for migrating your log disk to Ultra disk.

Learn more about Virtual machine - AzureStorageVmUltraDisk (Take advantage of Ultra Disk low latency for your log disks and improve your database workload performance.).

Upgrade the size of your most active virtual machines to prevent resource exhaustion and improve performance

We analyzed data for the past seven days and identified virtual machines (VMs) with high utilization across different metrics (that is, CPU, Memory, and VM IO). Those VMs might experience performance issues since they're nearing or at their SKU's limits. Consider upgrading their SKU to improve performance.

Learn more about Virtual machine - UpgradeSizeHighVMUtilV0 (Upgrade the size of your most active virtual machines to prevent resource exhaustion and improve performance).


Unsupported Kubernetes version is detected

Unsupported Kubernetes version is detected. Ensure Kubernetes cluster runs with a supported version.

Learn more about Kubernetes service - UnsupportedKubernetesVersionIsDetected (Unsupported Kubernetes version is detected).

Unsupported Kubernetes version is detected

Unsupported Kubernetes version is detected. Ensure Kubernetes cluster runs with a supported version.

Learn more about HDInsight Cluster Pool - UnsupportedHiloAKSVersionIsDetected (Unsupported Kubernetes version is detected).

Clusters with a single node pool

We recommended that you add one or more node pools instead of using a single node pool. Multiple pools help to isolate critical system pods from your application to prevent misconfigured or rogue application pods from accidentally killing system pods.

Learn more about Kubernetes service - ClustersWithASingleNodePool (Clusters with a Single Node Pool).

Update Fleet API to the latest version

We have identified SDK calls from outdated Fleet API for resources under your subscription. We recommend switching to the latest SDK version, which ensures you receive the latest features and performance improvements.

Learn more about Kubernetes fleet manager | PREVIEW - UpdateToLatestFleetApi (Update Fleet API to the latest Version).


Configure your Azure Cosmos DB query page size (MaxItemCount) to -1

You're using the query page size of 100 for queries for your Azure Cosmos DB container. We recommend using a page size of -1 for faster scans.

Learn more about Azure Cosmos DB account - CosmosDBQueryPageSize (Configure your Azure Cosmos DB query page size (MaxItemCount) to -1).

Add composite indexes to your Azure Cosmos DB container

Your Azure Cosmos DB containers are running ORDER BY queries incurring high Request Unit (RU) charges. It's recommended to add composite indexes to your containers' indexing policy to improve the RU consumption and decrease the latency of these queries.

Learn more about Azure Cosmos DB account - CosmosDBOrderByHighRUCharge (Add composite indexes to your Azure Cosmos DB container).

Optimize your Azure Cosmos DB indexing policy to only index what's needed

Your Azure Cosmos DB containers are using the default indexing policy, which indexes every property in your documents. Because you're storing large documents, a high number of properties get indexed, resulting in high Request Unit consumption and poor write latency. To optimize write performance, we recommend overriding the default indexing policy to only index the properties used in your queries.

Learn more about Azure Cosmos DB account - CosmosDBDefaultIndexingWithManyPaths (Optimize your Azure Cosmos DB indexing policy to only index what's needed).

Use hierarchical partition keys for optimal data distribution

Your account has a custom setting that allows the logical partition size in a container to exceed the limit of 20 GB. The Azure Cosmos DB team applied this setting as a temporary measure to give you time to rearchitect your application with a different partition key. It isn't recommended as a long-term solution, as SLA guarantees aren't honored when the limit is increased. You can now use hierarchical partition keys (preview) to rearchitect your application. The feature allows you to exceed the 20-GB limit by setting up to three partition keys, ideal for multitenant scenarios or workloads that use synthetic keys.

Learn more about Azure Cosmos DB account - CosmosDBHierarchicalPartitionKey (Use hierarchical partition keys for optimal data distribution).

Configure your Azure Cosmos DB applications to use Direct connectivity in the SDK

We noticed that your Azure Cosmos DB applications are using Gateway mode via the Azure Cosmos DB .NET or Java SDKs. We recommend switching to Direct connectivity for lower latency and higher scalability.

Learn more about Azure Cosmos DB account - CosmosDBGatewayMode (Configure your Azure Cosmos DB applications to use Direct connectivity in the SDK).

Enhance Performance by Scaling Up for Optimal Resource Utilization

Maximizing the efficiency of your system's resources is crucial for maintaining top-notch performance. Our system closely monitors CPU usage, and when it crosses the 90% threshold over a 12-hour period, a proactive alert is triggered. This alert not only informs Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore users of the elevated CPU consumption but also provides valuable guidance on scaling up to a higher tier. By upgrading to a more robust tier, you can unlock improved performance and ensure your system operates at its peak potential.

Learn more about Scaling and configuring Your Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore cluster.


When CPU usage surpasses 90% within a 12-hour timeframe, users are notified about the high usage. Additionally it advises them to scale up to a higher tier to get a better performance.

Learn more about Cosmos DB account - ScaleUpvCoreRecommendation (PerformanceBoostervCore).

Scale the storage limit for MariaDB server

Our system shows that the server might be constrained because it's approaching limits for the currently provisioned storage values. Approaching the storage limits might result in degraded performance or the server moved to read-only mode. To ensure continued performance, we recommend increasing the provisioned storage amount or turning ON the "Auto-Growth" feature for automatic storage increases

Learn more about MariaDB server - OrcasMariaDbStorageLimit (Scale the storage limit for MariaDB server).

Increase the MariaDB server vCores

Our system shows that the CPU has been running under high utilization for an extended time period over the last seven days. High CPU utilization might lead to slow query performance. To improve performance, we recommend moving to a larger compute size.

Learn more about MariaDB server - OrcasMariaDbCpuOverload (Increase the MariaDB server vCores).

Scale the MariaDB server to higher SKU

Our system shows that the server might be unable to support the connection requests because of the maximum supported connections for the given SKU, which might result in a large number of failed connections requests which adversely affect the performance. To improve performance, we recommend moving to higher memory SKU by increasing vCore or switching to Memory-Optimized SKUs.

Learn more about MariaDB server - OrcasMariaDbConcurrentConnection (Scale the MariaDB server to higher SKU).

Move your MariaDB server to Memory Optimized SKU

Our system shows that there is high churn in the buffer pool for this server which can result in slower query performance and increased IOPS. To improve performance, review your workload queries to identify opportunities to minimize memory consumed. If no such opportunity found, then we recommend moving to higher SKU with more memory or increase storage size to get more IOPS.

Learn more about MariaDB server - OrcasMariaDbMemoryCache (Move your MariaDB server to Memory Optimized SKU).

