Thankyou for using Microsoft Q&A platform and thanks for posting your question here.
As I understand your issue, Azure SQL connection failed with the above mentioned error while loading the data from Az SQL server to D365 .
This can be a transient error, kindly try running the pipeline after some time. Also, kindly make sure the following points have been taken care while you are using Redirect connectivity configuration:
- Allow outbound communication from the client to all Azure SQL IP addresses in the region on ports in the range of 11000 to 11999. Use the Service Tags for SQL to make this easier to manage.
- Allow outbound communication from the client to Azure SQL Database gateway IP addresses on port 1433.
- When using the Redirect connection policy, refer to the Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags – Public Cloud for a list of your region's IP addresses to allow.
Hope this will help. Please let us know if any further queries.
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