
Contains the methods for filtering and ordering excluded locations. For information about selectors, see Selectors.

Example usage:

    var shoppingCampaign = AdsApp.shoppingCampaigns().withIds(["123456789"]).get().next();

    var iterator = shoppingCampaign.targeting().excludedLocations()

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        var excludedLocation = iterator.next();


Method Name Return Type Description
get ExcludedLocationIterator Gets an iterator used to iterate through the list of excluded locations.
withLimit(int limit) ExcludedLocationSelector Gets the top n excluded locations that match the selection criteria.


Gets an iterator uses to iterate through the list of excluded locations.


Type Description
ExcludedLocationIterator An iterator used to iterate through the excluded locations.

withLimit(int limit)

Gets the top n excluded locations that match the selection criteria.


Name Type Description
limit int The number of excluded locations to return. The actual number may be less.


Type Description
ExcludedLocationSelector Selector with limit applied.

See also