Increase the reliability of audit logs

Our system shows that the server's audit logs might have been lost over the past day. Lost audit logs can occur when your server is experiencing a CPU-heavy workload, or a server generates a large number of audit logs over a short time period. We recommend only logging the necessary events required for your audit purposes using the following server parameters: audit_log_events, audit_log_exclude_users, audit_log_include_users. If the CPU usage on your server is high due to your workload, we recommend increasing the server's vCores to improve performance.

Learn more about MariaDB server - OrcasMariaDBAuditLog (Increase the reliability of audit logs).

Scale the storage limit for MySQL server

Our system shows that the server might be constrained because it is approaching limits for the currently provisioned storage values. Approaching the storage limits might result in degraded performance or in the server being moved to read-only mode. To ensure continued performance, we recommend increasing the provisioned storage amount or turning ON the "Auto-Growth" feature for automatic storage increases

Learn more about MySQL server - OrcasMySQLStorageLimit (Scale the storage limit for MySQL server).

Scale the MySQL server to higher SKU

Our system shows that the server might be unable to support the connection requests because of the maximum supported connections for the given SKU, which might result in a large number of failed connections requests that adversely affect the performance. To improve performance, we recommend moving to a higher memory SKU by increasing vCore or switching to Memory-Optimized SKUs.

Learn more about MySQL server - OrcasMySQLConcurrentConnection (Scale the MySQL server to higher SKU).

Increase the MySQL server vCores

Our system shows that the CPU has been running under high utilization for an extended time period over the last seven days. High CPU utilization might lead to slow query performance. To improve performance, we recommend moving to a larger compute size.

Learn more about MySQL server - OrcasMySQLCpuOverload (Increase the MySQL server vCores).

Move your MySQL server to Memory Optimized SKU

Our system shows that there is high churn in the buffer pool for this server which can result in slower query performance and increased IOPS. To improve performance, review your workload queries to identify opportunities to minimize memory consumed. If no such opportunity found, then we recommend moving to higher SKU with more memory or increase storage size to get more IOPS.

Learn more about MySQL server - OrcasMySQLMemoryCache (Move your MySQL server to Memory Optimized SKU).

Add a MySQL Read Replica server

Our system shows that you might have a read intensive workload running, which results in resource contention for this server. Resource contention might lead to slow query performance for the server. To improve performance, we recommend you add a read replica, and offload some of your read workloads to the replica.

Learn more about MySQL server - OrcasMySQLReadReplica (Add a MySQL Read Replica server).

Improve MySQL connection management

Our system shows that your application connecting to MySQL server might be managing connections poorly, which might result in unnecessary resource consumption and overall higher application latency. To improve connection management, we recommend that you reduce the number of short-lived connections and eliminate unnecessary idle connections. You can do this by configuring a server side connection-pooler, such as ProxySQL.

Learn more about MySQL server - OrcasMySQLConnectionPooling (Improve MySQL connection management).

Increase the reliability of audit logs

Our system shows that the server's audit logs might have been lost over the past day. This can occur when your server is experiencing a CPU heavy workload or a server generates a large number of audit logs over a short time period. We recommend only logging the necessary events required for your audit purposes using the following server parameters: audit_log_events, audit_log_exclude_users, audit_log_include_users. If the CPU usage on your server is high due to your workload, we recommend increasing the server's vCores to improve performance.

Learn more about MySQL server - OrcasMySQLAuditLog (Increase the reliability of audit logs).

Improve performance by optimizing MySQL temporary-table sizing

Our system shows that your MySQL server might be incurring unnecessary I/O overhead due to low temporary-table parameter settings. This might result in unnecessary disk-based transactions and reduced performance. We recommend that you increase the 'tmp_table_size' and 'max_heap_table_size' parameter values to reduce the number of disk-based transactions.

Learn more about MySQL server - OrcasMySqlTmpTables (Improve performance by optimizing MySQL temporary-table sizing).

Improve MySQL connection latency

Our system shows that your application connecting to MySQL server might be managing connections poorly. This might result in higher application latency. To improve connection latency, we recommend that you enable connection redirection. This can be done by enabling the connection redirection feature of the PHP driver.

Learn more about MySQL server - OrcasMySQLConnectionRedirection (Improve MySQL connection latency).

Increase the storage limit for MySQL Flexible Server

Our system shows that the server might be constrained because it is approaching limits for the currently provisioned storage values. Approaching the storage limits might result in degraded performance or in the server being moved to read-only mode. To ensure continued performance, we recommend increasing the provisioned storage amount.

Learn more about Azure Database for MySQL flexible server - OrcasMeruMySqlStorageUpsell (Increase the storage limit for MySQL Flexible Server).

Scale the MySQL Flexible Server to a higher SKU

Our system shows that your Flexible Server is exceeding the connection limits associated with your current SKU. A large number of failed connection requests might adversely affect server performance. To improve performance, we recommend increasing the number of vCores or switching to a higher SKU.

Learn more about Azure Database for MySQL flexible server - OrcasMeruMysqlConnectionUpsell (Scale the MySQL Flexible Server to a higher SKU).

Increase the MySQL Flexible Server vCores.

Our system shows that the CPU has been running under high utilization for an extended time period over the last seven days. High CPU utilization might lead to slow query performance. To improve performance, we recommend moving to a larger compute size.

Learn more about Azure Database for MySQL flexible server - OrcasMeruMysqlCpuUpcell (Increase the MySQL Flexible Server vCores.).

Improve performance by optimizing MySQL temporary-table sizing.

Our system shows that your MySQL server might be incurring unnecessary I/O overhead due to low temporary-table parameter settings. Unnecessary I/O overhead might result in unnecessary disk-based transactions and reduced performance. We recommend that you increase the 'tmp_table_size' and 'max_heap_table_size' parameter values to reduce the number of disk-based transactions.

Learn more about Azure Database for MySQL flexible server - OrcasMeruMysqlTmpTable (Improve performance by optimizing MySQL temporary-table sizing.).

Move your MySQL server to Memory Optimized SKU

Our system shows that there is high memory usage for this server that can result in slower query performance and increased IOPS. To improve performance, review your workload queries to identify opportunities to minimize memory consumed. If no such opportunity found, then we recommend moving to higher SKU with more memory or increase storage size to get more IOPS.

Learn more about Azure Database for MySQL flexible server - OrcasMeruMysqlMemoryUpsell (Move your MySQL server to Memory Optimized SKU).

Add a MySQL Read Replica server

Our system shows that you might have a read intensive workload running, which results in resource contention for this server. This might lead to slow query performance for the server. To improve performance, we recommend you add a read replica, and offload some of your read workloads to the replica.

Learn more about Azure Database for MySQL flexible server - OrcasMeruMysqlReadReplicaUpsell (Add a MySQL Read Replica server).

Increase the work_mem to avoid excessive disk spilling from sort and hash

Our system shows that the configuration work_mem is too small for your PostgreSQL server which is resulting in disk spilling and degraded query performance. To improve this, we recommend increasing the work_mem limit for the server, which helps to reduce the scenarios when the sort or hash happens on disk and improves the overall query performance.

Learn more about PostgreSQL server - OrcasPostgreSqlWorkMem (Increase the work_mem to avoid excessive disk spilling from sort and hash).

Boost your workload performance by 30% with the new Ev5 compute hardware

With the new Ev5 compute hardware, you can boost workload performance by 30% with higher concurrency and better throughput. Navigate to the Compute+Storage option on the Azure portal and switch to Ev5 compute at no extra cost. Ev5 compute provides best performance among other VM series in terms of QPS and latency.

Learn more about Azure Database for MySQL flexible server - OrcasMeruMySqlComputeSeriesUpgradeEv5 (Boost your workload performance by 30% with the new Ev5 compute hardware).

Increase the storage limit for Hyperscale (Citus) server group

Our system shows that one or more nodes in the server group might be constrained because they are approaching limits for the currently provisioned storage values. This might result in degraded performance or in the server being moved to read-only mode. To ensure continued performance, we recommend increasing the provisioned disk space.

Learn more about PostgreSQL server - OrcasPostgreSqlCitusStorageLimitHyperscaleCitus (Increase the storage limit for Hyperscale (Citus) server group).

Increase the PostgreSQL server vCores

Over 7 days, CPU usage was at least one of the following: Above 90% for 2 or more hours, above 50% for 50% of the time, at max usage for 20% of the time. High CPU utilization can lead to slow query performance. To improve performance, we recommend moving your server to a larger SKU with higher compute. Learn more about Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server - Upscale Server SKU for PostgreSQL on Azure Database.

Optimize log_statement settings for PostgreSQL on Azure Database

Our system shows that you have log_statement enabled, for better performance set it to NONE

Learn more about Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server - Optimize log_statement settings for PostgreSQL on Azure Database.

Optimize log_duration settings for PostgreSQL on Azure Database

You may experience potential performance degradation due to logging settings. To optimize these settings, set the log_duration server parameter to OFF.

Learn more about Learn more about Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server - Optimize log_duration settings for PostgreSQL on Azure Database.

Optimize log_min_duration settings for PostgreSQL on Azure Database

Your log_min_duration server parameter is set to less than 60,000 ms (1 minute), which can lead to potential performance degradation. You can optimize logging settings by setting the log_min_duration_statement parameter to -1.

Learn more about Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server - Optimize log_min_duration settings for PostgreSQL on Azure Database.

Optimize log_error_verbosity settings for PostgreSQL on Azure Database

Your server has been configured to output VERBOSE error logs. This can be useful for troubleshooting your database, but it can also result in reduced database performance. To improve performance, we recommend changing the log_error_verbosity server parameter to the DEFAULT setting.

Learn more about Learn more about Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server - Optimize log_error_verbosity settings for PostgreSQL on Azure Database.

Identify if checkpoints are happening too often to improve PostgreSQL - Flexible Server performance

Your sever is encountering checkpoints frequently. To resolve the issue, we recommend increasing your max_wal_size server parameter.

Learn more about Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server – Increase max_wal_size.

Identify inactive Logical Replication Slots to improve PostgreSQL - Flexible Server performance

Your server may have inactive logical replication slots which can result in degraded server performance and availability. We recommend deleting inactive replication slots or consuming the changes from the slots so the Log Sequence Number (LSN) advances to closer to the current LSN of the server.

Learn more about Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server – Unused/inactive Logical Replication Slots.

Identify long-running transactions to improve PostgreSQL - Flexible Server performance

There are transactions running for more than 24 hours. Review the High CPU Usage-> Long Running Transactions section in the troubleshooting guides to identify and mitigate the issue.

Learn more about Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server – Long Running transactions using Troubleshooting guides.

Identify Orphaned Prepared transactions to improve PostgreSQL - Flexible Server performance

There are orphaned prepared transactions. Rollback/Commit the prepared transaction. The recommendations are shared in Autovacuum Blockers -> Autovacuum Blockers section in the troubleshooting guides.

Learn more about Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server – Orphaned Prepared transactions using Troubleshooting guides.

Identify Transaction Wraparound to improve PostgreSQL - Flexible Server performance

The server has crossed the 50% wraparound limit, having 1 billion transactions. Refer to the recommendations shared in the Autovacuum Blockers -> Emergency AutoVacuum and Wraparound section of the troubleshooting guides.

Learn more about Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server – Transaction Wraparound using Troubleshooting guides.

Identify High Bloat Ratio to improve PostgreSQL - Flexible Server performance

The server has a bloat_ratio (dead tuples/ (live tuples + dead tuples) > 80%). Refer to the recommendations shared in the Autovacuum Monitoring section of the troubleshooting guides.

Learn more about Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server – High Bloat Ratio using Troubleshooting guides.

Increase the storage limit for Hyperscale (Citus) server group

Our system shows that one or more nodes in the server group might be constrained because they are approaching limits for the currently provisioned storage values. This might result in degraded performance or in the server being moved to read-only mode. To ensure continued performance, we recommend increasing the provisioned disk space.

Learn more about Hyperscale (Citus) server group - MarlinStorageLimitRecommendation (Increase the storage limit for Hyperscale (Citus) server group).

Migrate your database from SSPG to FSPG

Consider our new offering, Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server, which provides richer capabilities such as zone resilient HA, predictable performance, maximum control, custom maintenance window, cost optimization controls, and simplified developer experience.

Learn more about Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server - OrcasPostgreSqlMeruMigration (Migrate your database from SSPG to FSPG).

Improve your Cache and application performance when running with high network bandwidth

Cache instances perform best when not running under high network bandwidth that might cause unresponsiveness, data loss, or unavailability. Apply best practices to reduce network bandwidth or scale to a different size or SKU with more capacity.

Learn more about Redis Cache Server - RedisCacheNetworkBandwidth (Improve your Cache and application performance when running with high network bandwidth).

Improve your Cache and application performance when running with many connected clients

Cache instances perform best when not running under high network bandwidth that might cause unresponsiveness, data loss, or unavailability. Apply best practices to reduce the server load or scale to a different size or SKU with more capacity.

Learn more about Redis Cache Server - RedisCacheConnectedClients (Improve your Cache and application performance when running with many connected clients).

Improve your Cache and application performance when running with many connected clients

Cache instances perform best when not running under high network bandwidth that might cause unresponsiveness, data loss, or unavailability. Apply best practices to reduce the server load or scale to a different size or SKU with more capacity.

Learn more about Redis Cache Server - RedisCacheConnectedClientsHigh (Improve your Cache and application performance when running with many connected clients).

Improve your Cache and application performance when running with high server load

Cache instances perform best when not running under high network bandwidth that might cause unresponsiveness, data loss, or unavailability. Apply best practices to reduce the server load or scale to a different size or SKU with more capacity.

Learn more about Redis Cache Server - RedisCacheServerLoad (Improve your Cache and application performance when running with high server load).

Improve your Cache and application performance when running with high server load

Cache instances perform best when not running under high network bandwidth that might cause unresponsiveness, data loss, or unavailability. Apply best practices to reduce the server load or scale to a different size or SKU with more capacity.

Learn more about Redis Cache Server - RedisCacheServerLoadHigh (Improve your Cache and application performance when running with high server load).

Improve your Cache and application performance when running with high memory pressure

Cache instances perform best when not running under high network bandwidth that might cause unresponsiveness, data loss, or unavailability. Apply best practices to reduce used memory or scale to a different size or SKU with more capacity.

Learn more about Redis Cache Server - RedisCacheUsedMemory (Improve your Cache and application performance when running with high memory pressure).

Improve your Cache and application performance when memory rss usage is high.

Cache instances perform best when not running under high network bandwidth that might cause unresponsiveness, data loss, or unavailability. Apply best practices to reduce used memory or scale to a different size or SKU with more capacity.

Learn more about Redis Cache Server - RedisCacheUsedMemoryRSS (Improve your Cache and application performance when memory rss usage is high.).

Cache instances perform best when the host machines where client application runs is able to keep up with responses from the cache

Cache instances perform best when the host machines where the client application runs, is able to keep up with responses from the cache. If client host machine is running hot on memory, CPU, or network bandwidth, the cache responses don't reach your application fast enough and can result in higher latency.

Learn more about Redis Cache Server - UnresponsiveClient (Cache instances perform best when the host machines where client application runs is able to keep up with responses from the cache.).


Update to the latest AMS API Version

We have identified calls to an Azure Media Services (AMS) API version that is not recommended. We recommend switching to the latest AMS API version to ensure uninterrupted access to AMS, latest features, and performance improvements.

Learn more about Monitor - UpdateToLatestAMSApiVersion (Update to the latest AMS API Version).

Upgrade to the latest Workloads SDK version

Upgrade to the latest Workloads SDK version to get the best results in terms of model quality, performance and service availability.

Learn more about Monitor - UpgradeToLatestAMSSdkVersion (Upgrade to the latest Workloads SDK version).


Upgrade your API Management resource to an alternative version

Your subscription is running on versions that have been scheduled for deprecation. On 30 September 2023, all API versions for the Azure API Management service prior to 2021-08-01 retire and API calls fail. Upgrade to newer version to prevent disruption to your services.

Learn more about Api Management - apimgmtdeprecation (Upgrade your API Management resource to an alternative version).


Azure Communication Services Chat SDK can be used to add rich, real-time chat to your applications. Update to the recommended version of Chat SDK to ensure the latest fixes and features.

Learn more about Communication service - UpgradeChatSdk (Use recommended version of Chat SDK).

Resource Manager SDK can be used to create and manage Azure Communication Services resources. Update to the recommended version of Resource Manager SDK to ensure the latest fixes and features.

Learn more about Communication service - UpgradeResourceManagerSdk (Use recommended version of Resource Manager SDK).

Azure Communication Services Identity SDK can be used to manage identities, users, and access tokens. Update to the recommended version of Identity SDK to ensure the latest fixes and features.

Learn more about Communication service - UpgradeIdentitySdk (Use recommended version of Identity SDK).

Azure Communication Services SMS SDK can be used to send and receive SMS messages. Update to the recommended version of SMS SDK to ensure the latest fixes and features.

Learn more about Communication service - UpgradeSmsSdk (Use recommended version of SMS SDK).

Azure Communication Services Phone Numbers SDK can be used to acquire and manage phone numbers. Update to the recommended version of Phone Numbers SDK to ensure the latest fixes and features.

Learn more about Communication service - UpgradePhoneNumbersSdk (Use recommended version of Phone Numbers SDK).

Azure Communication Services Calling SDK can be used to enable voice, video, screen-sharing, and other real-time communication. Update to the recommended version of Calling SDK to ensure the latest fixes and features.

Learn more about Communication service - UpgradeCallingSdk (Use recommended version of Calling SDK).

Azure Communication Services Call Automation SDK can be used to make and manage calls, play audio, and configure recording. Update to the recommended version of Call Automation SDK to ensure the latest fixes and features.

Learn more about Communication service - UpgradeServerCallingSdk (Use recommended version of Call Automation SDK).

Azure Communication Services Network Traversal SDK can be used to access TURN servers for low-level data transport. Update to the recommended version of Network Traversal SDK to ensure the latest fixes and features.

Learn more about Communication service - UpgradeTurnSdk (Use recommended version of Network Traversal SDK).

Azure Communication Services Rooms SDK can be used to control who can join a call, when they can meet, and how they can collaborate. Update to the recommended version of Rooms SDK to ensure the latest fixes and features. A non-recommended version was detected in the last 48-60 hours.

Learn more about Communication service - UpgradeRoomsSdk (Use recommended version of Rooms SDK).


Upgrade SDK version recommendation

The latest version of Azure Front Door Standard and Premium Client Library or SDK contains fixes to issues reported by customers and proactively identified through our QA process. The latest version also carries reliability and performance optimization in addition to new features that can improve your overall experience using Azure Front Door Standard and Premium.

Learn more about Front Door Profile - UpgradeCDNToLatestSDKLanguage (Upgrade SDK version recommendation).

Upgrade SDK version recommendation

The latest version of Azure Traffic Collector SDK contains fixes to issues proactively identified through our QA process, supports the latest resource model & has reliability and performance optimization that can improve your overall experience of using ATC.

Learn more about Azure Traffic Collector - UpgradeATCToLatestSDKLanguage (Upgrade SDK version recommendation).

Upgrade your ExpressRoute circuit bandwidth to accommodate your bandwidth needs

You have been using over 90% of your procured circuit bandwidth recently. If you exceed your allocated bandwidth, you experience an increase in dropped packets sent over ExpressRoute. Upgrade your circuit bandwidth to maintain performance if your bandwidth needs remain this high.

Learn more about ExpressRoute circuit - UpgradeERCircuitBandwidth (Upgrade your ExpressRoute circuit bandwidth to accommodate your bandwidth needs).

Experience more predictable, consistent latency with a private connection to Azure

Improve the performance, privacy, and reliability of your business-critical apps by extending your on-premises networks to Azure with Azure ExpressRoute. Establish private ExpressRoute connections directly from your WAN, through a cloud exchange facility, or through POP and IPVPN connections.

Learn more about Subscription - AzureExpressRoute (Experience more predictable, consistent latency with a private connection to Azure).

Upgrade Workloads API to the latest version (Azure Center for SAP solutions API)

We have identified calls to an outdated Workloads API version for resources under this resource group. We recommend switching to the latest Workloads API version to ensure uninterrupted access to latest features and performance improvements in Azure Center for SAP solutions. If there are multiple Virtual Instances for SAP solutions (VIS) shown in the recommendation, ensure you update the API version for all VIS resources.

Learn more about Subscription - UpdateToLatestWaasApiVersionAtSub (Upgrade Workloads API to the latest version (Azure Center for SAP solutions API)).

Upgrade Workloads SDK to the latest version (Azure Center for SAP solutions SDK)

We have identified calls to an outdated Workloads SDK version from resources in this Resource Group. Upgrade to the latest Workloads SDK version to get the latest features and the best results in terms of model quality, performance and service availability for Azure Center for SAP solutions. If there are multiple Virtual Instances for SAP solutions (VIS) shown in the recommendation, ensure you update the SDK version for all VIS resources.

Learn more about Subscription - UpgradeToLatestWaasSdkVersionAtSub (Upgrade Workloads SDK to the latest version (Azure Center for SAP solutions SDK)).

Configure DNS Time to Live to 60 seconds

Time to Live (TTL) affects how recent the response a client gets when it makes a request to Azure Traffic Manager. Reducing the TTL value means that the client is routed to a functioning endpoint more quickly, in the case of a failover. Configure your TTL to 60 seconds to route traffic to a health endpoint as quickly as possible.

Learn more about Traffic Manager profile - ProfileTTL (Configure DNS Time to Live to 60 seconds).

Configure DNS Time to Live to 20 seconds

Time to Live (TTL) affects how recent the response a client gets when it makes a request to Azure Traffic Manager. Reducing the TTL value means that the client is routed to a functioning endpoint more quickly, in the case of a failover. Configure your TTL to 20 seconds to route traffic to a health endpoint as quickly as possible.

Learn more about Traffic Manager profile - FastFailOverTTL (Configure DNS Time to Live to 20 seconds).

Configure DNS Time to Live to 60 seconds

Time to Live (TTL) affects how recent the response a client gets when it makes a request to Azure Traffic Manager. Reducing the TTL value means that the client is routed to a functioning endpoint more quickly, in the case of a failover. Configure your TTL to 60 seconds to route traffic to a health endpoint as quickly as possible.

Learn more about Traffic Manager profile - ProfileTTL (Configure DNS Time to Live to 60 seconds).

Consider increasing the size of your virtual network Gateway SKU to address consistently high CPU use

Under high traffic load, the VPN gateway might drop packets due to high CPU.

Learn more about Virtual network gateway - HighCPUVNetGateway (Consider increasing the size of your virtual network (VNet) Gateway SKU to address consistently high CPU use).

Consider increasing the size of your virtual network Gateway SKU to address high P2S use

Each gateway SKU can only support a specified count of concurrent P2S connections. Your connection count is close to your gateway limit, so more connection attempts might fail.

Learn more about Virtual network gateway - HighP2SConnectionsVNetGateway (Consider increasing the size of your VNet Gateway SKU to address high P2S use).

Make sure you have enough instances in your Application Gateway to support your traffic

Your Application Gateway has been running on high utilization recently and under heavy load you might experience traffic loss or increase in latency. It is important that you scale your Application Gateway accordingly and add a buffer so that you're prepared for any traffic surges or spikes and minimize the effect that it might have in your QoS. Application Gateway v1 SKU (Standard/WAF) supports manual scaling and v2 SKU (Standard_v2/WAF_v2) supports manual and autoscaling. With manual scaling, increase your instance count. If autoscaling is enabled, make sure your maximum instance count is set to a higher value so Application Gateway can scale out as the traffic increases.

Learn more about Application gateway - HotAppGateway (Make sure you have enough instances in your Application Gateway to support your traffic).

Use HEAD health probes

Health probes can use either the GET or HEAD HTTP method. It’s a good practice to use the HEAD method for health probes, which reduces the amount of traffic load on your origins.

Learn more about Front Door - Use HEAD health probes.

SAP for Azure

To avoid soft-lockup in Mellanox driver, reduce the can_queue value in the App VM OS in SAP workloads

To avoid sporadic soft-lockup in Mellanox driver, reduce the can_queue value in the OS. The value cannot be set directly. Add the following kernel boot line options to achieve the same effect:'hv_storvsc.storvsc_ringbuffer_size=131072 hv_storvsc.storvsc_vcpus_per_sub_channel=1024'

Learn more about App Server Instance - AppSoftLockup (To avoid soft-lockup in Mellanox driver, reduce the can_queue value in the App VM OS in SAP workloads).

To avoid soft-lockup in Mellanox driver, reduce the can_queue value in the ASCS VM OS in SAP workloads

To avoid sporadic soft-lockup in Mellanox driver, reduce the can_queue value in the OS. The value cannot be set directly. Add the following kernel boot line options to achieve the same effect:'hv_storvsc.storvsc_ringbuffer_size=131072 hv_storvsc.storvsc_vcpus_per_sub_channel=1024'

Learn more about Central Server Instance - AscsoftLockup (To avoid soft-lockup in Mellanox driver, reduce the can_queue value in the ASCS VM OS in SAP workloads).

To avoid soft-lockup in Mellanox driver, reduce the can_queue value in the DB VM OS in SAP workloads

To avoid sporadic soft-lockup in Mellanox driver, reduce the can_queue value in the OS. The value cannot be set directly. Add the following kernel boot line options to achieve the same effect:'hv_storvsc.storvsc_ringbuffer_size=131072 hv_storvsc.storvsc_vcpus_per_sub_channel=1024'

Learn more about Database Instance - DBSoftLockup (To avoid soft-lockup in Mellanox driver, reduce the can_queue value in the DB VM OS in SAP workloads).

For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, optimize tcp_wmem OS parameter

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_wmem specifies minimum, default, and maximum send buffer sizes that are used for a TCP socket. Set the parameter as per SAP note: 302436 to certify HANA DB to run with ANF and improve file system performance. The maximum value must not exceed net.core.wmem_max parameter.

Learn more about Database Instance - WriteBuffersAllocated (For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, optimize tcp_wmem OS parameter).

For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, optimize tcp_rmem OS parameter

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_rmem specifies minimum, default, and maximum receive buffer sizes used for a TCP socket. Set the parameter as per SAP note 3024346 to certify HANA DB to run with ANF and improve file system performance. The maximum value must not exceed net.core.rmem_max parameter.

Learn more about Database Instance - OptimiseReadTcp (For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, optimize tcp_rmem OS parameter).

For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, optimize wmem_max OS parameter

In HANA DB with ANF storage type, the maximum write socket buffer, defined by the parameter net.core.wmem_max must be set large enough to handle outgoing network packets. The net.core.wmem_max configuration certifies HANA DB to run with ANF and improves file system performance. See SAP note: 3024346.

Learn more about Database Instance - MaxWriteBuffer (For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, optimize wmem_max OS parameter).

For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, optimize tcp_rmem OS parameter

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_rmem specifies minimum, default, and maximum receive buffer sizes used for a TCP socket. Set the parameter as per SAP note 3024346 to certify HANA DB to run with ANF and improve file system performance. The maximum value must not exceed net.core.rmem_max parameter.

Learn more about Database Instance - OptimizeReadTcp (For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, optimize tcp_rmem OS parameter).

For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, optimize rmem_max OS parameter

In HANA DB with ANF storage type, the maximum read socket buffer, defined by the parameter, net.core.rmem_max must be set large enough to handle incoming network packets. The net.core.rmem_max configuration certifies HANA DB to run with ANF and improves file system performance. See SAP note: 3024346.

Learn more about Database Instance - MaxReadBuffer (For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, optimize rmem_max OS parameter).

For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, set receiver backlog queue size to 300000

The parameter net.core.netdev_max_backlog specifies the size of the receiver backlog queue, used if a network interface receives packets faster than the kernel can process. Set the parameter as per SAP note: 3024346. The net.core.netdev_max_backlog configuration certifies HANA DB to run with ANF and improves file system performance.

Learn more about Database Instance - BacklogQueueSize (For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, set receiver backlog queue size to 300000).

To improve file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, enable the TCP window scaling OS parameter

Enable the TCP window scaling parameter as per SAP note: 302436. The TCP window scaling configuration certifies HANA DB to run with ANF and improves file system performance in HANA DB with ANF in SAP workloads.

Learn more about Database Instance - EnableTCPWindowScaling (To improve file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, enable the TCP window scaling OS parameter ).

For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, disable IPv6 protocol in OS

Disable IPv6 as per recommendation for SAP on Azure for HANA DB with ANF to improve file system performance.

Learn more about Database Instance - DisableIPv6Protocol (For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, disable IPv6 protocol in OS).

To improve file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, disable parameter for slow start after idle

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_slow_start_after_idle disables the need to scale-up incrementally the TCP window size for TCP connections that were idle for some time. By setting this parameter to zero as per SAP note: 302436, the maximum speed is used from beginning for previously idle TCP connections.

Learn more about Database Instance - ParameterSlowStart (To improve file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, disable parameter for slow start after idle).

For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF optimize tcp_max_syn_backlog OS parameter

To prevent the kernel from using SYN cookies in a situation where lots of connection requests are sent in a short timeframe and to prevent a warning about a potential SYN flooding attack in the system log, the size of the SYN backlog must be set to a reasonably high value. See SAP note 2382421.

Learn more about Database Instance - TCPMaxSynBacklog (For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF optimize tcp_max_syn_backlog OS parameter).

For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, enable the tcp_sack OS parameter

Enable the tcp_sack parameter as per SAP note: 302436. The tcp_sack configuration certifies HANA DB to run with ANF and improves file system performance in HANA DB with ANF in SAP workloads.

Learn more about Database Instance - TCPSackParameter (For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, enable the tcp_sack OS parameter).

In high-availability scenario for HANA DB with ANF, disable the tcp_timestamps OS parameter

Disable the tcp_timestamps parameter as per SAP note: 302436. The tcp_timestamps configuration certifies HANA DB to run with ANF and improves file system performance in high-availability scenarios for HANA DB with ANF in SAP workloads

Learn more about Database Instance - DisableTCPTimestamps (In high-availability scenario for HANA DB with ANF, disable the tcp_timestamps OS parameter).

For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, enable the tcp_timestamps OS parameter

Enable the tcp_timestamps parameter as per SAP note: 302436. The tcp_timestamps configuration certifies HANA DB to run with ANF and improves file system performance in HANA DB with ANF in SAP workloads.

Learn more about Database Instance - EnableTCPTimestamps (For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, enable the tcp_timestamps OS parameter).

To improve file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, enable auto-tuning TCP receive buffer size

The parameter net.ipv4.tcp_moderate_rcvbuf enables TCP to perform buffer auto-tuning, to automatically size the buffer (no greater than tcp_rmem to match the size required by the path for full throughput. Enable this parameter as per SAP note: 302436 for improved file system performance.

Learn more about Database Instance - EnableAutoTuning (To improve file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, enable auto-tuning TCP receive buffer size).

For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, optimize net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range

As HANA uses a considerable number of connections for the internal communication, it makes sense to have as many client ports available as possible for this purpose. Set the OS parameter, net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range parameter as per SAP note 2382421 to ensure optimal internal HANA communication.

Learn more about Database Instance - IPV4LocalPortRange (For improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, optimize net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range).

To improve file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, optimize sunrpc.tcp_slot_table_entries

Set the parameter sunrpc.tcp_slot_table_entries to 128 as per recommendation for improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF in SAP workloads.

Learn more about Database Instance - TCPSlotTableEntries (To improve file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, optimize sunrpc.tcp_slot_table_entries).

All disks in LVM for /hana/data volume must be of the same type to ensure high performance in HANA DB

If multiple disk types are selected in the /hana/data volume, performance of HANA DB in SAP workloads might get restricted. Ensure all HANA Data volume disks are of the same type and are configured as per recommendation for SAP on Azure.

Learn more about Database Instance - HanaDataDiskTypeSame (All disks in LVM for /hana/data volume must be of the same type to ensure high performance in HANA DB).

Stripe size for /hana/data must be 256 kb for improved performance of HANA DB in SAP workloads

If you're using LVM or mdadm to build stripe sets across several Azure premium disks, you need to define stripe sizes. Based on experience with recentLinux versions, Azure recommends using stripe size of 256 kb for /hana/data filesystem for better performance of HANA DB.

Learn more about Database Instance - HanaDataStripeSize (Stripe size for /hana/data must be 256 kb for improved performance of HANA DB in SAP workloads).

To improve file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, optimize the parameter vm.swappiness

Set the OS parameter vm.swappiness to 10 as per recommendation for improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF in SAP workloads.

Learn more about Database Instance - VmSwappiness (To improve file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, optimize the parameter vm.swappiness).

To improve file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, disable net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter

Disable the reverse path filter linux OS parameter, net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter as per recommendation for improved file system performance in HANA DB with ANF in SAP workloads.

Learn more about Database Instance - DisableIPV4Conf (To improve file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, disable net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter).

If using Ultradisk, the IOPS for /hana/data volume must be >=7000 for better HANA DB performance

IOPS of at least 7000 in /hana/data volume is recommended for SAP workloads when using Ultradisk. Select the disk type for /hana/data volume as per this requirement to ensure high performance of the DB.

Learn more about Database Instance - HanaDataIOPS (If using Ultradisk, the IOPS for /hana/data volume must be >=7000 for better HANA DB performance).

To improve file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, change parameter tcp_max_slot_table_entries

Set the OS parameter tcp_max_slot_table_entries to 128 as per SAP note: 302436 for improved file transfer performance in HANA DB with ANF in SAP workloads.

Learn more about Database Instance - OptimizeTCPMaxSlotTableEntries (To improve file system performance in HANA DB with ANF, change parameter tcp_max_slot_table_entries).

Ensure the read performance of /hana/data volume is >=400 MB/sec for better performance in HANA DB

Read activity of at least 400 MB/sec for /hana/data for 16 MB and 64 MB I/O sizes is recommended for SAP workloads on Azure. Select the disk type for /hana/data as per this requirement to ensure high performance of the DB and to meet minimum storage requirements for SAP HANA.

Learn more about Database Instance - HanaDataVolumePerformance (Ensure the read performance of /hana/data volume is >=400 MB/sec for better performance in HANA DB).

Read/write performance of /hana/log volume must be >=250 MB/sec for better performance in HANA DB

Read/Write activity of at least 250 MB/sec for /hana/log for 1 MB I/O size is recommended for SAP workloads on Azure. Select the disk type for /hana/log volume as per this requirement to ensure high performance of the DB and to meet minimum storage requirements for SAP HANA.

Learn more about Database Instance - HanaLogReadWriteVolume (Read/write performance of /hana/log volume must be >=250 MB/sec for better performance in HANA DB).

If using Ultradisk, the IOPS for /hana/log volume must be >=2000 for better performance in HANA DB

IOPS of at least 2000 in /hana/log volume is recommended for SAP workloads when using Ultradisk. Select the disk type for /hana/log volume as per this requirement to ensure high performance of the DB.

Learn more about Database Instance - HanaLogIOPS (If using Ultradisk, the IOPS for /hana/log volume must be >=2000 for better performance in HANA DB).

All disks in LVM for /hana/log volume must be of the same type to ensure high performance in HANA DB

If multiple disk types are selected in the /hana/log volume, performance of HANA DB in SAP workloads might get restricted. Ensure all HANA Data volume disks are of the same type and are configured as per recommendation for SAP on Azure.

Learn more about Database Instance - HanaDiskLogVolumeSameType (All disks in LVM for /hana/log volume must be of the same type to ensure high performance in HANA DB).

Enable Write Accelerator on /hana/log volume with Premium disk for improved write latency in HANA DB

Azure Write Accelerator is a functionality for Azure M-Series VMs. It improves I/O latency of writes against the Azure premium storage. For SAP HANA, Write Accelerator is to be used against the /hana/log volume only.

Learn more about Database Instance - WriteAcceleratorEnabled (Enable Write Accelerator on /hana/log volume with Premium disk for improved write latency in HANA DB).

Stripe size for /hana/log must be 64 kb for improved performance of HANA DB in SAP workloads

If you're using LVM or mdadm to build stripe sets across several Azure premium disks, you need to define stripe sizes. To get enough throughput with larger I/O sizes, Azure recommends using stripe size of 64 kb for /hana/log filesystem for better performance of HANA DB.

Learn more about Database Instance - HanaLogStripeSize (Stripe size for /hana/log must be 64 kb for improved performance of HANA DB in SAP workloads).


Update Attestation API Version

We have identified API calls from outdated an Attestation API for resources under this subscription. We recommend switching to the latest Attestation API versions. You need to update your existing code to use the latest API version. Using the latest API version ensures you receive the latest features and performance improvements.

Learn more about Attestation provider - UpgradeAttestationAPI (Update Attestation API Version).

Update Key Vault SDK Version

New Key Vault Client Libraries are split to keys, secrets, and certificates SDKs, which are integrated with recommended Azure Identity library to provide seamless authentication to Key Vault across all languages and environments. It also contains several performance fixes to issues reported by customers and proactively identified through our QA process. If Key Vault is integrated with Azure Storage, Disk or other Azure services that can use old Key Vault SDK and when all your current custom applications are using .NET SDK 4.0 or above, dismiss the recommendation.

Learn more about Key vault - UpgradeKeyVaultSDK (Update Key Vault SDK Version).

Update Key Vault SDK Version

New Key Vault Client Libraries are split to keys, secrets, and certificates SDKs, which are integrated with recommended Azure Identity library to provide seamless authentication to Key Vault across all languages and environments. It also contains several performance fixes to issues reported by customers and proactively identified through our QA process.


Be aware that you can only remediate recommendation for custom applications you have access to. Recommendations can be shown due to integration with other Azure services like Storage, Disk encryption, which are in process to update to new version of our SDK. If you use .NET 4.0 in all your applications, dismiss the recommendation.

Learn more about Managed HSM Service - UpgradeKeyVaultMHSMSDK (Update Key Vault SDK Version).


Use "Put Blob" for blobs smaller than 256 MB

When writing a block blob that is 256 MB or less (64 MB for requests using REST versions before 2016-05-31), you can upload it in its entirety with a single write operation using "Put Blob". Based on your aggregated metrics, we believe your storage account's write operations can be optimized.

Learn more about Storage Account - StorageCallPutBlob (Use ""Put Blob"" for blobs smaller than 256 MB).

Increase provisioned size of premium file share to avoid throttling of requests

Your requests for premium file share are throttled as the I/O operations per second (IOPS) or throughput limits for the file share have reached. To protect your requests from being throttled, increase the size of the premium file share.

Learn more about Storage Account - AzureStorageAdvisorAvoidThrottlingPremiumFiles (Increase provisioned size of premium file share to avoid throttling of requests).

Create statistics on table columns

We have detected that you're missing table statistics that might be impacting query performance. The query optimizer uses statistics to estimate the cardinality or number of rows in the query result which enables the query optimizer to create a high quality query plan.

Learn more about SQL data warehouse - CreateTableStatisticsSqlDW (Create statistics on table columns).

Remove data skew to increase query performance

We have detected distribution data skew greater than 15%, which can cause costly performance bottlenecks.

Learn more about SQL data warehouse - DataSkewSqlDW (Remove data skew to increase query performance).

Update statistics on table columns

We have detected that you don't have up-to-date table statistics, which might be impacting query performance. The query optimizer uses up-to-date statistics to estimate the cardinality or number of rows in the query result that enables the query optimizer to create a high quality query plan.

Learn more about SQL data warehouse - UpdateTableStatisticsSqlDW (Update statistics on table columns).

Scale up to optimize cache utilization with SQL Data Warehouse

We have detected that you had high cache used percentage with low hit percentage, indicating a high cache eviction rate that can affect the performance of your workload.

Learn more about SQL data warehouse - SqlDwIncreaseCacheCapacity (Scale up to optimize cache utilization with SQL Data Warehouse).

Scale up or update resource class to reduce tempdb contention with SQL Data Warehouse

We have detected that you had high tempdb utilization that can affect the performance of your workload.

Learn more about SQL data warehouse - SqlDwReduceTempdbContention (Scale up or update resource class to reduce tempdb contention with SQL Data Warehouse).

Convert tables to replicated tables with SQL Data Warehouse

We have detected that you might benefit from using replicated tables. Replicated tables avoid costly data movement operations and significantly increase the performance of your workload.

Learn more about SQL data warehouse - SqlDwReplicateTable (Convert tables to replicated tables with SQL Data Warehouse).

Split staged files in the storage account to increase load performance

We have detected that you can increase load throughput by splitting your compressed files that are staged in your storage account. A good rule of thumb is to split compressed files into 60 or more to maximize the parallelism of your load.

Learn more about SQL data warehouse - FileSplittingGuidance (Split staged files in the storage account to increase load performance).

Increase batch size when loading to maximize load throughput, data compression, and query performance

We have detected that you can increase load performance and throughput by increasing the batch size when loading into your database. Consider using the COPY statement. If you're unable to use the COPY statement, consider increasing the batch size when using loading utilities such as the SQLBulkCopy API or BCP - a good rule of thumb is a batch size between 100K to 1M rows.

Learn more about SQL data warehouse - LoadBatchSizeGuidance (Increase batch size when loading to maximize load throughput, data compression, and query performance).

Co-locate the storage account within the same region to minimize latency when loading

We have detected that you're loading from a region that is different from your SQL pool. Consider loading from a storage account that is within the same region as your SQL pool to minimize latency when loading data.

Learn more about SQL data warehouse - ColocateStorageAccount (Co-locate the storage account within the same region to minimize latency when loading).

Upgrade your Storage Client Library to the latest version for better reliability and performance

The latest version of Storage Client Library/ SDK contains fixes to issues reported by customers and proactively identified through our QA process. The latest version also carries reliability and performance optimization in addition to new features that can improve your overall experience using Azure Storage.

Learn more about Storage Account - UpdateStorageSDK (Upgrade your Storage Client Library to the latest version for better reliability and performance).

Upgrade your Storage Client Library to the latest version for better reliability and performance

The latest version of Storage Client Library/ SDK contains fixes to issues reported by customers and proactively identified through our QA process. The latest version also carries reliability and performance optimization in addition to new features that can improve your overall experience using Azure Storage.

Learn more about Storage Account - UpdateStorageDataMovementSDK (Upgrade your Storage Client Library to the latest version for better reliability and performance).

Upgrade to Standard SSD Disks for consistent and improved performance

Because you're running IaaS virtual machine workloads on Standard HDD managed disks, be aware that a Standard SSD disk option is now available for all Azure VM types. Standard SSD disks are a cost-effective storage option optimized for enterprise workloads that need consistent performance. Upgrade your disk configuration today for improved latency, reliability, and availability. Upgrading requires a VM reboot, which takes three to five minutes.

Learn more about Storage Account - StandardSSDForNonPremVM (Upgrade to Standard SSD Disks for consistent and improved performance).

Use premium performance block blob storage

One or more of your storage accounts has a high transaction rate per GB of block blob data stored. Use premium performance block blob storage instead of standard performance storage for your workloads that require fast storage response times and/or high transaction rates and potentially save on storage costs.

Learn more about Storage Account - PremiumBlobStorageAccount (Use premium performance block blob storage).

Convert Unmanaged Disks from Standard HDD to Premium SSD for performance

We have noticed your Unmanaged HDD Disk is approaching performance targets. Azure premium SSDs deliver high-performance and low-latency disk support for virtual machines with IO-intensive workloads. Give your disk performance a boost by upgrading your Standard HDD disk to Premium SSD disk. Upgrading requires a VM reboot, which takes three to five minutes.

Learn more about Storage Account - UMDHDDtoPremiumForPerformance (Convert Unmanaged Disks from Standard HDD to Premium SSD for performance).

Distribute data in server group to distribute workload among nodes

It looks like the data is not distributed in this server group but stays on the coordinator. For full Hyperscale (Citus) benefits, distribute data on worker nodes in the server group.

Learn more about Hyperscale (Citus) server group - OrcasPostgreSqlCitusDistributeData (Distribute data in server group to distribute workload among nodes).

Rebalance data in Hyperscale (Citus) server group to distribute workload among worker nodes more evenly

It looks like the data is not well balanced between worker nodes in this Hyperscale (Citus) server group. In order to use each worker node of the Hyperscale (Citus) server group effectively rebalance data in the server group.

Learn more about Hyperscale (Citus) server group - OrcasPostgreSqlCitusRebalanceData (Rebalance data in Hyperscale (Citus) server group to distribute workload among worker nodes more evenly).

Virtual desktop infrastructure

Improve user experience and connectivity by deploying VMs closer to user’s location

We have determined that your VMs are located in a region different or far from where your users are connecting with Azure Virtual Desktop, which might lead to prolonged connection response times and affect overall user experience. When you create VMs for your host pools, try to use a region closer to the user. Having close proximity ensures continuing satisfaction with the Azure Virtual Desktop service and a better overall quality of experience.

Learn more about Host Pool - RegionProximityHostPools (Improve user experience and connectivity by deploying VMs closer to user’s location.).

Change the max session limit for your depth first load balanced host pool to improve VM performance

Depth first load balancing uses the max session limit to determine the maximum number of users that can have concurrent sessions on a single session host. If the max session limit is too high, all user sessions are directed to the same session host and this might cause performance and reliability issues. Therefore, when setting a host pool to have depth first load balancing, also set an appropriate max session limit according to the configuration of your deployment and capacity of your VMs. To fix this, open your host pool's properties and change the value next to the "Max session limit" setting.

Learn more about Host Pool - ChangeMaxSessionLimitForDepthFirstHostPool (Change the max session limit for your depth first load balanced host pool to improve VM performance ).


Move your App Service Plan to PremiumV2 for better performance

Your app served more than 1000 requests per day for the past 3 days. Your app might benefit from the higher performance infrastructure available with the Premium V2 App Service tier. The Premium V2 tier features Dv2-series VMs with faster processors, SSD storage, and doubled memory-to-core ratio when compared to the previous instances. Learn more about upgrading to Premium V2 from our documentation.

Learn more about App service - AppServiceMoveToPremiumV2 (Move your App Service Plan to PremiumV2 for better performance).

Check outbound connections from your App Service resource

Your app has opened too many TCP/IP socket connections. Exceeding ephemeral TCP/IP port connection limits can cause unexpected connectivity issues for your apps.

Learn more about App service - AppServiceOutboundConnections (Check outbound connections from your App Service resource).

Next steps

Learn more about Performance Efficiency - Microsoft Azure Well Architected Framework